Friday, February 13, 2015

Creative Writing Workshop Part Deux

For this weekend's Creative Writing Workshop, we'll be trying a bit of surrealism...

Follow the directions carefully to create a two paragraph (minimum) short story.

1.) On a small sheet of paper, create two lists of words.  In the first list, write down 8 action verbs ending in -ing.  For the second list, write down 8 plural nouns.

For example:

1. scurrying      1. gardens
2. wobbling      2. centaurs
3. glancing       3. beans


2.) Now, match up the words in this order: Verb 1 to Noun 7, Verb 2 to Noun 4, Verb 3 to Noun 2, Verb 4 to Noun 8, Verb 5 to Noun 1, Verb 6 to Noun 3, Verb 7 to Noun 5, Verb 8 to Noun 6.

Write down the pairs of words you've created.  For example, "scurrying centaurs" or "glancing gardens."

3.) Now, choose AT LEAST three of these pairs and include them in your story.  Start your story with The alarm went off, and...




    1. scurrying 1. gardens
    2. wobbling 2. centaurs
    3. glancing 3. beans
    4. twirling 4. caterpillars
    5. flitting 5. blossoms
    6. circling 6. crayons
    7. giggling 7. artists
    8. floating 8. polka dots

    Now, verb 1 to noun 7 would make: scurrying artists.
    Verb 2 to noun 4 would make: wobbling caterpillars.

    Now, I have to put it all into a story:

    The alarm went off, and I glanced out the sun-drenched window to see the wobbling caterpillars slowly crawling along the Spring-blossomed branches of the peach tree in my mother's backyard.....


  2. The alarm went off, and we went running out the door and all I saw were hurrying shoes. The building was getting smokey and they had to get out. Lilly has asthma and was choking so I grabbed her hand and started to run down the stairs like raging shoppers. People were shoving already so that didn't make it any better, but the building was get more smokey. All because of Mr. Sullivan burnt the toast and it caught on fire then he threw it on the tests. More proof that tests should be banned in my opinion.

    We finally got outside, luckily without tripping and getting trampled. We would've looking like falling waffles. Lilly was stilling coughing and wheezing, so I had to help her somehow. So I brought her to the water fountain and made her drink some water. She was still coughing so I brought her to a fireman and told them what's wrong so they put her in the ambulance and put a oxygen mask on her. She was fine after that so I guess you could call me a hero.

  3. The alarm went off and I woke up to a whole bunch of ruckus. It sounded as if there was a wild party going on in my living room. I get up, put on my socks, and make my way downstairs. To my surprise, when I get downstairs the house is as spotless as a brand new house. I didn't think anything of it so I went about my day.

    I went outside, and thats where the real "party" was. It was the biggest brawl i've ever seen.It was also very strange, becasue it seemed as if it were land animals against sea animals.There were battling animals everywhere.There were swinging whales taking out most of the land animals. Then, out of nowhere came a hugging tiger. It seemed as if whenever he hugged an animal it would go into an endless nap. All of the sudden a bull came rushing after me and I heard a ringing that wouldn't stop. It came so close to hitting me and poof i was back in my bed.

  4. The alarm went off, and I dropped my bag at the sudden, harsh blast. The last place you want an alarm to go off in is a hospital. My mind ordered me to concentrate, but dozens of babies were wailing right down the hall. I could picture them: Wrapped in smothering blankets that made them look like crying walnuts. It didn’t help that the patients had begun to panic as well. Their worried whispers carried through the hospital like tittering leaves.
    A flushed nurse hurried down the hall, and asked me to help as many patients as I could out of the building. She instructed me to take the patients and assist them out in a single-file line. I hurriedly evacuated the startled people, and rushed them out like marching carrots. As I struggled to catch my breath, a quick announcement crackled out of the intercom: "Please excuse the interruption. The alarm system has briefly malfunctioned; no concern is necessary. All staff members, please guide patients back to their assigned rooms, and return to your assignments. We are sorry for any inconvenience this malfunction may have caused."

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  6. The alarm went off and smoke was filling the room. My eyes were stinging as I tried to find my way to the door. But instead I found my window and unlatched it. I climbed out and fell into a bush. When I stood up, I my brain was discombobulated from the fall and I saw jumping trees. But I shook it off and ran out to the front of the yard. I stood next to my mom who was paralyzed with fear. Our house was on fire.

    The fire department showed up and sprayed down the house in flames. The neighbors came out with gasps of amazement. Many of them put on their watching glasses to see if it was true. It was like a big bonfire with popping rocks everywhere. It was a horrible day and we couldn't just press an undo button to fix it. What will we do now?

    -Eliza A.

  7. The alarm went off and the singing people jumped out of bed. Today was the day of the competition, where the would compete against all of the other choirs. They were all so nervous, but excited at the same time. They couldnt wait to show everyone what they had been working on for so long. The singing people put on their uniforms, did there hair and were out the door in no time.

    When they arrived at the competition they were in for a suprise. As they were signing in they found out they were competing against dancing trees! No one could beat dancing trees! As the competition started they found the other choirs were performing jumping songs! All they could do now was cross their fingers.
    -Lauren M.

  8. The alarm went off, and a noise was emitted from the loudspeaker, however, it completely silent from all of the chaos that streamed into the store. It was February 13, 11:00 PM, and married men where racing into Walmart like running horns, screaming at each other on small topics like who gets the bigger box of chocolates. The light of blending phones from young teenager trying to make excuses to there girlfriends on why they were out at this time. It was almost as if Walmart had a second Black Friday, but instead the gender ratio tipped a bit on the male side. In short, it was complete and utter disorder.

    However, Walmart was not the only place affected. The next day, men returned to their house, looking as stylish as ever with a gift that cost blood, sweat, tears, and about $20 to find a small note on their desk that read "Sry, went to the mall with the girls, u made reservations rite." Yes, it was a sad day for the mall. Women were pushing shoving, pulling each others hair out for that beautiful dress that was encrusted with diamonds. They were so ferocious for what ever clothing or jewelry they craved that you couldn't tell if they were humans or fighting aliens. Then, after the two back to back wars were fought, the firezone moved a little closer to home, and all you could here for the rest of that day, were fighting couples, because isn't that what valentines day is all about?

  9. The alarm went off, and I went straight downstairs to see a talking milkman eating donuts on the kitchen counter. Every Saturday, the world would turn upside down, and crazy things would happen. The milkman was one of the less weird ones, in fact the least weird this week. I would see a gaming binder, who was playing Earthbound on the toilet, it was pretty rad. A lot of people were selling candy that would beat each other up and tacos on the side, and that would be my breakfast.

    I would then spend 5 hours sitting on the couch, eating snacks and candy, until I would need to make my binder go to the toilet in the attic. I would then go to eat all the things, whilst making money, sitting on the couch, as NASA hired me, to study weird spacey things, and I could teleport, so I did no work. I then fell asleep, then everyone died. The End.
    ~Julian M.

  10. It was just like any other day and I was watching movies on my TV. As I was watching TV, I was eating pancakes for my breakfast with a cup of orange juice. It felt like any other Sunday, chilling before school starts tomorrow. Lunch began and I started cutting potatoes because I was cooking French fries. I started playing videogames in my room, but stopped cause after a while I started seeing things. Being bored I started watching YouTube until I had fallen asleep.

    I wake up the next day to do early exercises and start punching bags. After that I start reading books until I realize... I'M LATE FOR CLASS! I started running and getting ready for class. I get into my school clothes, but couldn't find my backpack! Then I realized I left my backpack at the academic Olympics! I was so hurried trying get ready for class, but that's when I had a sudden realization. There is no school today and I wasted all that time for nothing!

    - Ian B.

    (PS. I really did leave my backpack at the academic Olympics and I'm probably going to get in the lost and found so yeah.)

  11. The alarm went off, and the satisfying smell of fresh bacon in the morning filled the nostrils. My parents were cooking me and my other friends who slept over a delicious breakfast feast. The TV was blaring loud heavy metal music and Ian was in search for his backpack.;) The jocks were busy throwing a football and saying sick catch brah and other nonsense. Of course the Nerds were snitching on everyone, saying that we stayed up 10 minutes passed our bedtime or ate ice cream when we weren't supposed to. Avery enjoyed this sleepover. It was in her house so she had all the comforts, a nice bed, TV, and parents who would come to her every need. This all seemed like the normal day until the artists went ballistic.

    The drummers were flying through the air banging their drum sticks on the wall and leaving marks. The guitarists were scrambling away from them, but they would occasionally play a 12 bar solo and make everyone's teeth chatter. Half the people's ear drums already went out and Avery's were starting to ring. The parents had ear plugs and continued the breakfast. The house went down and the noise was gone.......................
    -Adrian J.

  12. The alarm went off and I got out of bed real quick. I ran downstairs and saw a bunch of scurrying artists. I was confused. My mother was having an art convention downstairs. The artists were looking for their brushes and stressing over their projects. I decided to walk around and look at the works of all of the people in the room. They were pretty interesting.

    One painting had five wobbling caterpillars. They were green with pink designs on them and big eyes. It looked so realistic. Another painting I saw was a whole bunch of polka dots that looked as if they were twirling. It made me dizzy especially because I had just woken up. I then bumped into my mom and she told me breakfast was ready so we walked into the kitchen. She then asked, "There are some creative artists out there right?"
    "Totally" I replied. We giggled.

  13. The alarm went off, and I dragged myself out of bed. I slowly brushed my teeth and got dressed. As I prepared my breakfast I saw a note on the refrigerator. It said, "Went out hunting chickens. Love Dad". My dad had a funny way of saying thing. "Hunting chickens" meant that he was getting dinner, which is chicken.

    I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. When I came across the park, I saw something very unusual. There were a bunch of dancing horses. Well, more like people dancing with horse masks on. I went up to see what was going on and realized my friends were just shooting some sort of video. Afterwards, I just continued on with my walk.

    When I got home there were flying cards. My mom just got back home with my baby brother. It seems that he got a hold of the playing cards. I cleaned up the cards and went into the kitchen to say hi to your mom. She bought groceries and clothes for my brother. Afterwards, I went upstairs to my room to take a nap.

  14. The alarm went off, and that thing happened. That thing happened at that time because that guy did that thing. When that thing happened I saw books everywhere. They were everywhere just randomly bathing. So I went downstairs and saw a hobo eating binders. Then the fighting burritos came in and fought him off. I go outside and see a bunch of frolicking teachers just frolicking. It was kind of weird.

    I was just thinking that it couldn't get any weirder. That was before I saw, the jumping chickens. They were jumping and they were coming straight at me. All that separated me was the river. But I was saved by the swimming bagels that fought them off. Then I look up and see flying screwdrivers coming to the rescue to the dying laptops. Then that one guy that did that one thing, woke up.

    -Asha A.

  15. The alarm went off, The End. Story #2:I was riding on top of my flying chicken then the chicken swallowed a fly then died. I start falling down and take out my spaghetti from my pocket. It flies out of my hand then I start crying. I fall and fall and fall until, BAM I hit the ground then explode into bagels. Chicken. Story #3 There is no story #3 Ha Ha.

    Story #4 I see squatting bagels then go eat them. They start squatting in my stomach and I then start to squat. I squat fast enough to start flying. I fly up into the sky, then exploding bananas start shooting at me, then one hits me then I explode and turn into a bagel. I fall down then explode, but this time I don't explode.

  16. The alarm went off, and the sound of whistling birds greeted her ears. Forcing her eyes open to the glistening sunrays on her bed, she checked the time, 9:30am, as usual. Olive has been waking herself up like this for years now. She unfolded herself from the taco she made herself into with her blankets and trudged to her bathroom. She put on a simple white loose tanktop with black skinny jeans to go with it. Topping it off with some black converse she took her beenie and bag then went out the door. Passing by houses as she walked, working flags shifted on people’s porches. After about 5 minutes of waking, she came to the studying halls where she spends almost all of her time studying for midterms.

    Studying Halls was the name of the different types of libraries on campus. There was the music library, reptile library, ballet library, and many more, but all of them together were the Studying Halls. Olive walks into the Workout Library, which is new for her to be in, and finds a little table on the second story. Her seat is in the corner of the building with lots of windows so she can look out on the students walking by. Every now and then some tours would walk by stopping near the library so people can admire the architecture of it. The building is supposed to resemble a thick dumbbell, but to Olive it just looked like an ice cream cone. Reverting her eyes away from the tour she opened her laptop.

    Last week Olive took a midterm for her least favorite but most important class, Astronomy. Hate is a strong word for Olive, but she truly hates her professor for astronomy, Professor Wray. The worst part about it is that she wants to major in astrophysics but Professor Wray makes it impossible to even walk into her classroom. Sometimes Olive thinks that Professor Wray purposely throws away the papers Olive turns in so she can say that she didn’t turn in her work. Its almost the end of the year and Olive’s midterm grade decides the her fate of graduating. This is the most stressed out Olive has ever been. Even though Professor Wray tries to give her the lowest grade possible, Olive is still the top of her class. If she aces this midterm, then she will finish school as the valedictorian.

    There’s a system in taking any sort of test in her Astronomy class; 8 days after you take the test your Professor will send you your grade from email. Olive’s grade results are way overdue, but she never got herself to open her email. Today she had to do it. Typing as slow as she possibly can she logs onto her computer, opens up her email, and clicks on the message thats titled,” Midterm Grade”.

  17. The alarm went off in the building. Me and my family we ducked down to hide somewhere, then we got up and started to run for the building stairs. But we heard gunshots and we heard them coming our way, boom! They blew up the entrance door to the room we were in then started to search the perimeter of the room, I apparently had some matches on me so I lit it and threw it at one of the criminals and he caught on fire then the other criminals focused on him and we ran to the door and zoomed down the stairs. We made it to the first floor but there was one more person so I lit another match and threw it about 20ft away from us then he chased to see what was going on then we darted out of the building, everyone made it out safely.
    -Carlvesi L.

  18. The alarm went off, and screaming employees fled the building. In moments, the whole complex was in flames. An sceintific experiment on exploding dogs had gone terribly wrong. First responders discovered the building couldn't be saved. Luckily, no one was hurt.

    When the scientists returned the next day, they were dissapointed to find all of their records on flopping windows were burned. Their prized research they had gathered over the past ten years was gone. Now the government project to create flying tacos for conventional use was ruined. Modern food delivery would never reach its full potential. The universe was doomed.

  19. The alarm went off and I shot straight up off my bed glancing at the clock. I can see the clock saying,"8:39". I start to panic and dress quickly as possible and run down stairs. I eat my breakfast and call my mom to drop me off at school. I get to school right before the warning bell. I pass the singing rooms, which was the band room and quickly walked into my 1st period.

    My whole class just stares at me, even my teacher, without evening talking. I quietly shuffle to my chair and sat down. "Ummm, James, why are you late?" my teacher asks. I reply, "My dog ate my homework, so I had to start over." Everyone begins to laugh at me but when i glance over to the table to my right, I can see my sleeping friends, but the one that stood out, was my crush. She was looking straight at me giggling and smiling. I smile back but then my teacher replies back,"That is unacceptable! You just got points taken off your next weeks test." I groan and look down in disappointment.

    After school I walked to the front gate, getting ready to leave, but then I hear a faint voice. I look back and saw that it was my crush, Sabrina. "Hey wait up." she calls out. I wave and stopped walking. "So, you walk?"she asked. "Uhh, sure. You mean like walk you home?" I reply. "No, just walk around,but you can if you want to." She giggles and grabs my arm. i feel the heat flowing through me, and when I looked at her eyes, I knew that she knew I was blushing. I was able to read her face and see that she was also blushing. I knew I couldn't date her because her parents hated me, but she didn't care. Since her parents were friends with other parents around my neighborhood, they didn't like me either.

    As we walked down the street from her house, i felt a hand locking into mine. I looked down and saw that it was Sabrina's. I eye the perimeter of the street to see if there were no watching parents, but luckily they were no where to be seen. "Thank you James." "No problem." After that really short conversation there was a long moment of silence, then Sabrina broke it. "I was wondering if I could ask you a question." "What's up?" I respond. There was a quick silence. "Do you want to go out?" Now there was a really really long silence. i didn't know what to say, I was completely shocked. But then I made up my mind. "Sure!" This was the best day ever.

  20. "The alarm went off, and so did the bomb. This booming crime was cleverly planned and executed. Detectives looked in to the exploding origin, and was caught by the ringing resonance of the fire alarm still there. Behind them stepped out a suspicious figure with a smiling grimace on his face. The suspect was surprised at the lolling acrimony the detectives were displaying towards him.

    'What a waste! I wonder what exploding panacea looked like...I bet it was a marvelous sight!' the stranger began to laugh a strange cruel, nefarious laugh that showed no empathy whatsoever. "

    "It's a good story so far, but I don't know where it took place, who's the main character, or....blah blah blah blah blah" my friend lectured with what I thought was lying polymathy because I wasn't even finished with my story yet.

    "Oh yes, you have a flying aspect on things as always." I said sarcastically.

    "Hey you asked for my opinion and got it!" my friend replied, rolling her eyes at me.

    "True, true...I guess I have more work to do then." I say, ending the conversation.

  21. The alarm went off, and running dogs rushed out of the building. As they ran by me, I noticed their eyes were a dark shade of red. I turned around suddenly and ran back towards the building. I ran up the countless flights of stairs until I reached the top. I began to search the floor scanning every inch of the large floor. There was nothing to be seen accept an old desc with papers spread out across the desc. The documents had a line of blood running across the top. The heading of the paper was "Project 221".

    I began to read over the files and noticed something strange. Their were pictures of white dogs, swimming dolphins and climbing squirrels. The people working on this distinct project had something in common. They all wanted to achieve the same goal. The idea was to create an animal so amazing that it could do nearly anything. However, the system had gone wrong and they had now caused chaos on everyone. -Jackson T

  22. The alarm went off and the turtles started jumping. We were walking down the path, and all of a sudden they started to scurry across the path.We started to walk down the path when all of a sudden there was flying apples . They started to hit us. We tried to duck but we kept tripping over the turtles. Then along with the apples and turtles there were spiders.they started to scurry all over us, and we started to scream.

    We finally got away from the animals and we continued to walk down the path. When all of a sudden we heard a rustling in the bushes.We started to freak out a little and we started to run down the path.We finally got to a cliff and there were giant dinosaurs.They weren't the regular type of dinosaurs though they were spinning dinosaurs they were just spinning around. They were very unusual. but they were harmless it turns out they were herbivores which they then lived when them.THE END

  23. Okay so for a little note before I begin...

    I’m doing another Minecraft Fanfic 1) because I love doing these and 2) I really wanted to continue my old one, this time in first person, and as Katrina. I'm sorry it's not too long, I had a tad bit of Writer's Block and I was busy, but nevertheless, thanks for reading! And so we begin.


    The alarm went off, and my groggy eyes opened to a new sight. William sat next to me, and he was slowly getting up as well. There was wood nearby, real wood… Then it hit me. Last night’s ordeal, and everyone else running from the horrors we had forgotten. If it wasn't for William, I’d be dead along with Lu-

    Luna couldn't be dead, right? She had to be in another house, safe. The thought of my only remaining sister being dead was too much to bear. “William? Shouldn’t we go look for the others?” I asked.

    His eyes seemed to sadden instantly, confirming what I refused to accept. “Katrina, I don’t think we should keep our hopes up, because it’s unlikely that...that...anyone survived,” he managed to get out. My heart dropped even further than it had before, and without a word I put on the purple stained armor from the night before and grabbed an iron sword. I walked outside, towards the bodies littering the grass like ornaments on a Christmas tree. My mouth was dry and my knees wobbling, but sheer willpower forced me on. Zombies dropped one by one, some from the sun, but most from my sword. After I was done, only one thing caught my eye. Luna’s body.

    Her eyes seemed to stare out forward, her limbs locked in a fighting pose. Her skin was as pale as moonlight. Scratches, bruises, and wounds still bled onto the floor. I collapsed onto the dirt, sobbing into the silent sky. Soon, my sobs turned into a wailing scream, until I eventually realized William behind me. He was opening tissues for me, really just a chest full of paper. But I really did need some tissues, and the gesture was genuine.

    After quite a while of crying in William’s arms, it was midday. I had already carried Luna’s body to a makeshift grave, along with some others. We started the trek to the village, since the graveyard location was on top of a beautiful hill, where perhaps Notch would look upon them in cheer.

    Once the village came into sight, I realized my arms were balled up in anger. The nearest house had some windows in it, and since I felt like I was about to explode, I took to kicking windows until they broke into a million pieces, just like my heart felt like doing. William’s eyes widened for a second, but he seemed to understand the anger I was feeling. Why Luna? Why all of us? Why couldn’t I be dead too? The sun set in the distance on a depressing day. The last thing I remember is being put to bed crying, before sleep took over.

    A loud neigh woke me up before the daylight sensor did its familiar ring. Daydreaming horses stood outside, along with a couple of skipping cats, or ocelots, whichever you prefer. They reminded me of the carefree life my family had when I was a child. Those memories were long gone, but occasionally fragments of it came back to me. William was sound asleep, his hair covering much of his eyes. I brushed the hair away with my hand, and stood up as silently as I could. I opened up what was the ‘tissue box’, and took some binding and made a little book. My loving notebook, as I would call it. There I sat, writing my fragments of life as a child, before moving on to the Nether, where my life with William began.


    Apparently my HTML cannot be accepted because it's too long, so I'll be right back!

    Sriha S. =^.^=

    1. Shorter, but Part two!

      Just then, he woke up, looking at me with a smile. We had a lot of troubles, but it was going to be okay. I wiped a small tear from my face, and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I leaned over and relaxed for the first time since Luna’s death.

      It was over too soon. We had to go hunt for food, or we’d be reduced to munching on rotten flesh. A couple of cows were nearby, and the village farm served as a food source. They didn't seem to mind that we were stealing resources at all. Nearby was a cave, perhaps the source of the cruel monsters that had taken over. My heart pounded every time I saw a corpse, and I barfed a couple of times. It didn't help that I was downright frightened to enter the source of such horrors. But we needed the ores. Thankfully, a bit of coal was right at the entrance of the cave, so we weren’t in the dark. It looked like the cave had never been explored, so there was enough iron for both of us to get new chestplates.

      The zombies didn’t seem to be much of a problem, and with our armor, we could handle skeletons easily. So maybe my fears had been misplaced. We still hadn’t encountered another purple man though, leading me to have shaking knees and wobbly arms. William didn’t even look scared- He just kept slashing monsters back and forth.

      “Aren’t you scared of this William?” I asked.

      “Just of one thing. Losing you.”

      It was corny, but I loved it. It made me feel confident, and so my strength returned. Maybe I hadn’t embraced the fact that he was my boyfriend, and now I could. After all, we were the only ones here. At least, that’s what we thought. For now, there wasn’t anyone else but us in this world.

      Days probably passed in that cave, but neither of us wanted to leave. We had collected many many ores, and the prize jewel of them all was two diamonds. As I watched, William took a stick, and crafted the most beautiful sword I had ever seen. It gleamed in the torchlight, its entire body shining like the sun. It cut through zombies like butter, and was the best present I had ever received.

      After many weeks of being underground, we finally had to surface for food. The place looked like a bloodbath had never occurred, the birds singing and twittering in the air. lt seemed like the peace was here to stay, and it looked like I would get my happy ending at last.


      Yay! Thanks for reading and I like the way you helped us guide our stories with our 'phrase jumbles'! Without that, my story probably would have been a lot different. :3

      Sriha S. =^.^=

    2. You would do fabulously in a Creative Writing Course with these little writing games -- I love seeing where the workshop game guides your imagination.

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  25. The alarm went off. I looked up from my computer and immediately ran outside the door and into the room that was labeled: Keep out. This can't be good, I thought. I looked and I saw that there were empty slots on the shelf. A break in. Where were the weapons? I couldn't get fired from my job again just because somebody stole it. Think Sofia, THINK! Where would they have gone? But before I could answer that question, two giggling little girls entered the room.

    "What are you giggling about?" I asked slowly.

    They didn't answer, but just kept snickering to themselves. After a while it got annoying so I just walked past them. Halfway through the hall I stopped. This was a secret agent company and there were little girls in here! I rushed back into the room to confront them about it but they were nowhere to be found. Weird. Exiting the room, I went into another room that was occupied by my friends.

    "Hey, why are you guys still here? The alarm sounded off so you should be outside with the others."

    They turned around and I got a glimpse of their face. I couldn't help myself and I gasped. Instead off my friends, I was greeted with breathing old men. If the giggling little girls wasn't normal then what about this?

    "Allen? Bob? Jasmine? What happened to you! You're OLD! NOOOOO!" I cried aloud while wiping a fake tear. To be honest I never really cared for them. They were just my co-workers that I think friends at times.

    "Eh?" One of them asked, " Sorry could you repeat that? I didn't have my hearing aid turned on all the way."

    I ignored him and walked outside where I could get a breath of air from all of this craziness. But life had a final surprise for me. There were wandering chairs taking a stroll on the yard. Oh no. Please don't let this get any worse than it is.

    ~Sofia K.

    A/N: I deleted my first one because I didn't like the way it was spaced. Sorry and thanks.

  26. The alarm went off, and Gabby ran to the window to she her flying english teachers. She wondered if the science teachers had got together with the english teachers and performed an experiment. She was confused on this nonsense. Gabby got ready for the day and went outside. The day only got weirder. She saw many people driving basketballs. Gabby thought it was a new trend. She raced to her mother's room to tell her it was time to go to school.

    As they drove a basketball to school Gabby experienced more and more weirdness. She saw her best friend Jake helping the principal while landing mini-vans. She was so impressed she started wiring paint buckets with her science teacher, Ms. Moore. This was definitely a Freaky Friday. At least tomorrow was sleeping Saturday.

  27. The alarm went off. "I'm late!" Lyut said. She gets ready and starts running to the cars. She has many cars. At least 7. She gets into the Bugatti. She starts sneezing bugs, wildly as she backs out of her garage. She forgot to take allergy medicine. She shakes it off and decides to keep driving.

    Lyut gets to work, checks in, and goes to her office. She comes in without any questions on why she's late. "Perks of being the boss am I right ladies?" she says to herself. Out of nowhere a bunch of farm animals rush into her office, shocking her with surprise. Lyut has great reflexes and she decides to use them. She starts catching chickens and putting them in her office. She shuts her office door loudly. Lyut wakes up. "That was one weird dream."

  28. The alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. I jumped out of bed like running chickens who have lost their heads. It took me 57 hours just to find the perfect outfit. I get in the singing showers and turn the water tempurture just right. " Sarah hurry up its already 7:00," my mom screamed from downstairs." I am coming," i yelled back.

    So i ran downstairs to smell pancakes and bacon that my mom was cooking. Mmmmm, it smells so yummy. I sat down at the table and my mom served me with the food. I ate all the food up like eating monkeys. We rushed out the door and jumped in the car. I finally got to school and was 5 minutes late.

  29. The alarm went off and Jeff hoped out of bed. He kept thinking about the dream he had. There was so much food and it all looked delicious. He saw donuts drinking donuts. This was very odd and he wondered what was happening. He ran over to the donuts and ate it. Then a hopping chicken went by and he chased it.

    He just kept getting hungrier. There was a flying bagels.
