Friday, February 6, 2015

Creative Writing Workshop

At Creative Writing Workshops, writers play "writing games" to get their creativity flowing and help inspire them to write freely. Our blog this weekend will be a workshop!


1.) Choose the one word that most appeals to you: Alabama, Banister, Carousel, Diesel, Exorcist

2.) Choose another word that appeals to you: Extinction, Garage, Harried, Insensitive, Jambalaya

3.) Choose yet another word that you find appealing: Keepsake, Lamb, Code-Breaker, Nonsense, Constellation

Now, use these three words in a story written in third-person limited point-of-view.  

Start with, "He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel."

Remember, the two-full paragraph minimum rule still applies!

I can't wait to read where your minds take you!


  1. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Except riding a rainbow lamb on a carousel. He felt extremely board. He wanted to leave. He wanted to go to his garage and play Call of Duty. Once the ride was over he threw up on the person controlling the ride. On purpose, for making the ride last forever, and by accident, he got dizzy on the ride.

    Once he got back home he went to his garage. But when he entered he found...a mutant, rainbow pooping, bagel eating, lamb! It ate the bagels he was saving for later, and pooped it out as a rainbow. It could also talk. "My bagel!" he shouted. "Taste the flipping rainbow!" ordered the lamb. He closed the door leaving the lamb in the garage. All you need to know is he had a delicious lamb cobbler for dinner that night.

  2. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. It had been the sixth minute of him trying to explain to his grandmother how to use her new iPhone 6+." NO, you have to touch the screen with your finger, not your nail," Thomas says yet again sighing while his grandmother stared at her phone screen still confused. The thought of her getting a new phone puzzled him still, considering she could barely operate her flip phone. "This is nonsense, Thomas! Why do they make these new phones so complex and confusing?" complained Thomas' grandmother."UGH," Thomas groaned.

    "You know, Thomas, you really have to stop being so insensitive with your grandmother," she lectured. Jeeze, thought Thomas, I'm going to need more mental diesel to deal with her. " Well grandma how ‘bout we make sure you know how to make a call before you leave," suggested Thomas. His grandmother nodded in response. Finally after twenty seven miserable minutes, Thomas managed to get his grandmother to call him on her own. "Wooh! That's a wrap. Never thought that'd be over," Thomas gasped happily and relieved. He was already envisioning taking a nap on his couch once his grandma walked out the front door. "Oh thank you Thomas," she said planting a kiss on his forehead," I'm coming back tomorrow so you can teach me how to text! Tell your mother I said goodbye." She waved and ended with a smile while walking to her car. Thomas groaned even louder while making his way to the couch, looking forward to a deep sleep.

  3. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Everyday in the summer in Alabama was dreadful. 100 degrees and humid, Justin was walking to a friends house. He got to his friend Luke's house five minutes later all sweaty. Luke looks out the window laughing and opens the door for Justin. "It looks like you just got the pool. Want a towel?" Luke says chuckling. "I need water. Its so hot out there." Justin said. Luke being insensitive says,"Do I look like a slave to you? Quit that nonsense and get some water yourself."

    After thirty minutes of talking with Luke, Justin suggested that really should go swimming. So they got their towels and bathing suits and started to walk down to the community pool. They got there about 2 minutes later to find out it was closed! They walked to Luke's house and ate some ice cream. Justin and Luke were relaxing and were watching TV. They got bored and eventually went and started playing with a football. Then, Justin remembered he had to walk home in the heat again. Today was not his day.

  4. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. James was on the carousel with his little sister Nacy. After the ride, he ran to the trash and threw up. From that moment on, he hated spinning rides. But he loved to be in his little office in his garage studying the constellations. He wanted to become an astronomer. But instead he and his family were at Six Flags riding the carousel. He hated amusement parks. They were so loud and noisy with rides that make him sick.

    Soon, while in the car, James was having after affects from the carousel. He was seeing millions of stars when he closed his eyes. To him, it was amazing and he felt like he was flying through outer space. He wanted to stay in space and explore the universe. But his mom shook him because he looked like a was about to pass out. James was super sick.

    Once they got home, James fell asleep faster than a blink. He had dreamed about flying in outer space going to all of the planets. But when he arrived to Mars he saw something life-like there. It was bigger that him. It was darker than him. But he couldn't clearly make out a face. As soon as the face began to clear, James' alarm went off.

    The next morning, he recieved an urgent email from the NASA news. It was about discovering that there might be life on Mars. They had a picture of what it might look like from what they knew. When James opened the picture that was attached to the email, he gasped. It was the alien from his dream.......

    -Eliza A.

  5. Okay so, before I start...
    1) Yes, this is a Minecraft Fanfic, but I chose to change some aspects, like damage that entities do for the characters
    2) Sorry it's kinda short, I'm not the best at third person.
    3) Someone tell me if I should continue this and post it as a first person Minecraft Fanfic on DeviantArt or something.

    The Exorcist

    He felt just like a gerbil, running round and round on his wheel. The first sense of exhilaration, then the boredom, then the pain. Living in this dimension was already weird enough, but the people were... superstitious. His auburn hair blew around him as he lay on top of the netherrack mountain, awaiting another ghast to come. Though not seen on the surface, a huge group of people were below him, scared out of their minds. As an exorcist, his duty was to cast out the evil ghast souls. The ghasts weren't really evil, just in pain, and they deserved for their suffering to come to an end.

    This dimension was much, much different. The heat was incredible, and there wasn't a drop of water in sight. William was still on his back, drinking a potion, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a ghast. William took out his diamond sword- the last in the community, and raised it. His eyes were on fire as with another hand, he pulled back his bow. The arrows seemed to glide into the air as one after another, they brought the being down. Finally, as its soul floated to the ground, William came down to it. He murmured a few passing words, and struck the thing with his sword, and a bright flash filled the air as the soul flew up, free.

    "A day's work done," thought William. He slowly made his way past the redstone mechanisms that slowed down intruders. A girl's voice called out to him, and out came Katrina, William's girlfriend and best friend. Her petite face smiled at him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy. Weeks had passed since he had found her at the bottom of a pit, one heart away from starvation. It had taken a while for the trust to form between them, but when it did, it was for life. William could sense that the rest of the people distrusted him, though they respected his ability to cast out ghasts. Katrina was different. Even now, as she set the communal dining hall, she was the one and only friend of William.

    But, William couldn't blame the people for being worried- some years back, they were close to extinction. They survived, but just barely. They had never truly come back from what had happened. Just then, a loud shout came from the entrance: "It's Luna! She's back!". William's mind raced as he remembered Luna, the strong, curious sister of Katrina that had gone searching for the Nether Portal ages ago. He had thought that she was dead, and to see her meant one thing- She had found the portal.

    Luna was talking in a hurry as she explained what she had found, the legendary portal that could take all of them back to the Overworld. William was excited, but scared. What if something happened to Katrina? Was this for real? Only a few days later, everyone was packed and ready to go. The journey wasn't far, especially since William had the powers to speed up the process. Though the journey, he wondered how the Overworld would be, after so long.

    Soon enough, Luna had led them to an obsidian portal. It swirled with purple mist, with no promise of safety. His heart raced, and his palms were even sweatier than usual. If he waited any longer, he would chicken out, so all at once, William grabbed Katrina's hand and jumped in.


    1. PART TWO! This part is shorter.

      In what felt like eternity, a bright world spawned in. There were a couple of cows, and multiple flowers. Even a few villager houses were nearby. The grass was green, the water blue- no harsh reds or yellows in sight. The one last bed that he had kept as a keepsake rested in his inventory, as there was no use for it in the Nether. Except, of course, for a cruel troll. The blocks of dirt piled up into a small pillar, hopefully where Katrina would sleep, in safety. “Where are the others going to sleep?” he thought, but soon that was out of his mind. This beautiful world was where perhaps, he could live and peace, and live his life happily ever after. As the sun set over a perfect day, the night rose up, with it sparkling constellations that held everyone in awe. For a few minutes, all was silent, everyone marveling at the beauty of the stars.

      Then, a whoosh came from nowhere, and a young man fell over, dead. Another, and the man’s son fell, clutching his stomach in agony.

      “The monsters! Everyone RUN!! Go to the village as fast as you can, and use anything you can to protect yourself!” William screamed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Luna get trampled by a hoard of zombies, and he had to pull Katrina away. “No saving her- we’ve got to get to safety!” he yelled. The duo ran as fast as they could, hunger bars depleting. But a tall, purple man lay in the way. The man’s aura was purple, and it was powerful, more so than a ghast. It looked straight at him, and it shook violently. Instantly, William’s eyes grew into a blaze, the magic that saved his brethren multiple times in the past becoming stronger and brighter. All the power contained in this one being exploded, murdering the monsters around them and spilling a dark blood onto the grass. A single pearl remained.

      The fight wasn’t over yet. More beasts spawned in, and the pair had to shake off the shock and run. The village came closer and closer, until he crashed into a door, and yanked Katrina in, following up with a netherrack barring. Nobody else had survived.

      Lost in a world that neither of them remembered, William found a spare bed and plopped it down by his old one. Today had been terrifying, and tomorrow, they would have to collect the bodies, including Luna, Katrina’s last living relative.

      Yet in his heart, he knew that he would still be able to create the picture perfect life William had planned from day one. It wouldn’t be easy, and the road was rough. But as he wrapped up Katrina’s leg, he knew that he would stop at nothing to make it happen. More questions lay ahead- They just had to find the answers.


      Okie, thanks for reading, I <3 narratives (please, please do more!), so have a great weekend!

      Sriha S. =^.^=

    2. They're my favorite, too! Reading your creative work is my favorite part of teaching English. :)

  6. It wasn't until a few years ago when Tom got sent to jail. He waited day planning his escape day after day. He devised a plan, a one man mission to escaped the Alabama county jail. Tom started getting pieces and pieces of his plan to escape. Tom finally managed to get what he needed and would soon escape. He had taken a guard uniform and stole a mans keycard to walk out. Tom hadn't realized how better the world was in a jail until he found out, humans were under extinction.

    Tom had spent years in jail and many more because of failed escapes. After Tom left the jail, he was on the lamb. He noticed the cities have became poor and hungry. Tom soon wished he was back in jail, but was lucky to be out. Tom walks into a bar to see very few people, mainly drunk. Tom asks the bar tender what had happened to earth in the past years. The bar tender explains how no so long ago, our world had become polluted and could not be undone. Our air had been filled with smog and our waters filled with trash. Tom had to walk for miles and miles to lose sign of police chasing him. Tom had to start a new life and a better one for that matter. Tom had soon realized there was no escape leaving this cruel and horrible world.


    ~ Ian B.

  7. MLG Newb Slayer 360 No-ScopeFebruary 8, 2015 at 12:34 PM

    He felt like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. He was stuck in the Alabama jail because of one accident in his life. He didn't feel like he belonged in school and just couldn't fit in like the other kids. Irwin dropped out, ran away from home and joined a gang. They were insensitive dropouts like him and they vandalized everything. They even snuck inside a museum and broke every sculpture and painting in there. He was caught selling drugs. The cops pretended to be a normal drug dealer and arrested him right then and there. Irwin sat on the old metal toilet and thought to himself, "can I ever get my life back together?"

    In Jail he always did his work and had a good behavior. They let him out 10 years earlier and Irwin was finally able to go home. He thought to himself, "Is it too late to go to school?" He was 20 and left school when he was a freshman. He knew that it was better to be smart and have a new good life even if he's old. Irwin went to school and graduated college. Something he never thought he could was finally accomplished.

    [Adrian J.]

  8. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around his wheel. The days in Alabama became hotter and hotter. Thomas, a soccer player was off to practice ever Tuesday and Thursday and games on Saturday. At every practice, his team and him had to run a mile. One day as he ran the mile, he saw a lamb, not just any lamb, but a purple lamb with a pink tail. It really caught Thomas's attention. He decided to take it home.

    When Thomas got home, he snuck the lamb into the garage. He hurried into his house to get some food for the lamb. Thomas was never lucky to have his own pet so he thought that having this lamb he could finally call it his. Since Thomas was home alone a lot it didn't really matter about keeping the lamb in his garage. Until one day his mom came into the garage. "THOMAS!" she yelled in shock. "Yes mum?" asked Thomas in a nervous voice. Thomas's mom put an end to the situation by saying that he can no longer keep the lamb. Sadly, Thomas had to let go of the lamb he grew close to.

  9. He felt like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. He was stuck in his boring house with his mean step dad and his annoying step sister. He's been in this mess for 5 years, ever since his mother died. His life was miserable, not even able to leave. His name was Zak, a junior in high school. Zak never loved his school, never liked his teachers and his life. He kept thinking about his mother's death, she's driving home with his drunk step dad. Both of them laughing, careless of what's in front of them. Next thing you knew, BAM! They hit a car on a different lane, leaving her lifeless.

    "She never deserved this!" There was a long pause. "Shut up Zak!"yells his step sister, "No one cares about your mother anymore." Zak jumps out of the dining chair swinging recklessly, almost hitting her on the cheek. "That's enough you two!" "Pete, you just let your daughter talk to me like that, especially about my mother!" Zak was furious to both of them, Peter taking his daughter's side to everything. "Zak calm down," "How am I supposed to calm down after what she said!?" There was a second of silence, "Zak, I know it's hard but-" Zak interrupted, "Just shut up Pete, you don't even care anymore, and !@$/ you Christy!"

    Zak stomps upstairs, but Peter races after him. Peter grabs his arm but Zak pulls arm away from him. "Zak, come back here right now! STOP with, this nonsense!" Peter steps into Zak's room, which was full of dirty clothes and walls covered with basketball posters. Zak stands in front Peter with hands over his face, he cant take all of this, he's being harried to death. "Just go away.." Zak whispers. "But son-" "I'm not your @!#$ son okay Peter!" Zak pushes him all the way to the stairs and holds onto his collar and pushes Peter over the banister.

    All you could hear were four loud thumps and a moan. Zak could hear Christy running over to Peter and screaming, crying for help. Zak couldn't believe what he just did. He was so confused and had all this adrenaline in him, he just stood there in shock. He started to back away from the stairs and repeatedly whispers to himself, "What have i done? What have i done?" He turns around, finds the nearest window and opens it. His fingers shaking with fear, and with no hesitation, he jumps to his death.

    (Sorry for the vulgar parts, I just wanted to make the story more realistic. hope you understand.)

    -Noah G.

    1. Oh dang, that's intense- good story!

      Sriha S. =^.^=

    2. No need to apologize. Creative writing is about self-expression, and this was a good piece of writing!

  10. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. He was stuck in an insane asylum after he was sent there. All he did was spin in circles like a carousel. He was sent there for being insensitive towards others. People feared for the sake of their lives. He had enough of the nonsense being stuck in that terrible place. He soon had the urge to break out.

    One thing was keeping him in there, hisself. He thought it over and decided he was going to escape but how. All of the doors were locked. With all of the anger he allowed himself to build up he could break down the door. He finally got out of his room but set the alarm off. He was caught. Everyone knew it was for the best of him even hisself.

    -Kailani F

  11. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Only in a carousel facing extinction that he thought was nonsense. All he was doing was running miles with millions of people that led him in circles and circles, but then everyone stopped and was gasping for air feeling like their heart was about to stop and feeling like the human race was going to be extinct, but no. Every single person got up and kept on running, running as fast as they could with no water to drink, breathing hard like they just ran around the whole world. After running for hours and hours and hours almost the whole day everyone started to jog getting slower and slower and slower then boom! the timer went off and everyone could finally drink water again there were 5 people serving all the water for all the millions of people that were never seen again. - Carlvesi L.

  12. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Ryan just loved going on the carousel with his sister, it was his favorite thing, in fact. His mom brought him to the play house, every Friday, after school, and to him it got better every day. Each day, however, less and less people came to the play house, and it gave a feel of extinction, and he did not like that. He did not like to think about it, but his favorite place would shut down should. He could telling himself that it was just nonsense, and this place wouldn't shut down.

    Right after he turned ten, 2 years later, he didn't like it anymore. He knew it would shut down, but he didn't care. His sister stopped coming, so he was alone, and he stopped coming less and less, and it become old and smelly. The last time he went, everything broke down, and it was only one day before his birthday, when it shut down. All the memories went with it, he didn't bother to be sad about it. Deep down himself however, he still yearned for himself to become 8 again, and to go on that same carousel, before it shut down

    -Julian M.

  13. I chase after the diesel in my car. I start to pull up to it but the it explodes and bagels fly out every where. I get out my car and grab one and eat it. I turn into a chicken and fly away. I land on to KFC and set down bagel bombs. I fly away and yell, " Chickens must not go in to extinction!"

    I find a barn to sleep in. I wake up to the smell of bagels and walk outside. I look up and see it. The one and only, BAGEL CONSTELATION. I fly to it then suddenly see the chicken and bagel god, it's Asha! He says," Now you explode into bagels." And then I say." Ok." I explode. The End and don't forget to eat your bagels!

  14. Replies
    1. Do you get bonus points for mentioning both chickens AND bagels?!

  15. (This will be long, sorry!!!!)

    He felt like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel.

    "Why can't I figure this out?!" Collin said, frustrated.

    (Earlier that day)

    " Thank you for coming on such short notice, we really appreciate it." said the Director of the school film, Jack Williams. The four randomly picked students sat down, and wondered what Jack wanted from them. Jack said a few words of encouragement and left. The students, in awe, just sat there, waiting. Eventually the projector in front of them started up, and began to play what appeared to be an amateur horror film. The story was simple enough, there were six students filming a documentary and decided to stay in a run down building. They all split up taking a key from the staff room except for the master key which they decided to leave there in case of an emergency. When they came back, they all noticed that one of them was missing. so they all went to investigate. They finally came across a locked door and concluded that their friend was behind it. After they returned with the master key, they opened the door to find their friend, missing an arm and dead. They looked around for a sign of a break in, evidence, anything. The other entrance was blocked with miscellaneous items too heavy to move. That left a window, but the grass was still long and growing, no footprints or anything. Nothing seemed out of place. The short film ended there, and Jack came back into the room.

    "Well then, who do you think is the culprit?" Jack said rather solemnly. "You four are the school's amateur detectives, so who do you think did it?" Jack sighed, and explained the situation. " Our script writer, Ms. Victoria smith, got ill and couldn't continue writing for us. We managed to film that much, but we have no idea what comes next in the story or who committed the crimes. That's where you four come in. You will be coming up with theories as to what happens next, or to put it simply, you will try to figure out what Victoria wanted for the film. Victoria wanted very little blood for the film, requested a rope, and a seventh actor. That's all." Jack stared intensely at each and every person, Collin, Aria, Ben, and Cassie, the four amateur detectives of their school.

    "What if Victoria wanted the killer to be, like a ghost or some strange entity?! Then the seventh actor could be like a lunatic exorcist!" Ben said, proud of his deduction. Collin discarded that theory, he knew that that was just not what Victoria would want, even though he hasn't met her. The others took the theory in to consideration, and classified it as a maybe.

    "I KNOW!! What if one of the characters used the rope to descend from the second floor to the first??? That would explain the lack of evidence at the window! And then they could climb back up to the second floor, and no one would even notice they were gone!!" Cassie announced triumphantly. Again, Collin had a feeling that that theory just wasn't correct, and he could see on Aria's face too that she agreed.

    "That's nonsense! There's no way Victoria would write that! It's a horrible theory!!" Aria concluded.

    "You didn't have to say it so harshly, Aria. No need to be so insensitive.." Cassie muttered, almost in tears.

    Collin still didn't have a theory, and neither did Aria. They both remained quiet, Collin got and out his notebook to write down what he knew so far.

    "So, one character dies, is found with a missing arm and is in a locked room...hmm, very interesting. Maybe one of the characters went back downstairs, grabbed the master key, and killed him? No...that wouldn't be right. They would be risking be caught, so that's unlikely. Okay so there were 6 friends filming a documentary.... no, there were 6 people on camera, that means the seventh person is the person behind the camera! "

  16. He just felt like a gerbil, running around on his wheel. This was because he was a gerbil and he was running around on his wheel. He was being used by the CIA for a massive project. The CIA was revolutionizing the way they could make diesel. They learned how to make diesel in machines. These machines were powered by mostly chickens but there were a few gerbils like Bob. Bob also heard that they were using bagels to power the machines but that was nonsense to him.

    He felt that this new machine wouldn't make diesel easier to mine. Bob felt that it would create more pollution in the atmosphere. But, he knew that he was nothing more than a gerbil, what could he do? The Chicken Bagel Association was the one that had taken over the world from the humans. He was feeling extremely tired. Then he realized something extrememly interesting that could change the world. CIA isn't an abbreviation for Chicken Bagel Association, but CBA was. Then a lamb walked in and ate Bob. He was very sad to be eaten b a lamb, but that sucks for him and there was nothing he could do about it.

    -Asha A.

  17. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. The carousel was a nice, classic carnival ride. Xander was having fun. This week was his birthday week. His birthday was just 3 more days away. He looked to his side and saw his older sister, Dara, who wasn't looking as enthusiastic. She kept staring at him in a judging way and he didn't like it. "What's her problem?", he wondered. Of course he couldn't care any less of what his sister thought, so he just ignored her.

    Afterwards, Xander and his family went out to eat. "Whose up for a New Orleans style dinner?", asked Mr. Park . Xander loved Jambalaya, so he was pleased with his dad's choice for dinner. He tried to play it cool, but he was to happy. Xander looked to the side and saw Dara snickering at him as a way to make fun of him. 'How could she treat my like this on my birthday week?", he thought, glaring at her.

    When they were done with dinner, they went back home. As they got out of the car , Dara yelled, "Hey", signaling for Xander to follow her. Dara led him to the backyard. He was curious of what she was doing. "She's probably going to do some sort of pre-birthday prank on my", he thought feeling a bit anxious. Whe they got to the backyard, he saw an odd looking object. Dara turned on the lights and the object turned out to be the telescope he always wanted. "Surprise", she shouted "I bought it with my part time job money". Xander felt happiness rise up in him and hugged his sister. He loved astronomy so much. They both laid side by side on the grass looking for constellations, like how they did when they were little.
    -Julianne R.

  18. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. A dazed and confused gerbil, that is. His head was spinning like a carousel, and he couldn't move. Where am I? Mason wondered. He looked around: All he saw was white. Handcuffs restricted his movement, but he spotted an door in the far corner of the room. As panic sunk in, he tried to scream, but no sound came from his aching throat.

    Mason struggled to remember what had happened: He had been in his garage, working on a project. A shattering noise had distracted him, and he was slammed onto the ground. By who, he did not know. As he recapped, several masked figures entered the room. They slowly advanced toward him. Using a syringe, they inserted something into his arm. With a brief exchange of words, they vanished as quickly as they had come.

    Mason began to feel dizzy again. In his last few second of consciousness, he saw stars. Some of them formed his favorite constellation, and he was content for a moment. Then, he fainted.

  19. He felt like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Daxton was just a regular guy from Alabama. He was a guy who worked a lot. He wasn't an insensitive guy, actually he was just the opposite He was nice to the people he worked with, he loved his job. But recently he wasn't happy he started to be rude to people and just not care about people. This wasn't like Daxton.

    Everyone thought this was nonsense. He started to not leave work, instead he would just stay there working. Everyone thought he was going crazy, they didn't know what was going on. But there was one day that Daxton came to work even more crazy than before,all of a sudden Daxton just stopped. He stopped caring, he stopped talking , he stopped breathing. No one knew what had happened. But he was gone, and know one knew why.

  20. He felt just like a gerbil running around and around on his wheel. Robert was thinking about his past and how he had got there. He was running his way into the future. He lived on a quiet road in Alabama with his mom. Roberts mom had no idea he was building a time travel machine. He had worked so hard to break the space-time continuum. And now Robert really hopes it works. Robert was in his garage running his way to the future and he was super excited.

    He had to run for a little while until he reached a certain speed. When he reached that speed, he went really fast up towards the sky and and came close to a constellation of stars. Then he came back down and hit the ground. He was still in his wheel but in a totally different place. He had the greatest adventures in the future and he found out so many things. It was the best invention Robert ever made.

  21. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Bob was dizzy and he couldn't stand up straight. He didn't know what was happening. He felt as if he was on a carousel that was going way too fast. People were crowding around him, and he felt singled out. He was overcome with the sensation of being alone, like an animal that was close to extinction.

    He woke up in the hospital days later."What happened to me?" he said to his doctor looking over him.There was no reply, he didn't even hear himself speak. "What is going on," he thought to himself,"I can't speak." This all seemed like nonsense. His doctor was still searching for something wrong when he said,"You had a concision." Bob felt all alone.

  22. He felt like a gerbil, running around on his wheel. He ran around the abandoned carousel all day, and became very light-headed. He felt very alone, like he had ever since last year. The human race had became extinct, but he was a survivor. He had no one left, but his own mind and imagination. Nobody knew why this happened, and even the most brilliant scientists had no clue. But he was determined to find out.

    They called him the "code-breaker". He was a very talented and wise young boy. One evening he sat down and took out his computer. While scrolling through some old files, he found a document titled "World Catastrophe". He began to read through the file and noticed something odd. He noticed many pictures of doctors experimenting on people, and then the screen just went blank! -Jackson T

  23. He felt just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Nathan was beginning to get dizzy, but he wasn't even fazed by it. He just sat there. Staring straight ahead while the ceramic lamb carried him in circles on the carousel. You could say Nathan was obsessed with his carousel. He had built it himself for his birthday 4 years back when he was just 8. Nobody was allowed to ride it except for him. Nathan rarely got off of his carousel, only to use the restroom and eat. He was homeschooled so he didn't have to worry about leaving his carousel. He only sat on one animal, the little white lamb. Nathan loved that lamb more than anything. Every day he would talk to her about everything. He even named her Eva. Everyday was the exact same thing, until one night, Eva shook her head and jumped right off the carousel.

    Nathan was so surprised he shrieked like a little girl while Eva pranced around the room. "Eva are you really alive!?" Nathan shouted his question. "Of course I am! How else could I be up and running?" The little lamb answered. 'I must be dreaming' thought Nathan. "I have come alive because i need something from you," said Eva. "Of course, anything for you," replied Nathan. "You see, i am experiencing a strange feeling in my stomach. It is a very strong feeling, kind of like yearning for something," explained Eva,"And there is only on way to please it." Concluded Eva. "And what is that?" asked Nathan. "It is... it is... JUMBALAYA!!!!!!!" Eva shouted at him. "And we shall travel all around the universe until I find it! Using my super transporting powers of course" she told him. "Well... I guess we better get going then" Nathan said, trying to contain his excitement. And off they went. The two searched low and high. State to state, country to county, planet to planet. Until they came across a small restaurant on the planet of Jupiter. Exhausted, Nathan ordered a big heaping bowl of jambalaya, paying with both of his shoes, and placed it on the floor for the excited lamb to eat. After 5 minutes, Nathan asked, "Well, how was it?" Eva contemplated for a good few minutes before answering,"I don't think I like jambalaya afterall, can we go look for ice cream?" Nathan just looked at her and said,"Just take me home, Eva."

  24. He felt like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Except he was only running straight. Ever since he decided to work out on top of p.e. at school, he regreted it. Jon needed a job, and didn't need to waste his time working out. He was a good athlete, but that's all he was. Jon tried starting an athletic career, but they said the world didn't need any more of those, just more power and food.

    He still wanted to use skills, however. He had searched the whole of Alabama, but nothing appealed to him. It was like all the jobs meant for him were extinct. It was just nonsense to him. When he was just about to give up, he heard a nearby power plant needed "manpower". He asked what the job was, apparently they were starting a program to to power to city using people on treadmills to generate power. Maybe working out payed off after all!

  25. He felt just like a gerbil running on his wheel. Dash was getting into arguments everyday with his parents. He thought he was not meaning anything to his parents. He always thought of himself as a carousel figure. Always going round in circles to go absolutely no where.

    Dash was walking to school when something strange happened. He saw birds dying one by one. He thought of this as a sign that his family was going extinct. He for sure didn't want an extinction especially to his family. Dash decided to get all of the keepsakes he had of his family before extinction. He looked at each one very carefully. Making sure each one had a meaning.

    Dash told his family about everything that happened. They took this very seriously. They decided to make up and go to dinner to celebrate.

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