Thursday, February 26, 2015

Creative Writing Workshop, Part Trois

Another writing game to get your creativity going!

1. Pick an age between 12 and 18 OR 62 and 100.

2. Pick a city: Paris, Detroit, Chicago, Mumbai, Rio De Janiero, Tokyo, Moscow, Honolulu, Krakow, Athens...or one of your own choosing.

3. Choose a prominent physical feature to make distinctive: nose, ears, eyes, teeth, or hands. For example, a long, crooked nose or small, calloused hands.

4. Pick an eye color.

5. Pick a hair color.

6. Create a name, first name starting with R and last name starting with G. R_____ G_____

7. Choose a passion: painting, jazz music, poetry, aviation, environmental activism, gardening, basketball, cooking, astrophysics, social justice, butterfly collecting, space travel, mad science experimenting, training animals..or one of your own choosing.

You are now officially this character!  Write a two-paragraph minimum story starting with: 

I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously...



    I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously the librarian was not as interested in star gazing as me. My fierce green eyes were glowering at her as she lazily thumbed through the Krakow Library's decrepit Dewey Decimal System index cards. She yawned again, and my craggy old hands snatched the cards from her.

    "It's fine, I'll do it myself," I spit angrily, my grey beard shaking with frustration.

    "Mr. Garrison? Roger Garrison?" I heard a small voice inquiring behind me...


    Notice how I work the details I chose into the story.

    HAVE FUN!! :)

  2. I thought I had been asking politely but obviously she wasn't listening.
    I was standing on the court about to make the winning shot. When all of a sudden I hear my name yelled. "Regina George!!!".I turned around and see Cady Heron looking into my blue eyes." What did u do to your perfect blonde hair". "Cady your at the NDBL the national Detroit basketball league".

    Cady was one of those people that didn't always know where she was. We where both 15 and trying to apply to colleges. But it didn't always go as planned...

  3. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously what I said had offend him. He looked as if he was about to punch me. I didn't get what his problem with me was so I walked away. As I walked down the streets of Tokyo, I was amazed at all the shops. I stopped to pull out my iphone. I put on a random jazz song that made happy.

    I felt so happy that day that I decided to dye my hair flame red. I came out of the barber shop looking like someone tried to burn me. Everywhere I went people stared at me but I didn't care. I was having a great day. I arrived at a jewelry store and got my ear pierced. I picked out a blue diamond and put it in. Ten minutes had passed when the guy from before approached me. I didn't think much of it because he was talking in a language I didn't know. The I remembered .I DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE!!!

    1. BTW don't ask about the story.

      P.S. My name is Robert Garfield.

  4. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously mom didn't want to spend any money on me. I wanted the new TAMA drum set that had just come out, but it cost way too much money. My hands were aching and had blisters from trying to learn the mamba and the jazz waltz and my fingers were all bandaged up. I wanted to go by myself out of the house because I was old enough to do my own thing. I mean, I was 16. I don't need to be babied around like some toddler. I went up to the local cafe and ordered a croissant. They called "Roger Glemens" and I went to get my croissant, but I saw this beautiful girl walk by.

    She walked over to me because she was attracted to my bandaged hands. She came over and said hey wanna come over. She also had some bandages on her hands. I went to her hand and she had the new TAMA drum set. I tried it out and it sounded beautiful. I could actually play the mamba. She gave me her number and we became good friends.

    This was 10 years ago and now we are getting married. :D

    -Adrian J.

    1. Aw, bonding over the TAMA drum set! It was meant to be!

  5. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously the TMOOJ(Team Milkman Organization of Justice) wouldn't send me on the important mission. I know I'm only fifteen and shouldn't even be involved in this social justice organization, but I have to go. The mission is to go stop these terrorists that steal milk and blow up the grocery stores all over the world. You are supposed to go in with a squadron of agents but since nobody even wants me on the mission, I guess I go in myself. But how do I get to the terrorists when they are all the way in Paris? I suppose I could steal a jet but I don't know how to drive it. But as I'm in the cockpit I hear "Jason Gibson!" from the father. I ignore him and take off with, some gear I also stole, before my dad gave me the lecture if my mom would approve of me after she sacrificed herself to save me when I was three.

    Luckily the ship had auto pilot so I just set the coordinates and it took me to Paris. But before going after the terrorists, I do a little shopping, go site seeing, eat a croissant, this is my first time in Paris after all. So next I wait by the nearest grocery store that the terrorist are sure to rob and blow up. I found my way because I have a distinctly big nostrils for smelling milk. I also buy some things to apologize to my dad. He loves his jerky. And then they came. They wore masks and carried submachine guns. They yelled everyone to get out and started placing C4's and stealing milk. My first concern was to stop the explosives. So I went for the guy holding the detonator. I used my training in martial arts to take him down and deactivate the C4's. But the rest of his buddies got away. So I got the man who had the detonator to start talking. He told me where their hideout was. Underneath the Eiffel Tower.

    Once I made my way their I used the C4's from the man to blow a hole into their base. But of course, cool guys don't look at explosions. Once they were exposed, they went up the tower and destroyed the control panel so I couldn't take the elevator. But I had high tech sticky gloves to climb the tower. Once I made it up they started shooting. Good thing I had a bulletproof vest. After I disarmed and tied them up, I contacted police to return the milk to the stores. I didn't tell them that I blew the hole under the tower. When I got back home my dad was proud of me and their was a medal ceremony for bringing those terrorists to justice. I know what your going to say now...I'm awesome.

    1. "I have distinctively big nostrils for smelling milk." If I had been drinking milk just now, it would have come out of my nose! Oh my, Oscar, you really cracked me up with that one. Where do you come up with this stuff?!

  6. Don't you just love it when your brain is so inspired to write great stories. This story is probably one of my best pieces of literature. It was like my brain was farting rainbows! My life is complete.

  7. Hi! Please read on to learn about the life of Reina Gonshu!

    I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously, my parents didn't want me going to the AnimeCon by myself. I stood in front of the mirror, on the verge of tears, my intense green eyes staring back. My blue tipped black hair reached down to my knees, and I used it to hide myself. Didn't they know how long it had taken to get tickets? It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and Ryan was going to be there! My crush since fourth grade told the entire class about his parents getting VIP tickets to AnimeCon, and for the first time, I would be going!!! Nykina had managed to save up all her savings, and for my thirteenth birthday, presented me with two tickets. I'm pretty sure we screamed together for ten minutes straight.

    But now that dream was crumbling, just because my parents refused to let be go with Nykima! I mean, come on, Ryan would save me from any intruders! My parents wanted me to study math. Math, math, math. When could I do what I wanted? I fell on top of my icy blue bed, and looked at the pictures of ice skaters covering the room. I'd studied the moves of so many figure skaters, like Gracie Gold, and turned them into graceful anime figures almost as beautiful as they were in real life. Secretly, I had been taking lessons at the local rink, and the instructor, Sandy Wu, was about to take me to the national Japanese rink so I could further my knowledge. AnimeCon was where I could showcase my ice skating drawings, and look at other people put their passions into art. I had to get to the AnimeCon. It was the only chance I had of having a decent love life, showcasing my art, and finally blooming into the ice skater I knew I could be. The convention was tonight. It was time to sneak out.

    Tiptoeing, I silently walked into the kitchen. My dad was about to take his sleeping pills, and my mother was about to eat her multivitamins. For now, they rested on the couch, watching some cricket. My plan was to mix an extra pill in the water, and put some sleep syrup on Mom's multivitamins. Right before I did, I had a moment of hesitation. It wasn't right to do this. It may be illegal. Then I thought of the huge math books in my room, and the way that Father wanted me to be nothing but a lawyer. After that, I immediately went through with my plan, and walked away. Father called out, "Raina, have you done your math yet? I have another science book waiting if you have." I shook my head and told him, "No Father, but I am about to. Besides, it it almost time for bed." He came up to me and took the pill, then drank the water. He then gave Mom her multivitamins. Good. Almost instantaneously, they yawned and looked sleepy. Mom sleepily said, "I'm so tired. Let's go to bed, Julen." Julen, my dad, nodded and walked to the bedroom. They closed their door without a single goodnight. The clock read six o' clock, meaning that I had to get going. Nykina waited outside. I snuck out, carrying my drawings. We jumped in a taxi, and drove to AnimeCon.

    1. At the convention, a huge crowd surrounded the hall. Celebrities walked in, and I caught a glimpse of Ryan looking smug with his parents. "Doesn't Ryan look hot in that tuxedo?" I whispered to Nykina. She looked at me weirdly, and took me to the entrance. We handed in our tickets, and walked in. There, hundreds of popular artists walked around, talking to each other and comparing works of art. I saw the animators of Hetalia, Death Note, Haiku, and Attack on Titan laughing together and repeatedly having toasts- to Italy, Sebastian, whoever it may be. My hands shook. Nykina reassured, "Raina, it's going to be fine!You are a great artist, and these people are crazy if they don't see your talent." She smiled and took me to Sandy, who was there and waiting in my booth. "Whoa," I gaped, looking at the beautiful setup Sandy had created. Sandy wasn't just my instructor, she was also my friend, and she had taken the time to decorate and put up some of my best works. Already, people were coming to see my drawings, and I heard some compliments thrown my way. Even Ryan, who was chatting with some older girl, glanced my way. But when I waved, he just walked away. My confusion was blocked by Sandy waving in my face: "Raina, I have more good news...The National Japanese Ice Skating Rink as agreed to take you on as a member of the National Junior Team!!" Oh my gosh, was she for real?! I began screaming with Nykina and Sandy, and we got more than a few stares. But I didn't care. My career in ice skating had just taken off. People loved my art. This entire thing was a huge success!

      For the rest of the night I talked to more artists than I could imagine. Tomorrow I'd have my first class at the National Rink. Finally, it was time to go home, and I waved goodbye to Nykina and Sandy. When I walked up the steps to our flat, I was so excited. My life waited ahead of me. Now all I had to do was make it happen.


      Okay yeah, sorry I didn't make it that long, it's already like, six, and I have to get my science fair project done and do all my other homework... Awk... Need to go work! Maybe I'll continue this by myself sometime. Anyway, Byeeee!

      Sriha S. =^.^=

    2. If you do decide to continue it, post it here so I can read the rest! :)

    3. Will do! I really do love writing. For now, it's time to do more work! ^^

      Sriha S. =^.^=

  8. I thought I had been asking them politely, but obviously they wouldn't take no for an answer. I was some what recruited into the CIA when I was 12, but that was 6 years ago. Male, 5'10, brown eyes, black hair, access granted. Welcome Agent Rico Garrison. Every single day, I hear that piece of information about me repeated as I enter my "Job". I will admit this job has its perks, but it's a shame they don't know their fighting the wrong side. The CIA and Japan's International Agency or JIA, have been fighting for days. This is were I come in, I begin writing the codes, bypassing fire walls and then I'm in.

    I am a hacker, a legion hacker. I work for a secret society known as Anonymous, located somewhere in Chicago. The CIA doesn't known that their genius mastermind is working for no ones side. I work hours typing in code with my swift fingers typing on my keyboard. Day after day after day it's the same situation, always a problem. It's Anonymous job to fix it, we may look like we have no power, but we have all the power. We will maintain world order. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

    join us.

    - Ian B.

    1. P.S. - I had a really good 5 paragraph story but my page refreshed.

    2. I L L U M I N A T I C O N F I R M E D and Half Life 3 :D

    3. I recommend typing your posts into Word or Google Doc first, then copy-pasting them onto the blog. Safer. :)

    4. Oh my gosh, I HATE it when that happens. I've learned to copy paste it periodically somewhere else. Also helps when I want to see how many words I'm at. I love learning that I've doubled the number of words I used to write in an essay. :D You know that anonymous really is an organization?

      Sriha S. =^.^=

  9. I thought i had been asking politely but obviously my parents just wouldn't change their minds. "Can I please go to Honolulu for the choir competition?" I begged my parents. They looked at me with a disgusted look in their eyes. "Rosy Green you are only 16 years old. You are not old enough to go across the ocean by your self." my dad yelled. I looked at him with my big brown puppy dog eyes. "Please daddy" My mother looked down at me and stroked my red hair "Sweetheart you are just not old enough to go by yourself." she said softly. "FINE!!!!!" I screamed and ran upstairs.
    I'm 16 I know it may be a little young but I'm not going all by myself my choir is going to. Later my parents came up to my bedroom and sat down on my bed "Maybe we were a little hard on you downstairs" my dad said "we talked to your choir teacher and she said that she promises to keep an eye on you and to have you call us every night." My mom smiled and said " Where letting you go". I jumped up and hugged my parents, "Thank you thank you thank you" I'm going to start packing now."
    The next morning I woke up and my parents drove me to the airport where I met my choir group. "Bye mom bye dad, I promise I will call you every night" i said. "Okay. we will miss you" they said. We walked onto the air plain and took our seats. The plain ride didnt seem as long as i thought it would. Im so glad i got to come here. Its so beautiful i said to myself. Our competition was even better than the scenery. WE WON!!!! Im so glad my parents let me come.
    -Lauren M.

  10. I thought I have been asking politely, but the panda just didn't want to be saved. I was at K.O.A.L.A, Canada, and I was enrolled in the agency at the age of 67, and it was 2 years later, when I was assigned the mission to be saving pandas in South Mars. I was chosen because I had rainbow hair, and my eyes were the color of unicorns. I also had huge hands, since I had the ability to juggle watermelons. My name was Reddit "Doge GGG, Good Guy Greg. I then tried to hack into Valve, trying to find the release date of Half Life 3, but IT WILL NEVER BE CONFIRMEDDDDD1!!!11!1!

    I soon had to take a Taco Bell Break, but I had horrible diarrhea after, so my friend The Chosen Juan, got some Febreeze. I then proceeded to watch some MLG parodies, with lots of dubstep, rekt, not rekt, and tons of TRIPPPPLES. I proceeded to wavedash and crouch cancel my way into the Pentagon, where I took the security guards out, with the WARIO WAFT! It smelled like garlic 4 DAYZ m8. I then rode some leprechauns off to the sunset. I was then fasted by the Fast Master, so I must like this comment or I'M TOO SLOW. So I ate some pie, and the world was saved from the horrible games and movies, called Sonic 06 and ET. And they all lived happily ever after, THE END!!!!!
    ~Julian M.

  11. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously the lady behind the desk didn't want to budge. "I told u already! I'm part of the Franklin Music Academy and we're performing tomorrow night! All you have to do is kindly hand over the key card for my hotel room and I'll be on my way," I all but screamed at her. " I'm sorry ms. Godinez but your only 16, you have to be at least 18 to check into our hotel," the lady responded. I was about to go off on her when I heard my name being called, " Rachel! Your finally here!" My best friend Jen shouted across the lobby. She ran over to me and helped me get my key card since she recently turned 18. "How was the plane ride down here?" She asked. "It was fine except for the kid that kept kicking my seat," I answered. "Oh, well are you excited for the show tomorrow? I'm so nervous!" Jen squealed. I laughed at her, "I just wanna get it over with so we can get our tan on on the sandy beaches of Honolulu!" I cheered. Once we got to my room I bid her goodbye and went right to sleep since it was already getting late.

    I woke up at 9:00 feeling well rested. I took a long, hot shower and called Jen over so we could get ready together. I slipped into a nice knee-length black dress and a white cardigan. Jen pulled my long, dark brown curls up in a bun with a few strands left out. I only had a little make up on and white heels. Before we left, I gave myself a little peptalk while looking at my dark green eyes in the mirror. After 15 minutes we arrived at the place. I took my seat behind the large grand piano and waited for the signal to start. My long, calloused fingers trembled above the piano, waiting to dance and move over the shiny, white keys.

  12. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously my manager interpreted it differently. "You have to stay here and keep practicing your singing", my manager, Mrs . Parks, said. I was currently on a world tour and my next concert was in Seoul, so I had to practice at the concert venue to get used to the stage. I loved singing and performing, but I felt like a caged animal restricted from the outside world. Ever since I became an artist, I couldn't live a normal life anymore.

    I stared at Mrs. Parks with my big, brown puppy eyes, but she just wouldn't crack. Suddenly I haerd, "RENEE GIM TO THE STAGE! RENEE GIM!". That was my que. Once I got backstage, I realized why I was here. I loved singing more than anything and now at 17, I'm pursuing my dream. As I performed my dance number, my magenta dyed hair thrashed all around me. It felt good to be on stage. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  13. I thought I asked politely, but obviously they didn't want to give it back. Every day I always try to play basketball but the same kids steal my ball every day, every night. Their always there. I finally decided to speak up, " Give it back right now or I'm gonna-" "What are gonna do, hit me with your chopsticks?" " No um um I'm gonna beat you up!" " Really? Bet you can't even hit me because your eyes are so small and thin, it basically looks like you have to lines instead of eyes." " It's not funny! Just give me my ball now!" " No! Go home loser." I run back home trying not to cry. I enter my house my mom is cooking dinner. She turns around and sees me crying. " Ricky what happened? Did those boys make fun of you again?" "Yes" " It's fine, they might make fun of you but I bet you can beat them in any basket ball game." " They said I can't even see because of my eyes." " They don't know what their talking about, you have beautiful brown eyes. Now why don't you go eat dinner and go to sleep, so you can have some energy tomorrow if you do decide to challenge them." "Ok."

    I wake up eat breakfast and head straight to the Detroit park. The same kids from yesterday are still there. I yell, " Hey let's have a one on one." The tallest one from yesterday says, " Ok you get the ball first cause I know I am going to win." We start the game, 6-12, 10-26, 20-40. Fourth quarter and I'm down by 20. Then I see my family on the right of the court, " Beat him now Ricky Gadoa!" Then suddenly 25-42, 33-45, 45-45. Only 10 seconds left I stand right before the basket, Im really nervous worried about what's going to happen, I shoot and I miss. The kid runs into me and knocks me down from trying to block me and I demand a free throw. He says no but everybody knows I deserve one. I make the shot and I win. Then my family cheers for me.

  14. I thought I asked politely, but obviously they didn't think so. "Rose!" they would scream. All I had asked for was simply a thick, red sharpie. I wanted to write my name on my new roommate's forehead. What's so wrong about that? Some of the people who have known me for a while longer know I prefer not sharing a room. "Aye aye aye. Fox, Fox, Fox, what is the academy going to do with you?" they would say laughing. I usually shake my head at the nickname they gave me. My name is Rose Garcia, a.k.a. Fox. why do they call me fox? Its due to the fact I'm sly, a trickster, and a redhead with brilliant teal eyes. Two years ago I was sent to the troubled teens academy. However I was the youngest person ever enrolled... I was ten. Now at the age of twelve, I'm still the youngest, but, by far, the most well known. I'm not so much as a bad child, just more of a... manipulator. I picked up as a hobby because of my parents constant absence in my sad little life.

    Just as I start frustrated by how no one would give me the gosh dang sharpie, my roommate decides she wants to walk in. "Oh, hi Lilly!" I start in a overly chirpy voice. "How was your nap? Lovely I hope." I start to walk out of the room but stop when I reach her. I lean in close to her ear and say "You won't be getting much more of it." in a serious yet threatening voice. I giggle sweetly and prance out of the room. I know I'm not nice, but I don't really care what others think about me. We all die in the end right? But hey, at least I'm an honest person. I might be rude, but I do have morals... to some extant anyway.

    I walk back to my dorm room, from there to the bathroom. The awful mustard colored walls always made me want to vomit. I look in the mirror and...
    !!!!! cliff hanger

  15. I thought I asked politely, but obviously they didn't want me, or so I thought. I'm a 16 year old brunet with brown eyes and perfect teeth (Meaning no cavities) and I go by the name Raven Gabbet. I recently auditioned for one of the most prestigious jazz bands in Paris, Via Paris Jazz Band. At first I was pretty confident and prepared, but the results weren't what I wanted. I'm not so sure I got in though because the audition was kind of rough.

    About week ago I auditioned for a spot on the Via Paris Jazz Band. I was pretty confident at first, BEFORE the audition began. But I was screwed about half way through it. I was playing my heart out, all my 4-month hard work was being poured out on the stage. But then they stopped me half way through. I pleaded for a second chance but they ignored it and said they'd get back to me as soon as they could. Right then I knew I didn't make it. But then I got a letter in the mail today saying:

    "Dear Raven Gabbet,

    We are glad to inform you that you have made the team!! You are absolutely the best saxophone player we have ever seen. We know we may have frightened you by stopping you half way through your audition, but we already knew you were perfect for the team. So we stopped you half way through and made you leave so that we could get through the other very talented contestants, even though we already knew you were the one!"

    -Eliza A.

  16. I thought I asked politely but obviously no one wanted to listen. I just stood there on stage singing my head off but no one seemed to care, so I skipped a few lyrics and went to the best parts. " Baby Baby Baby ooooh like baby baby baby noooo!" I got excited for the their reaction, but I got too excited because everyone just laughed their heads off. I didn't know what to do, I was shocked! I ran off the stage crying in the back stage, still hearing laughter from the audience.

    I thought I was good. People said I was better than other 15 year olds in Chicago. I loved to sing, I didn't know why they didn't like my singing. After the that disaster I took the bus home and went straight to my room. A few hours of sobbing went by then my doorbell rang so I went down to answer the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw that it was my friend, Scott. "What do you want?" "I want to talk to you Gabby." I open the door and I swiftly move under his arms and hug him as tight as I can. We walk to my room. I sit on my bed and he sat right across from me on my table and we just stared at each other.

    "Sorry about the performance.." "It's okay. I didn't like it at all either." "But I liked it." I stared at Scott. I looked down "You don't have to do this, just stop lying." I look at his face. His face told me that he was telling the truth. I walked towards Scott and hugged him again. I felt his hands go through my messy blonde hair. He pushed away from me lightly and looked into my blue green eyes. "Did I ever tell you that you had irresistible eyes?" Scott says. I blush then I laugh. I nudge him and tell him thank you. For the rest of the day, Scott and I walked around my neighborhood, and I forgot everything about the incident.

  17. I thought I was asked politely, but obviously not. I knew I was always different for my piercing violet eyes, but I never knew how far people would go to try and dissect my eyeballs.

    "We will make everything made out of VERSACE if you want. VERSACE. " an annoying rich person yelled.

    Aghhh why couldn't everyone just go away? I'm awesome at drawing, why can't they see my talent for that? I tried to run away, from everything. I started wearing contacts and ended up in Tokyo.

    "Your drawings are amazing! I have a feeling you're going to be a really important person one day." My publisher smiled.

    I smiled to myself. Finally, someone who can see my real talent. You will be one great artist, Rin Gale, and ended that thought as it is.

  18. I thought I was asked politely, but obviously not. My bold blue eyes stared fiercely at the other team across the court. My fiery red hair glowed in the open air, and was suddenly as red as my face was now. I had despised the Starz ever since the 2014 seasonal tryouts. The Starz were planning to play in Honolulu this coming summer and I wasn't going to miss out. When the tryouts were held, we ran a series of drills, and then played a little split-match game. Ever since I was born, I noticed that I had unusually big hands, and was able to handle the ball as good as anyone in the league. Everyone could see that except for one man, Dan Greenwood. Dan was the head coach and had always had something against me and my family.

    The Starz best point guard had gone down with a grade 3 high ankle sprain, and was going to miss the trip to Honolulu. I was the obvious choice to fill his spot, but unfortunately, the one making the decision was Dan. The Starz announced their decision, and I didn't make the cut. I was determined to fight back, and had practiced all summer long. This year, I joined the Blaze and we were scheduled to play the Starz on the 8th. I was determined to get revenge.

    1. My name... is Robert Gerno. (sound effect!!)

  19. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously I haven't. My name is Regina George and I love painting. I am 15 and I live in Chicago. I don't have many friends but that doesn't matter to me. have one friend that is the best one of all time. I had just entered in the NPC or Nation Painting Competition. I asked my older sister, Madison, to take me to it ages ago. But apparently she didn't hear me. I have been asking and asking her but I guess it wasn't "nice enough".

    The building isn't that far away (10 miles). Maybe I can make it there by bike. That was a lie. The deadline is in 1 hour. How will I make it? I almost instantly put my helmet on and start zooming like if I were in a marathon. I have to win this contest because if I do it will be my next big break. Whenever I paint I can feel the vibration in the brush stokes going through my skin. The color of the paint rushing through my eyes I love o paint and I have to make it. This motivation helped me finally make it there after 57 minutes.

  20. I thought I was asking nicely, but obviously to my mom having a little tone in your voice isn’t nice. All I wanted to do was go to the park to play basketball with my friends and she wouldn’t let me because apparently “I have attitude.” I mean, I’m 15 now I should be able to go to the park by myself I’m not a child anymore. Chicago isn’t even all that dangerous, it may be crowded but I can handle it. My mom stared at me with the same green eyes that I have, but the only difference is my eyelashes are way longer. We gave eachother that “we’re really arguing over this” look and then she finally said,”you can’t go unless you finish your homework.”

    It was already 5:30 and my friends were waiting for me. I told her I would do it when I got back (which made her even more mad). So, I just walked out the door. As I shut the door I heard my mom furiously roar, “Rachel Gabriella you get your but in here his instant or you’ll be sorry you even walked out that door.” I was terrified of my mom, but, the rebel that I was, I pretended that I didn’t hear her and walked out the door. When I got to the park my friends had asked me what took so long, I told them it was a long story and whatever they do dpn’t tell my mom what park we were at. I tied up my long brown hair and just played.

  21. I thought I was asking nicely, but obviously that was not the case with the treatment I was giving. I was at the doctor's office in Suisun city where I get my usual eye check-up. Ever since I was a baby, I have had complete heterochromia, where my eyes were to different colors. Normally my left eye is green and my right eye is blur, however, the colors have been switching between eyes lately, sometimes mixing together into a blue/green color. So I did this every week to make the affects go away and make the eye more suitable for chemotherapy, since it is most likely cancerous.

    "Riley Gale, your doctor is ready," the attendant shouts. I walk up to the door and follow my doctor into one of the rooms. But as I went down the hall my knees started to feel very weak and my vision went blurry, the last thing I remember was a group of nurses checking me for an response. I wake up to a very bright light, wondering where I am. I then hear a familiar voice say "He's awake."

  22. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously the critic wanted to be bribed. He wouldn't buy my art otherwise. I stormed out of his gallery in disgust, my green eyes blazing, and my wrinkled hands shaking. What was I supposed to do now? There weren't many opportunities in NYC for a seventy-five year old man. I could get a job, but painting was the only thing I wanted to do. Didn't anyone understand that? I knew I could make it in the art world if someone just gave me a chance.

    My self-portrait was, well, a work of, if I did say so myself. You could see my eyes burning through my surprisingly brown hair, as I walked along the beach. Silently thinking of my art...the art that no one would ever get to see.

  23. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously not because my mom gave me an ugly face after I asked if I could go to Paris with my best friend. "Rosalyn Goth, do you really think I'm going to let you go to a big city all alone with your friend?" She stated as her big brown eyes glared into mine.
    "Well this is my chance to sell my paintings and get noticed" I told her back as I took a piece of my red hair and put it behind my ear.

    "You are only 17 so no!" She yelled back at me.
    At that moment I was just plain irritated. Well this sucks, I guess I have to inform Layla that I can't go anymore. Even if it's a nice city, I still have a chance to sell my paintings here in San Fransisco. Although it would of been great to get to know a new city and be able to explore.

  24. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously they didn't accept 17 year olds like me. So I stared into his soul with my red fiery eyes. I smelled him with my long nose and I smelled fear. So I then shoved him out of the way to seat myself. After I ate my food I heard some girls talking about me. They were calling me "monster" and "alien". I didn't know what to do so I stared into their soul and they passed out. I don't think I looked like a normal person in Tokyo considering my shiny teal hair.

    At school I was bullied very greatly so now I am home schooled. I share the same passion with many others art. More specifically painting. I love painting my name Riley Galway. I beautifully illustrate each and every letter with the way I am feeling. Through this method of painting I don't care about what anyone says to me. I just push away the negative comments and go on with my life.

    -Kailani F

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  27. I was asking politely but obviously not to coach. There were 10 seconds left on the board and Ive been begging coach to put me in and he always kept saying "RaeRae Gibson I am not going to put you in!" I was really upset because all my friends were on the other team and I wanted to get a chance to play against them but no. Coach never believed in me, he just wanted to win and never cared about people having fun doing what they loved. But coach all of a sudden put me in for the first time and I was really surprised. So I got the ball dribbled it up court held the ball for about 9 seconds when there was 1 second left I shot the ball in the air swish I made the shot and we all went home happy! - Carlvesi L.

  28. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously he was offended. "NO, you can't renew this book. It's three months overdue!", he yelled. I just wanted to read my favorite book again for the 27th time, but he knew that I loved "War and Peace". I had even been born with unusually large hands so it could hold up the book to read it for up to four hours. I was known throughout the city of Burnie (city in Tasmania) for reading the book over and over. I was also known for having the odd name of Raye Guhn. Not only did I like the book, I really needed the A.R. points.

    I argued with the librarian. "But if I don't read it again, I won't be able to remember enough to pass the A.R. quiz!", I complained. "This is the libraries' book, not yours!", he replied. And with that he took the book from me. Now I would never get to my A.R. goal. (If you're wondering why A.R. was brought up in this story so much, it's kinda the way I feel.

  29. I thought I had been asking politely, but obviously not to the lady that glared at me. She looked at me with disgust and yelled at me to get off her property. I sighed and looked for somewhere else to go and play the violin. After wandering around West San Francisco, I saw a small café that was booming with people. Setting my violin case down, I opened it for customers to put tips in. Resting the violin on my shoulder and putting my chin on the chin piece, I started to play. People stopped to listen and they realized that I was playing "This is Gospel" by Panic! at the Disco. I played slowly at first and when I got to the chorus, I went faster.

    I tried not to make contact with the people, because I was afraid that they might judge me for my eye color. My left eye was blue while the other was green. Although, since I had the worst luck possible, a little boy was quick to notice and shouted really loud, "MOMMY! THAT LADY HAS SOME WEIRD EYEBALLS!" The mother hushed him and excused herself out of the large group that was surrounding me. I paid no attention to the hurtful comment, but instead finished the song with a bow. People clapped, cheered, and threw their spare change into my violin case. One person said encore, but I put the violin away signaling that I was done.

    As soon as the crowd cleared ready to go home, a person came up to me. "Hey there. I own the shop that is right there." He pointed towards the café and I expected the worst such as him telling me to never come again because I was stealing his customers or something like that. "Do you want to play on our stage that we have in our store? You can attract people with your playing. Also, you can get popular. You even stand out with your white tipped hair and pretty eyes." I blushed, quite happy that I got a compliment. "So, do you accept?" I nodded vigorously.
    Then I said, "Yeah. It will be my pleasure. Call me Rosemary Gates."

    ~Sofia K.

  30. I thought I'd been asking politely but obviously not. I am Rachel Gold and I'm thirteen in the big city of New York. Currently, I'm trying to get my order correct. I asked for specifically no beans and they have me beans in my burrito. I'm trying to not be rude but it's very hard because this ladies attitude.

    I finish my food and pennyboard back home. As I was saying above, I am Rachel Gold. Most people know me for my very straight and white teeth, my very long hair, and Ice blue eyes.

    I reach my house and walk inside. "RACHEL GET IN HERE" my mom shouts. Apparently she's been looking for me. I tell her where I was and she calms down. I go to my phones calendar and I read what I have to do today. I'm not really a normal teenager. I'm a youtuber and today is filming day. I start to set up my camera and lights. I start to try all the British candy I have bought for this video. I finish and start packing. I'm going to vidcon.

  31. These were a blast to read! So much imagination in this group of awesome-weirdos. ;)
