Friday, February 20, 2015

Civil Rights Movement: Legacy and Reflection

As we celebrate Black History Month here in the United States (or, as I like to call it, "Why is This Only Once a Year? History Month"), I would like us to think about the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement.  If you don't know very much about it, or if you'd like to learn more, try this website: The Civil Rights Movement.

First, in what way has the Civil Rights Movement changed our nation and our lives? Be specific, thoughtful, and descriptive.

Second, if Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, or any of the other myriad brave civil rights activists who are no longer with us, could see the changes we've made and the current state of race relations and civil rights in America, what would they think? How would they react? What might they say?

Third, what does the Civil Rights Movement and the idea of civil rights mean to you personally?


  1. The civil rights changed many things in our nation and our lives because it changed of how we think of other people. Back then all we saw was slavery but now, everyone is together, hanging with one another. The idea of all of the civil rights movement makes me feel that they didn't need to have that happen if Americans didn't treat African Americans like this, so this shouldn't have happened in the first place because they never deserved to be treated like that they were just slaves.

    If Mr.King, Medgar, and Rosa saw what changed ever since, they definitely think that citizens made the right decision and I honestly think that they'll be proud of us. They would've been surprised because to see all of the people together.

  2. The Civil Rights Movement has impacted everyone in some way. It has impacted who we interact with, which has affected our everyday lives. It also affects how the United States is looked upon by other countries. Everything about our nation was changed during the Civil Rights Movement, because it caused people to think of everyone in a completely different way.

    Throughout history, the US was generally respected by other countries. It was admired for accepting everyone as they were. Because of the Civil Rights Movement, America finally became "The Land of the Free", where everyone had a place and was respected.

    The Civil Rights Movement impacted who we go to school with, and who our friends and teachers are. People that we interact with everyday probably wouldn't be here, if not for the Civil Rights Movement. There wouldn't be people at the grocery store, on the bus, or at the movies. We would be completely separated from some of the most important people in our lives.

    If these civil rights activists were here today, I think that they would be proud. They had the courage to stand up to the majority of society for what they believed in. As effective as they were, they didn't end racial segregation in a day. However, that is why their work is so admirable. These activists kept pushing and pushing for what they knew was right. Even the smallest protests had a big influence, and led to bigger things: "The modern period of civil rights reform can be divided into several phases, each beginning with isolated, small-scale protests and ultimately resulting in the emergence of new, more militant movements, leaders, and organizations." They didn't completely end racism, but things are so much better because of them. Everything they did was worth it.

    Civil rights are something that everyone deserves. For the longest time, people weren't respected, but the Civil Rights Movement changed that. Our nation, and our lives, are more unified. These civil rights activists earned their respect, and set an example for everyone who believed in something worth fighting for.

  3. The Civil Rights Movement, as its name states, has granted more rights and equality to people that hadn't had them. African-Americans during this time had struggled freedom and equality, "separate but equal" being a very important legal doctrine. Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, and Rosa Parks all share an important factor, standing up to what they had believed in. These people had done what nobody had the courage to do. They had done what they done at a time when it was not allowed.

    Because those people had done what they done, everyone now has the same equality. However, people still have right to say what want to say, but can't do something because of a difference. The Civil Rights Movement has effected our society in a positive way, even until today. I personally support Civil Rights granting everyone the ability to do something. The race or skin color does not reflect how a person truly is. What reflects a persons true personality is what they do with their lives. Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, and Rosa Parks had all done a positive thing with their lives that even effects us.

    - Ian B.

  4. Civil rights have really opened up America. And people were treated more fairly. Back then America was practically an all white country. But today the the percentage of white's has gone unbelievably low because of all the people coming from other countries. It greatly changed America because now there's not classes of only white's or only black's ect. With segregation gone students and even teachers can learn more about other cultures they weren't able to before.

    If people like Martin Luther King Jr. could see America today they would be glad. To see that all the effort they put into making civil rights possible. The obligation and challenges they faced just because of their skin color. It is just something normal upon humans. It shouldn't be a reason to enslave certain people.

  5. The civil rights Civil Rights Movement is so important in today's society. Without it, America wouldn't be the same. In schools, hospitals, stores, and various other public places, there are a mix of races, one of them being African-American. Nowadays, it just seems natural to see an African-American out in public doing things that white people do. But before the Civil Rights Movement, that was never done.

    Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Medgar Evers, and many Civil Rights activists are no longer with us. However, if they were still here, I think they'd be very happy at how society is today. Maybe not the behavior of society, but I think that by the fact that blacks and whites are mixed and friendly with one another would make them proud. In my opinion, the Civil Rights act is extremely important. Ethically, I think because of the skin color of your peer, you shouldn't exclude or leave out. Skin color means nothing to me, but their personality is what truly matters.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The Civil Rights Movement has impacted our nation in many ways. It has changed who we now are friends with, our relationship with people, and the way people see things. If it was never for the Civil Rights Movement, we would probably still be separated. Nobody would have equal rights today. It's very sickening and sad to even think about how poorly African-Americans were treated compared to white people.
    If Martin Luther King Jr. , Medgar Evers, and Rosa Parks were still here, they would be proud of how the nation came to be. They would of been happy with all the citizens being friendly to each other no matter what race they are. I know if I were them, I would feel so good knowing that in some way, I made a difference to the world.

    The idea of the Civil Rights Movement to me means freedom. When I hear that phrase, I think about how life is today and how much better it is to not see bathroom doors say, "White Only" and "Colored Only"
    It makes me think about how cruel the nation used to be, treating whites like kings and queens while treating African Americans like nothing. The Civil Rights Movement makes me think that it is so much better to have everyone like each other without having to look at their skin tone. It makes me think about how people's skin color does not define them in any way. Black History Month is a great way to remember about the people who impacted our world today.

  8. The civil rights movement changed the nation by getting rid of slaves. It also helped black people get equal rights. The civil rights movement united the nation and made us stronger. Without the civil rights movement I would've never been born. Also, without the civil rights movement we wouldn't have known all the people we know today, have the friends we have, get the same education, and have all of the chances we have today. If Dr. King Jr., Medgar, and Rosa could see all of the changes we've made they would be overjoyed to see that their actions paid off. They would say that they are proud of us and proud of themselves and their comrades who helped in the civil rights movement.

    I am so greatful for the civil rights movement. If it werent for the civil rights movement, my life would be very different. In fact I wouldn't have been born, being a mixed girl and everything. I agree with Noah and I don't think the civil rights movement shouldn't have had to happen in the first place. It wasn't right to have slaves and say that black people are lesser than white people. I think that civil rights gave not only black people but everybody a second chance. Black's got the chance to be equal and the white people got a chance to start doing the right thing. All in all, I think the civil rights movement was a great thing and I am very thankful for civil rights.

    1. Thank you for sharing your family's story with us, Talyssa!

  9. These are very thoughtful and moving responses. I wish MLK Jr. could read your words and see young people today!

  10. I think that the Civil Rights Movement changed our nation and lives because we are all equals now. Our nation has no more slaves. It doesn't matter what race a person is. They will still be treated as any other be person. The US became a better place because of the Civil Rights Movement.

    I think that the Civil rights activist would be happy with civil rights in America. People treat people much better than they did when the Civil rights activists were alive. There is not as much racism as there was before. I think that the Civil Rights Movement was one of the best things that happened to America.

    -Julianne R.

  11. The civil rights movement has given rights to many African Americans that had no rights a while ago. The civil rights movement has also changed the diversity of america today. For example, now we are used to seeing many african americans out walking around in public. This movement has changed the lives of everyone in america. It changed the way we look and think of people. In addition, the civil rights movement has allowed african americans to an education that they would never have before.

    Many civil rights activists stood against something so powerful and strong, that no one thought they could overcome it. However, they stood up for their own rights. I think that they would be absolutely thrilled with the way things are today. African Americans are no longer segregated the way they once were. To me, these movements represent the freedom of others all across america. The civil rights movement has shaped our world today. -Jackson T

  12. The Civil Rights Movement changed our lives by getting rid of racial segregation and slavery. I think they would be really happy and proud of the people that helped change the world. They would still probably be making changes today because there are still people making fun of peoples skin color.

    What it means to me is that we should not discriminate people because of their skin color. It was made so everyone can be equal and nobody will be hurt or left out because of how they look or something like that. Also if you see that happen to anybody you know or even if you don't know them, you should stop it and help that person.

  13. The Civil Rights movement has impacted society today in so many ways. Not only is there no slavery, there is equality. Equality for everyone in the United States. It's now considered normal to see all different races out and about doing the same thing as everyone else, and that's how it should be. We're all human beings, we're not of lesser value to the world because of our color. If only back then the people who had slaves could look at them in a different perspective, and think to themselves how hard that position must be and how they wouldn't want to be a slave themselves, so how could they have the morality to intentionally do that to people? Everyone is so unique and special, so why treat them as if they were nothing? Life should be protected, Life should be lived to the fullest, and that is exactly how it is today. I'm proud of our society in that aspect.

    If Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, or Medgar Evers were alive today they would also be proud. Martin Luther King Jr's dream would be achieved here. Rosa Parks could sit in the front of the bus or even have her own car. Medgar Evers wouldn't of been assassinated by a member of the White Citizens' Council which still bugs me to today. They would rest in peace if they could know how much society has changed today,and for the better too.

  14. The Civil Rights Movement had a huge impact in society, and still is. If it weren't for that, all of the schools in the whole United States, would be segregated, such as Green Valley, being only white, and all of the African-Americans, and other races, would have to go to another school, and that is just not right. It would also be hard to get into colleges, and then shops would be segregated as well. The Civil Rights Movement, however, made it so that is not possible, so that every man and women, in that country could get into that school, go into that restaurant, and go to that bathroom, and no one could stop you, by just saying your this color, so you have to get out. If Martin Luther King Jr., and the rest of the Civil Rights people, could see how much our country has developed into a multiracial country, and everyone has the rights to go anywhere, they would be EXTREMELY happy, to see that what they believed in, has happened, and how much it affected the modern life. We will never have to feel what Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks went through to stand for what they believe in, but we can keep going forward, knowing that we will not go through heavy racial segregation.

    Civil Rights means to me, the right that anyone can get a decent education, go to their college of choice, and get a job that they are happy and satisfied with, and no one saying that you can't since you are African American or Latino, and instead those people have to go to a crummy school across town, and go to horrible college, and get a job that is just bad, because of their shin color. That can't happen now that Civil Rights are a thing. I wouldn't be doing this now if it weren't for that. Civil Rights is a thing everyone should have.
    -Julian M.

    1. EDIT: It should be most schools in the United States. :D

  15. The world would be much different if the Civil Rights movement had not occurred The dynamics of society would have been different, and the daily life of millions of people changed. African Americans would have less respect, along with every other race in America. Overall, life would not be as sweet without the Civil Rights Movement.

    Obviously, the Civil Rights Movement abolished slavery. But that little change caused a massive change. An entire race's brilliant minds could now be put to work, creating new medicines and discovering new things. This also changed the political standpoint of the country. Our president is African American, and without him, there would not be Obamacare or other political effects.

    America is a melting pot, where many races come and are able to learn and explore. The Civil Rights Movement allowed the flexibility needed in order to attract more and more people. Now, everyone can attend a great public school for free, and without discrimination. They can also go on a bus, and attend a movie. Their words will be heard, and their spirits remembered.

    Speaking of remembrance, the acts of many brave people brought about the Civil Rights Movement. They would be overjoyed to see the impact it caused today. Their children may not have been able to attend a good school, but their great grandchildren can attend any school they want, and they even have choices. People they knew can casually walk down the street without fear. What they sacrificed so much for was a success. They can rest in the knowledge that because of them, the world is a better place.

    To me, I think that the Civil Rights Movement really changed the type of people we are. The mindset of the average American became a more peaceful setting. The influences we receive have become something to celebrate. This movement has sparked the freedom of speech movement, which is happening right now in France. Freedom isn't impossible- It's just up to us to get it.

    Sriha S. =^.^=

  16. The Civil Rights Movement has changed our society tremendously. Since the Civil Rights Movement we have been able to live in harmony with all races. We have learned that what is on the outside doesn't compare to what's on the inside. We as a nation have learned that because of the Civil Rights Movement we can't judge a person by the way they look, like Martin Luther King Jr. said, but by the content of their character. Now, today our nation, our people live together as one. Segregation can not take over our society because we know that truly, deep down we are all the same.

    Only if Martin Luther King Jr. could see our nation and society today. He'd be so amazed by the way we've learned to accept each other and its has a lot to do with what he did. Even though not all of our people accept every race, the amount of people who DO has grown a lot. Martin Luther king Jr. would enjoy the fact that we took his advice to not let discrimination take over the nation and let it rule us. Martin Luther would be proud to live with a nation that welcomes all people no matter their race.

    To me the Civil Rights mean that we are actually capable of living as one group. That means to me, that if we can accomplish things like fixing a broken, racist society to become a fair, equally society, we can do anything if we really put a lot of effort into it. It helps me understand that I can do anything if I out my mind to it. The Civil Rights Movement is an example of hard work that people are still in awe of today. The Civil Rights Movement is a very motivational accomplishment that can encourage many today.

    -Eliza A.

  17. The civil rights movement changed many things in our country. It also changed the people in it. Before the Civil Rights movement, white people thought that people of color were inferior to them. They thought people of color were not smart enough and werent capable of doing the things that white people could so they were kept as slaves.
    We are much different now than we were then. Today it is against the law to keep slaves. In addition its against the law to deny someone a job, or anything else, because of the color of there skin. Also, we have an African American president which shows that we have realized that people of color can do anything other people can.
    -Lauren M.

  18. The Civil Rights Movement has changed American lives in many ways. The first way it changed our nation is in our culture. The songs we listen to, the words we say, how we act, has all been influenced by African-Americans. Rap and hip-hop would probably not even exist. The children of our generation would look completely different. If we never had the Civil Rights Movement, no one from America would look anything like how we do now.

    The second reason is the knowledge we have gained from African Americans. If we kept holding Black people back like how we did, so many ideas and concepts would have never been heard of. There are many great Black scientists, all who changed our world for the better. Without them, imagine how much knowledge we wouldn't have. Are world would be an entire generation more unknowledgeable.

  19. The civil rights movement has changed America in many ways. The first way is that it has changed the way we see people today. Instead of seeing people by their race or color, instead we see people by their personality. It has also changed the culture of our nation. I think they would say that our nation is a lot less racially segregated but, I think they would say that it is also still somewhat racially segregated.

    To me the civil rights movement means that we are actually capable of living as a whole. I think that it also means that even if people are different colors we can all be together without causing harm to one another.

  20. I think we only celebrate black history month or BHM once a year because we have to thank them for what they did and who they are. They've made a big impact on our lives because it has affected the way we live today the way we talk to people and most importantly we don't have anymore slaves. I think if MLK and the other people were still alive until this day. They would probably be the happiest people on Earth because they have done something big and have made a huge accomplishment for there lives but also ours. The civil rights movement to me means making a movement like moving on from making colored people slaves and making them go to other schools than whites.
    - Carlvesi L.

  21. The civil rights has changed our society and the way that black people are treated. Yes, there is racism and some people may look at black people as just troublemakers, but those are just words. Before this movement, black people were restricted from schools, restricted from going to certain places, and sometimes had to go into different bathrooms.They were beaten, killed, and told throughout their lives that they couldn't do it or weren't good enough. Now after this movement everything is becoming more equal. Look at President Obama. He's black; however, no ones stopping him from doing his job. Now in schools, there's mixed races and no one is putting them down.

    If Rosa Parks were to come back and see how our nation has been shaped, she would be proud and would probably feel shocked on what chain reaction that she has left. She could sit on the bus, and not be told to leave or get up. If Martin Luther King Jr. was here, he would be stunned on the freedom black people have gotten. He would see the black people serving in the army, fighting for our country. He would see the black teachers, teaching people of all races. He would overall be proud of what this civil rights movement has left on our nation.

    The Civil Rights Movement means to me that everyone is equal in their own little ways. If your smart or not, gay or straight, or black or not, you are all equal. Everyone has their rights and it should be the same for everyone.
    -Adrian J.

  22. Civil rights movements has changed in many ways over the years. One way is that it has changed how we looked at each other. Most people now don't look at our skin color, they look at our personality. White, Mexican, black, and etc. people are all friends. We all hang out with each other and go to the same school. Some people still are racist against black people but we have so many black people in our world that have changed our lives forever.

    If Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, or any black activist didn't do what they did to help African American have rights, the world would be not how it is today. Black people wouldn't be able to ride the bus, go to the same school as other races, or even be friends with each other. Our lives would be completely different. the civil rights movement meant to me that black people can be looked at the same as any other races. It is sad to me that black people had to become slaves, and didn't get to play with other white people. They were looked at like they were stupid and dumb just based on the color of their skin.

  23. The civil rights movement changed the way that we look at each other. Without it we would still look at some other people as unequal or lower class. It made the lives of some easier and more interesting. It also gave some people something to look forward to. Without it many would be in pain and suffering. Slaves would look at the other people with hate, but not anymore.

    That all ended with MLK Jr. Him and a few others helped start the civil rights movement. They changed the lives of many. They halped to change our society for the bettter. If they were still alive they would look at us with respect for what we have done. They would be glad that they halped shape today's society in their time. The civil rights movement is like the civil war. The reward is freedom for all. America is supposed to be a free country, Owning other humans is not the meriican way. It corrupted our society and we have now fixed it. I am proud of it.

    -Asha A.

  24. I think the civil rights movement changed how we think of each other as people, as well as our ethics. For example, we don't segregate anymore. Not only because it is wrong but also because we think all people are equal. And that's the way it should be.

    I think if any one of those people came back and saw are society, they would be pleased. However, i think they would say there is room for improvement. When my family went to Minnesota, a kid asked us if we were Chinese. He wasn't trying to insult us, he just didn't know because the majority of the population there was white. I think they would say we need to educate people.

    To me, the civil rights movement was a peaceful battle for equality, not only for african americans, but for all races.


  25. The civil rights movement has changed is greatly. It has changed our society. It has also changed the way people think about others. It has made people equal. It has also taken many out of slavery.

    It the activists were here today they would be surprised. They would say that they are thankful for their impact. They would think about the troubles they went through and their impact. To me this movement means equality. It means freedom for African Americans. Many people would want to thank the activists and so would I if they were here today.

  26. The civil rights movement changed the way we look at African Americans because they were now new to this world in how things happen. Now all races could sit anywhere on the bus. Both races were now somewhat equal. We don't have slavery when we used to. Society had changed so much for a good reason.

    All of these famous African Americans would probably think that we did a great thing. We took what they started and spread it to more places. They would be proud of what the world has done after this movement.

  27. The civil rights movement has changed our nation greatly. African Americans can now do anything a white person can do. Back then, we were separated by segregation where African Americans were separated from white people. Today, we accept both races and we are equal.

    All these famous African Americans would probably think that our society today I great towards freedom and equality. They did their job great as civil rights movement people. They are the reason why our country is now, truly equal.

  28. Thank you all for your thoughtful replies!
