Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Haunting of Harrow Hall

"The more enlightened our houses are, the more their walls ooze ghosts." --Italo Calvino

Be hole, be dust, be dream, be wind
Be night, be dark, be wish, be mind
Now slip, now slide, now move unseen
Above, beneath, betwixt, between.
--Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book

We are going to be writing a spooky, classic Victorian ghost story! I will write the first part of the story, and you will finish it. You are required to write at least two full paragraphs, but you can always write more! As you can guess, for this one, you do not have to cite textual evidence or respond to classmates. This is a creative writing assignment. :)

The Haunting of Harrow Hall
by 6thPeriod

By the time we arrived at Harrow Hall, dark had swallowed the estate and a grey, slow mist had begun to carpet the grounds. The old, vast estate was far out in the English countryside and had been owned by a duke of low standing, a man known to have wasted his wealth on horses and cards. Giving up on the world, he isolated himself behind the stones of Harrow Hall, far from any town or person, locking the iron gates and slowly decaying into a solitary death. It changed hands many times, descending down the generations of Harrow sons and daughters, crumbling in decline with each generation of misuse, neglect, and finally abandon, until at last it ended up mine, a final inheritance from my long-dead ancestry.

As we approached the looming iron gates in our coach, I thought I saw the faintest whisper of a white dress disappearing behind a tree. It startled me -- my heart drummed in my ears and my hands clenched the reins all the tighter -- but my companions claimed to have seen nothing. I dismissed it as fatigue from our long journey, my tired eyes playing tricks. Once the old stone house rose before us, we moved warily up the walk. Suddenly, I felt a chill at my neck, as if thin, cold fingertips brushed by, but when I turned, I saw nothing but the deep darkness and the rising mist. In the house, one window held the flickering light of a candle, the caretaker waiting for our party, and I felt relief at the sight of another living soul. 

The caretaker was an elderly man clothed in a threadbare black suit, a somber ashen face, whose eyes refused to meet our own. "I'll show you to your rooms." He gazed down at the floor, glancing occasionally to the side through creased eyelids to examine us. "What was he avoiding?" I thought. "What doesn't he want to see?"



  1. If your comment is too long to fit, break it up into two and reply to your own comment with the second half of your story. :)

  2. "Here's your room." the elderly man said trying not to look. He handed us our keys and gave us our luggage. I gave him a tip, but he just turned around and scurried away. He seemed like a ghostly being; floating instead of walking and after a few feet, he seemed to just disappear. "That was weird," I said to Doug. "I know rigghh..." Doug's eyes rolled back until the whites of his eyes were the only things showing. A mysterious voice coming from Doug's mouth was mumbling something. " I shall get my revenge on you disgusting humans." said the voice. "Revenge? What did I do?" I asked. The force faded away and Doug turned into normal Doug. "Wha What happened?" Doug asked looking pale. "I don't know, but something is after us. We need to leave now." I cried

    We ditched our luggage and ran for the exit. We reached the exit, but the elderly man was blocking our way. "Where do you think your going?! You will not leave until we get our revenge!" the elderly man screamed. "What revenge? I didn't do anything wrong!" I exclaimed. " The death of Anaklumos, the spider queen. You stepped on him when he was relaxing. We shall kill you and use your blood to revive Anaklumos." the man screamed. "Let us live in peace! I didn't know better. It was just a spider." I begged. "Never! I shall kill you know!" the old man yelled. He pulled out his sword and swung it at my head...

    I woke up with a gasp from this terrible dream.

  3. We were walking down the halls to get to our room, I was observing the the decor that the Harrow Hall had within it. "Here is your room, make yourself at home." the caretaker mumbled in monotone. We settled in and unpacked our things. My friend Charles went to the closet a let out a scream of terror. "Ahhhh!" he cried. "What's wrong? What do you see?" I asked concerned. "G-g-ghost! A real life ghost! It had a bloody wedding dress and veil on. She was holding a hatchet in her hand and flowers in the other." I walked over to Charles and saw nothing within the closet. "You're crazy. There is nothing in here but hangers. I think we need some rest." Charles and I climbed in our two beds and laid down. I hear this noise from outside the window. Tap-tap-tap. What is this noise, I thought to myself. I stood up and saw the elderly man's figure outside the window tapping on the glass. "Ahhhh!" I roared.Charles wakes up quickly and turns on the lights. "What's going on? It's 11:00 at night and you're screaming." I pulled open the curtain to show Charles what I was seeing. "Dude, there is nothing there. You probably just heard the rain falling on the window. Get to sleep."

    I went back to sleep like Charles had suggested. Then, I heard the tapping again. Tap-tap-tap. I walked over to Charles' bed. "Charles, I heard he tapping again. Ithink this room is haunted. Can we see if the caretaker can move our rooms?" Charles groaned out, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." I called the office and the caretaker answered and came to our room to see what the problem was. "Thanks for coming so late. Listen, the tapping on the-" The tapping had stopped. "Look out the-" Nothing was beyond the glass. "Umm, never mind. Thank you anyway." He looked at the ground and shuffled out the room. I looked out the window and saw the figure tapping on the glass. The figure he saw looked just like the elderly man that had helped them. The man came back, "I forgot my keys," he said. Right as he left, I ran to the window and saw the the same man looking in the window holding his keys.

    1. Eeeeek! I love an ending that sets your teeth on edge! Spooky, Mailee!

  4. "I was wondering if you could tell me more about the estate," I hesitantly asked.The elderly caretaker grimly replied, "This manor was once ordinary, but 47 years ago when I first came to the manor..." We had gotten to my room, and once inside the caretaker continued. "Young lady Elizabeth, the daughter of Lord Druid and one of the previous owners of this manor, died a terrible death all of a sudden. She was loved by many, a very social and kind person. So naturally her death came as a surprise. Her younger brother however said, " Elizabeth isn't dead, she's right there." Not wanting to upset the young master, the maids and butlers played along like lady Elizabeth was still there. A terrible mistake on their part. Once they stopped pretending lady Elizabeth was there, a murder took place every month. It affected both staff members and anyone related to them. It wouldn't stop until they started to pretend Elizabeth was still alive. I still have to pretend to this very day." I look around confused. I stare at old paintings and furniture, trying to comprehend the situation. The caretaker finally looks up, and I realize how scared he is. He looked deathly pale, and was frightening enough to give anyone goosebumps. "I am the only one left. I am the head of countermeasures and will do everything in my power to stop this madness." The caretaker sternly spoke. No words would come out of my mouth. I sat transfixed on the old Caretaker. What did I get myself in to?

    I couldn't tell if this guy was serious or just plain crazy. I don't even know if there was ever an Elizabeth. All of a sudden I hear giggling coming out of nowhere. The caretaker starts to smile, a creepy forced smile. " Hahahahaha...It's beginning. You don't believe do you? The madness starts now."

    1. I feel my heart race and that it was becoming harder to breath. I suddenly notice the caretaker about to close the door to my room. He shuts it in a flash, and I slowly get in to bed. I realize that i'm trapped with whoever the caretaker is, and anyone else that might live in the manor.

      I hardly slept that night. In the morning I quietly creep downstairs, and I find myself staring at the caretaker and abundance of other people. "Good morning," the caretaker said loudly. " I will now introduce you to the manor's staff." The caretaker introduced me to every single person that loved in the manor with me. They all looked emotionless and didn't say a word. The only person that struck me as odd was a maid named Mei. She wore an eye patch over her left eye, and seemed more distant then the others. After that I realize it's raining outside and I wouldn't be able to leave the manor today. Mei comes up to me and says, "Bring the dead back to death." and she leaves without another word. Was she referring to Elizabeth? I didn't know how to interpret that statement.

      Later that day I ask the caretaker about the so called "curse". He sighs and says, "Every time someone new comes to the manor and doesn't believe in Elizabeth a person will die every month.To stop the calamity we must find out who among us is dead. They don't even know they're dead, nut we have to kill them again to stop the killings. You might even be the dead person." He smiles and then returns to what he was doing earlier. I could be dead and not even know it. Someone in this manor is not supposed to be here. There's someone extra. " I'm going out for a second," I mumble. One of the maids hear me and tells me to wait so she can get an umbrella. the next thing I know is that the maid falls down the stairs and the umbrella impales her in the throat.I see her body stay still, and blood flows down and stains the bottom of the stairs. I feel a sickening feeling deep down. Everything felt so real, but so much like a dream. Mei sees what happened, and she sighs. " I guess she wasn't the dead one after all." She runs off to get the Caretaker, and I stand there frozen. Grief overwhelms me, and I think to myself, " Bring the dead back to death."

  5. As we walked I saw the small bit of a white dress again. My companions still say they didn't see anything. I asked the Elder if he saw it. "No, I didn't see anything. you must simply be tired." he answered. But I was wide awake after this day I had. I also saw sweat drop down the elder's neck. "Anyway we have arrived to your rooms." he told us. once we entered them he walked away. But he was walking quite fast as if he was trying to run but not let people think he is running away. The room was dark and dusty. But I saw the dust move little by little. My companions noticed this too. Eventually the dust moved to the corner, and altogether they formed some sort of, incomplete monster. We rushed out of the room trying to find the elder for help. However, once we found him by a window with the monster(which you really don't want to picture in your head, whatever you think it is, it's worse). It grabbed him and dragged him through the window. We tried to run but on the other side of the hallway was the lady in the white dress I saw earlier. We were trapped and they are both closing in. What crazy thing could happen next?

    Once they were about a foot away from us we all heard a laughter. The laughter came closer and closer. I was afraid of what it could be coming from. Out of the mist came the elder. Laughing so hard I was wondering why. "Oh I got you good right there." he kept laughing. It turns out...he pranked us! I didn't know what to say, I was just pranked by an old man. "I haven't had this much fun in years!" he said. "My apologies for scaring you but this is how I welcome everybody who comes to live in this house." he explained. I was still shocked, I didn't know what was scarier: the monsters, or the fact that an old man pulled off one of the greatest pranks of all time.

  6. "Sir? Is this house 1234 Terror Street?" I asked. "No... This is 4321 Terror Street." Explained the caretaker. "I'm sorry, but I have the wrong adress... Yeah, I'm just going to walk away now." I explained. I slowly walked out of this awkward situation and left the house. A few blocks down was the correct house, but it was not what I expected. I imagined and old wooden home filled with spiders. It ended up a beautiful and modern home!

    I went to knock on the door, and what I saw was not frightening, but rather exciting! As I walked in this magical home I had sawn a UNICORN! "Hello, I am the caretaker of this home, Tom... The unicorn." Tom explained. "YOU CAN TALK!!!" I yelled. "Well of course young one! I am a magical unicorn. I can do anything you wish." Tom explained. I stared at Tom with much surprise. I was so glad not to be in some trash house like 4321 Terror Street! He then gave me the grand tour of the entire house. This, is the greatest house I have ever lived on!

    1. For lack of a better term, LOL!

      Cheers, Sriha S.

  7. We walked slowly behind him and did not say a word. I heard a noise as if someone behind me was breathing heavily. I looked through the corner of my eye but couldn't see anything through my long blonde hair. Once again I turned around and still, nothing was there. I whisper to myself, "who is following us".

    We all get to our rooms, unpack, and go downstairs to join the care taker at the dining table. I heard more scurrying and sat down. I quietly asked the caretaker if there was anyone else in the house, he replied with a tilt of his head and spoke, "what do you think ?" To this, I pushed my plate away and walked back to my room. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling when I hear three slow knocks on the door. I stand up and go open the door to find a doll and a 3" by 3"card. I open the card and it says: "For you my dear." in calligraphy. I pick up the doll and close the door again and fall asleep with the doll beside me.

    I wake up to find the doll gone and a message on my wall... "I'm coming for you dear." It must have been written in blood because some of the lettering was smeared from being written on the wall. I go down to breakfast and see that Antonio isn't there. I figure he is just sleeping in. After everyone is at the table, I ask them if they have seen Antonio. None of them have, so we decide to go back to his room and see if he was sleeping. We open the door to find Antonio dead and my doll with a grin on her face. I walk over to get the doll and there is a note saying:"He is mine now and you will be too my dear." I show the note to everyone and we all decide to leave.

    We run to our rooms and pack up our things. We hop into the coach and drive away. I fall asleep and dream of the doll. When I wake up I am no longer in the English Country side. But I am in a hotel in Perth, Australia. I look around and remember I got here the night before. I unpack my things to find my clothes and at the bottom of my suitcase I find a 3" by 3" card. I open the card and it reads:"Turn around my dear." in calligraphy and that is exactly what I do. And there, sitting on the nightstand is the doll in my dreams with the same grin on her face.

  8. "Ok these are your rooms." Said the caretaker. I walk into the room, unpack everything and lay down. I am woken up by a scream, lightning flashes from the window. I get up and open the the front door and peak out into the hallway. No one is there but it's very dark. I go back into the room and grab a flashlight and leave my room.

    I walk down the hallway and suddenly a white dress flashes a few feet away. I walk towards the spot of the dress and continue to walk down the hallway. I come upond a set of stairs and begin to proceed to the first floor. I enter the lobby and am by a sudden chill down my spine. I turn around and see a giant 7 foot creature with sharp teeth and is covered in black.(The alien from the movie ) It grabs me and opens its mouth and lunges its head at me. I suddenly wake up in my motel room on my bed only to relise it was just a dream.

  9. However, that was over 13 years ago, and the old caretaker is long since dead. I still remember that night as if it were a week ago. The old man brought us to our room, I took of my top hat and hung it on the tattered coatrack; trying to make this desolate structure my new home. DONG!!! The grandfather clock in the corner struck mid-night. I checked my pocket watch, it was only 9:30. "mind the clocks", the old man said that night. "They seem to have a mind of their own." And he shut the door. Some years later when the man was lying on his deathbed, he more or less told me what he was hiding that night when I entered the manor; "She is coming"

    "I know you have been seeing the nightmare child, the girl in the white gown. But you've never seen her face, and I'll tell you why, if you do... she'll kill you, she- she has..." he started to choke and gasp for breath. "She is coming." And the old man was still. My friends and I buried him in the courtyard, and I could've sworn I saw a white wisp in the oncoming fog. "Come on lads" I said to my friends," it's getting late." Though I didn't truthfully know whether it was late or not, (for it had been dark all day) I just wanted time to myself to think about what the old man had said about the nightmare child. When I found a note scratched onto the oak wood dining table. 'beware this date in 13 years July 13, and remember, she is coming'. Now, 13 years later, tonight is that night and I am wary. "She is coming", I chanted to myself as I looked at my packed steamer trunk. " Not tonight" I said. I was leaving tonight, and no nightmare child was stopping me. As I walked down the flight of stairs, an eerie donging stopped me in my tracks. The grandfather clock. I turned around slowly and I saw the bottom of a billowing white gown. I looked up at the girl's face and that memory rushed back at me, now, I know what the old man was going to say. 'She- she has... no face.' The nightmare child's hair started crackling with electricity. Her long, thin fingers scratching the walls. She lunged at me... and everything went black.
    -She is coming, good luck
    Isaac E.

  10. “Does anyone live around here?” I asked him. "A child, maybe?” There could be no other explanation for the white dress I saw through the trees. The caretaker gravely looked me in the eye, and when he did, I finally realized the danger of what he was avoiding. Whatever it was, had taken pieces of his sanity, one by one. “Do you see her, too?” he whispered. “See who?” I wondered. The guests looked baffled, but refrained from questioning him. “Never mind that.” the caretaker mumbled. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

    After retreating to my room, and unpacking, I walked out to the garden. The caretaker had some explaining to do about this “mystery girl”. A visitor, Mary, spotted me, and skipped over. “It’s very nice here, isn’t it?” she asked. “I guess.” I replied. “I need to talk to the caretaker.” “I understand. No need to bother with me!” she griped. “I didn’t mean to offend you, Mary…” I stuttered. Mary stomped away, as I approached the caretaker. He was watering blood-red roses, unaware of anything, but his task. “Pardon me.” I murmured. “Do you mind telling me about the girl you were talking about?” He looked up, and sighed with…remorse? “I should never have told you about her.” he grumbled. “Now she will find you.” “Excuse me?” I asked. “What do you mean?” The caretaker glanced away, unable to meet my eye. “Please, tell me!” I demanded. “I just don’t know if you’re ready!” he retorted. “If she finds you, and you’re not ready, she will be furious!” “Ready for what?” I asked, exasperated. “Ready to give yourself to her.” he groaned. “You need to tell me who she is.” I explain. “I’m ready to know.” “You are too stubborn!” he complained. “However, I’ll tell you.”

  11. “A long time ago, your great-great-uncle lived here, with his daughters, Charlotte and Grace. He was a good, honest man, who worked hard. He raised his daughters to be an obedient child, and they were.” he sighed. “Grace was an angel, till the end. Charlotte was good, too.” he frowned. “For a time. Then, one day, the girls’ mother died in an unfortunate fire. It was in the old cottage, out back. The constable said that it was a brush fire. After that, Charlotte was a wretched, heartless girl. She killed Grace’s dog. Threw a ball in front of a carriage, she did. Played tricks on the maids, and sent one to the town doctor. Charlotte was a bitter child, after that. Grace died from smallpox.” he mumbled. “She was twelve. Charlotte, now...she drowned. Went swimming in the lake, and hit her head. She was seventeen. I hoped she would rest in peace.” he groaned. “She didn’t. She roams the hallways, moaning all night. Don’t know why, but you should stay out of her way, anyhow.” He went back to watering, making it apparent that the story was finished.

    I trudged back to the house, and locked myself in my room. I locked the window, and checked the closet, then buried myself under the tattered blanket. All of this talk about ghosts scared me into drifting to sleep. An hour later, a hard rap on my window woke me up. Anxiously, I peered out into the darkness beyond. The window shot open, and a soft breeze ruffled my curtains. I slammed it close, and whirled around. There she was.

    Charlotte stared at me with her black, empty eyes. She wore a white, tattered dress, that wavered in the cold wind and mist that swirled about her. As she floated around the room, I could smell her dank, stale odor. She smelled like moss, old water, and something else that I couldn’t quite place. Charlotte studied me, scrutinizing my appearance with the demeanor of a predator, staring down its prey. She opened her mouth to speak, and when she did, I realized with horror that her teeth were stained with something red. Charlotte noticed me gaping at her teeth, and laughed. Her laughter engulfed me with fear, and paralyzed me. The screeching quality of her voice astounded me even more. “This?” she asked, pointing at the splotches of red on her teeth. “This is just for show. I wouldn’t eat you.” she rasped. I must have still looked suspicious, because she still tried to put me at ease. “I won’t hurt you. Don’t you believe me?” she asked sweetly, in a sugar-coated voice. “Wh-What do you want?” I stammered. Her voice turned hard, and her deathly-pale skin flamed. “I just want a friend!” she screeched. “Is that too much to ask for?” “No, not at all!” I muttered. Charlotte calmed down, and regarded me icily. “You’re still afraid of me, aren’t you?” she accused. Before I could answer, she sneered. “Its dangerous to not want to be my friend, you know. I can do what I did to my mother, to you.” With that, she vanished. I felt bad for her, because I knew that everyone secretly wants a friend.

    1. I'm sorry for the typo in my blog post. In the third paragraph, it says: "He raised his daughters to be an obedient child, and they were.", instead of: "He raised his daughters to be obedient children, and they were." I am sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

  12. We slowly walked up the stairs, not knowing what could be up ahead. For the caretaker was acting quite suspicious." There's something I don't like about him" I think to myself. There is a loud thumping noise when we arrive at the top of the stairs. It was a dog, with a beautiful black slick coat and dark gray paws. He barks, like he is welcoming us to our new home. Another one runs up, about the same size as the German Shepherd, sits down and glares. "These two are Shadow and Storm, both brothers." spoke the caretaker. The two of them walk off, and we are taken to our rooms.

    The room I was given was a decent size, yet the room itself was not as decent. "Enjoy" says the caretaker as he walks away. "Well this is very um..... nice" I say to myself. I place my stuff on the floor and take a good look around the room. The window wasn't broken nor were the walls cracked. When i finish I am called for dinner, yet I don't go down for I feel some sort of strange presence. I take a step towards the door, something wet falls down the side of my cheek. I look up and there up on the ceiling was a body, just killed a few moments ago.

    I stare in horror, my hands clasped over my mouth tears rolling down my face in fear. I drop down onto the floor. I can't hold it in anymore and scream at the top of my lungs. Shadow and Storm bolt towards the door and everyone dashes upstairs. The two dogs enter and look around. When the rest enter the room, they see nothing but the room itself. They don't notice, but I am on the ceiling now, looking down on them, terrified and in agony. They all still live at the Harrow Hall never knowing what happened to me, or that they are in danger. For one day they will be just like me.

  13. It was a bad idea to read these just before bed! I'm sleeping with the lights on!

  14. As I walked up the stairs I could feel another presence in the house. An old being that should have died long ago and gone to the other side. But it was defying its death and it never went to the "other side." Did I mention I'm a soothsayer? I can see spirits and things others cannot see. I have seen death before it happens, and I have seen misfortune before it happens. I could sense loneliness in this house.

    When we got to our room we unpacked our things and decided to take a look around. When we got out of the room we noticed some very unusual paintings on the wall, that seemed to be looking straight at us. Their eyes boring straight into our souls, searching for a weakness. We quickly walked away from the paintings searching for something interesting. Then, hear a faint scratching noise. It was scratching noise. Everything scared the mystical ball out of me so I decided to take a shower.

    The shower was old, with mildew growing here and there. Then there was of course the face that was telling me to leave while I still can...WAIT WHAT! Then
    I realized I was narrating everything I was doing thinking. Wait, We did i keep saying WE went up the stairs and WE walked away? I never realized that i was walking with the unwanted presence the entire time. When I walked out of the shower, I saw the ghost. Pale and white with a very pretty ax in his hand. So, I did what any sane man would do... I jumped out the window. But, just before I hit the ground, I woke up. However, when the lighting from the thunderstorm struck, I thought I saw a face in the window, the same face as the ghost in my dreams...

    -Asha A. or whats left of his insanity

  15. Halloween Haunted Story

    My hands clammed up, almost instantly. The feeling of relief had vanished, with a renowned sense of weariness. "Just up the stairs," an old voice croaked, "each one of you get a room. Breakfast at six. Don't be late." As we climbed up the stairs, I took a moment to look at the paintings on the wall. Each had a flower, and every center was black, with an emote, such as a smiley or a sad face. At the end were eight paintings, but no faces. Huh. There were eight people in my group, including myself. But I decided to dismiss the fact. Perhaps the artist had been tired. Finally, we were at the top of the stairs. There were seven doors, but eight of us. Turning back, I counted everyone, and then myself. Seven. How peculiar, as I could have sworn there were eight. I yawned, and other people were yawning as well. Everyone to bed, and I'll see you at six. Then I walked to the door.

    Inside was a simple twin bed. Surprisingly, it wasn't as springy or mushy as I thought it would be, especially for a haunted house. But the shower wasn't the same story. Yuck! Not bothering to change into the pretty black nightgown on the bed, I fell ontop of it and fell asleep quickly. When I woke up, I finally noticed the painting across me. A flower, with another face. The clock read five forty five, so I combed my hair and ran downstairs. But there were only six faces without faces. Creepy!! But a wafting aroma downstairs led me away.

    Somehow, we all looked well rested, and a few people looked comfortable in the nightgowns. The creepy man was nowhere to be found. Then, as the cuckoo clock rang its bell, he appeared, bringing platters of delicious food. We all dug our faces into the food. I hadn't realized that we were famished, and no one cared about manners. Eventually, I was full, and looked around. The chair in front of me was empty, its plate only half empty. Wasn't there a person? Who cares, my companions didn't seem to care much, and I didn't really know what to do. "You all are free to wander. Bye," the caretaker mumbled. The group seemed excited, and our group of four followed. Four. Four? One tunnel was dark, and the stairs were lit. Hah, like there was a choice. So I ran up the stairs. Three empty centers, three people. Were we disappearing faster?

    To Be Continued
    (Sriha S.)

    1. Halloween Haunted Story Part Two

      I felt sick. The big breakfast wasn't helping. I ran up to my room, and into the disgusting bathroom. Eww... The atmosphere must have chased me out, because soon I was screaming down, a friend racing after me. The dark tunnel was now lit, and it was the only place to go. There was nothing to be afraid of, except the fact that something supernatural was going on. Or was it? Another glance at the friend behind me, and there was none. Plus, only one no face was left. At the end of the tunnel was a room. Through the room were cameras, one showing the paintings. Blood flowed from all of them. A whisper floated from two, in the same room I was in. I could see the whisper, like white fog. The blood reached my hand. It was warm, and sticky. Then the caretaker ran down the hall. "You are the one, one of many. You've joined a club. It's a very nice club, really," he hissed. Um?! What?! Where were my friends? I wanted them back, and I wanted them back now. I also noticed I was bleeding. "Can I have a Band-Aid, please?"

      He shook his head, and then raised his arm. A slash went across my leg, and it cut through bone. "This is for murdering the child, the child, the child!!" he screamed. I hadn't done anything! "I swear, I didn't do anything, I swear it, I don't know who the child is, I don't even know why I'm here, please no!" Then, cloaked men came behind him, and two doors opened. They forced me through a door, the one coated with- You guessed it, blood. A pain shot through my side. My hands felt like they were decomposing. You want to know how it felt? It felt like...No, there is nothing like this. I couldn't speak or do anything. Slowly, the pain resided. The resolve for revenge burned deep into my heart, except that I had none. I was the new Taker, from the burning remains of Satan.

      Cheers, Sriha S. =^.^=

  16. As we travel down the hallway with the five other guys the light suddenly go out. As we look at each other through the darkness we cant see each other anymore. All of a sudden something brushes against my leg, I ask the others if they felt it. No answer. As I walk farther down the hallway I trip and fall. As i put my hand on the ground to push myself up, I fell a liquid on my hand I think I see red through the darkness. All of the sudden the lights come back on. I look through the hallway, it looks as if nothing has happened. I go outside through the door to see if anyone is out there. As I open the door I hear a scream. I travel down the path. I see a body lying on the ground. I travel to the body and see its one of the guys I traveled here with.It looks as if he has been strangled and eaten from.I travel farther down the path I see four more bodies on the path. I run over to them, they are the other four guys I came here with. They have also been strangled and eaten from. I travel farther down the path and see a cottage in the distance, I hear another scream. I travel through the path and reach the cottage I look through the window. Nothing.
    I open the door and go inside I travel to the back door. I see a light under the door I go inside and I see bodies and bones hanging from the ceiling. I see a man holding knife. he is turned around. I duck behind a bench as he turns around. it is the caretaker holding a dead body in his hands.

  17. The old man hands us our keys. I tried to hand him a tip but he just turned around and shuffled away. He seemed to be hiding something. So I quickly throw my bags down on to the bed and I rush out the door. Then I find him walking into a room with signs on the door that say "Warning!", "Danger!", and "Keep Out!" I catch the door just before it closed.

    The man walks down a dimly lit hallway and goes into through the third door on the left. I follow him in and I hide behind a close by couch. He walks to a jacket hanger and takes off a black shawl and wraps it around his head. Then he got down on his knees in front of a fireplace and said," Oh, Almighty One! Summon your helpers to help me take these other human souls! We can make them suffer and feel the pain I felt when I was all alone and with your help we can do anything!" He was talking to a painting on a wall of a creepy old man with medieval clothing on. "Who was he talking to?" I whisper to myself. "Who's there?" the man yells out. I panic.

    -Eliza A.

  18. "Alright... here are your rooms...The bathroom is over there." He pointed to a dark, unsettling room. " Gee, this place is creepy! 'Least it's only one week, Juan. Did you see it, too?" Gray whispered. "What is it... DON"T LOOK BEHIND YOU!" Juan shouted. A ghostly, white hand appeared on his shoulders, it looked like it had something shiny and gray too... "AAAHHH! Wait a minute... Juan are you punkin' me? Yes, yes you are." Gray determined "Juan... just take out the luggage, I'll go get some food." *20 MINUTES LATER* They started too explore the premises, trying to find something interesting to do... or at least a power outlet, for their phones. Then...a ghostly, pale lady appeared, and Gray fainted...

    "Don't kill me... kill Gray... he tastes better... I think..." Juan explained. "I AM NOT HERE FOR YOU FOOLISH, WEAK MORTALS..." This reappearing and disappearing woman said. She calmed down. "I am here, for what is rightfully mine... you and Gray, the heroes, the man that showed you your room... HE IS ONE OF MINE MINIONS! Now..." *loud snap* "Nighty night." That same house collapsed, and all of the humans inside were gone. All that was left was a note... 'They are mine now', written in cold, hard blood, whose, we don't know, will we?

    ~Julian M.

  19. "Here are your rooms" the elderly man said, still avoiding eye contact with us. "If you have any questions, I will be downstairs." I had my own room, even though I was too scared to be alone I didn't say anything. I opened the door to enter my room. It was dark, and rusty. "It looks like it's a million years old" I thought to myself. I set my bags down on the nicely made bed, that is when I heard a knock at my door. "Are you kidding m-". There stood no one. It freaked me out so I shut the door quickly and got into bed.
    The next morning, I woke up to a loud noise, 'BOOM!' I thought it was just me because I was still tired but I heard it again. The second time caught my attention so I got up and speed walked to my friends room. "What do you want" said my friend in her sleepy voice. "Did you hear that?! the big BOOM" I said. "No. Can you let me go to slee-" as she was about to finish her sentence, the big sound came again. My eyes widened and we both got quiet as a mouse. We decided to walk around the room. I noticed a square shape on the ceiling and it had a string hanging down from it. "What could that be?" I said in a whisper. My friend decided to pull the string and when she did, there were stairs that came down as well. "There's an attic!" She said. "Let's go up!", "Okay" I said. That was the biggest mistake. We went up and looked around. There was nothing as we were heading back to the stairs, they slammed shut. "AHHHH!" both me and my friend yelled. We were trapped. When we turned around to try to get to a window, there it was. Standing before us, it was Annabelle and the caretaker.

  20. " Welcome to your room " he said. We gazed around the room but we were still curious about what he was trying to hide. He then walked away in a scurrying action like he had a secret to keep. We let go of our luggage and booked it down the stairs boom! " May I ask you where you are going!" We answered. " We were just roaming around the house trying to get used too it, I mean you don't want to be in a house knowing nothing about it." " Okay" he answered. He then turned and scurried away, again we booked it this time we reached the exit but we stepped on this unleveled stone, he pulled us back in and yelled at us " You have stepped on the stone where all the treasures and where the lion king that we worship Rambo lays until this moment." He then pulls out a golden blade and like lightning swings and slashes the golden blade at my face........ I now lay beside the lion king Rambo himself.... - Carlvesi L.

  21. "Here you are," the man said in a soft whisper. I reached out to the door handle and it felt terrifyingly cold. Pushing the door wide open, I stepped in. Thank goodness it wasn't as dusty as I thought it would be. I turned around to tell my companion the news, yet he was gone. Slowly, I called out his name and was only greeted with a loud groan coming from downstairs. Shaking with fear, I wrapped my arms around me to hold myself together, and I walked towards the sound. Was it my friend in trouble or was the caretaker needing my assistance? Surly so, since the man was a fairly old one and I seen him move at such a slow pace.

    Finally, I reached the dining room. An old record player started to produce a classic song that I used to sing when I was little. Back then it brought such joy to me, but now I was dreading the happiness in the singers voice. The music halted to a stop and a new one was played. Except the new song was dripping with sadness. I wandered over to the player and stared at it. It couldn't have moved by itself. In the corner of my eye that's when I saw it. A girl sitting down in the rocking chair. I spun around to face her and when I did, she stood up.

    A giggle escaped her lips and she skipped over to a nearby table and on it lay the bloody heads of the man and my friend. She grabbed the knife that lay beside it and stalked towards me. The knife was all ready covered with the red gooey, wet substance that I knew so well and it would soon be slathered with mine too. It dripped onto the carpet and it would be a pain to get out. But then I realized that a ghost wouldn't need to use man-made weapons like this. My last thought was still contemplating whether she was human or not, as I got beheaded by the little girl.
    ~Sofia K.

  22. "And here your rooms! Enjoy! " he said in a strangely high voice. when we open the door the furniture seemed brand new. As if the house had never been abandoned. "Thank you," I said as I turned around to see that the man has disappeared. " Strange," I thought to myself. I slowly examine the furniture to see if there is any dust I am not seeing. As I look around the room something stops my eye. I see a shadow as if someone was standing right behind me. I slowly turn around in fright to see that still no one is there. But I turn back someone is there. The doorman.
    " Have you made yourself at home yet," he says faintly. "Not really. I just got here. Why?" I say hesitant. "Because people who move into this house never usually escape. You are going to be here for a long time." he says in a deep voice. He snickers then slowly fades into the mists of the air. " I got to get out of here. " I think to myself. But how? How am I suppose to escape this horror story. I drop my suitcases and head to the door. I run out side to see the man and a few other ghost friends that look familiar. " Where do you think your going. " he laughs as the other join him in laughter. I try to run through them until I realize the ghost are my family! My mom, dad, sister, and best friend. I scream in fright only to wake up from the terrible dream.

  23. Then a familiar silhouette of a white dress appears only inches away from the caretaker. I want to scream in terror but I can't. I form a lump in my throat that turns to the size of a basketball. I look behind me, my eyes screaming desperately. They don't seem to notice, instead just mesmerized staring at the caretaker. I look back at the horrid face staring at me in that white dress. She's about 5 foot 3 with dark ratted hair in front of her face. Finally I manage to scream my brains out. She smiles at me then the dungeon-like halls fall dark.

    I fall on the floor. Except this isn't a floor. It's more like a soft cushion surrounding me. The lights flicker and I see the girl walking across the room with her head down tracking blood footprints into a door. Before she completely walks through the door she stops and turns her head at me. I shrink down in my seat wanting to disappear. She smiles and croaks,"Enjoy the show." Then everything gets dark again. Suddenly behind me a projector turns on and shines forward onto a screen. It clicks then a black and white movie starts to play.

    I realize now I'm in a movie theater. With only one seat in the very middle. And I was sitting in it. I am terrified out of my mind and I just want to take a nap. The movie is strange, obviously not a real movie at all. Its more of a video diary..... of a a white dress. Wow. She's a nut. She lived in a nut house. And this was the nut house. She's been abused and pushed around all her live. One day she committed suicide. I suddenly feel bad for her. Like maybe all she needed in her life was a hug. The screen turned black and the projector makes a weird noise. I look behind me and instead of seeing a projector I see the girls face so close to mine. She opens her mouth and starts to speak," Hope you liked it." Then she jumps on top of and closes my throat till my last breath.

  24. "Here are your rooms", the caretaker said, handing us a key. "Remember, that's not the only thing that can lock", he said and then quickly walked away. "What does that mean?", I wondered to myself. The rooms were nice and organized, but looked a bit old fashioned. After I unpacked my stuff, I went to the bathroom to change into more comfortable clothes. When I looked up to the mirror I saw a girl just standing there. I blinked a few times and the girl disappeared. I ran out of the bathroom and my bedroom as fast as I could. Since I was out my room I decided to explore the house.

    As I walked around, I saw the kitchen and decided to calm myself down with whatever food they had. The kitchen didn't have much food. "No wonder the caretaker is so skinny and pale. He probably doesn't go outside much.", I mumbled to myself. When I turned around I saw the girl again. I screamed and my friends came running in. The girl then suddenly disappeared. My friends didn't see her at all.

    I went back to my room to get some rest. When I sat down on the bed, the door went "click". My heart began to beat rapidly. I ran to the door and it was locked. I tried to unlock it with the key, but it wouldn't work. When I turned around the girl was there again, creepily grinning at me.

  25. "Here are your new rooms. I'm your caretaker, Martin, and I hope you enjoy living in your new home." He walked away and down the hallway. Thoughts were racing through my mind. I stayed awake all night thinking about where I am and what just might happen. At around 3 A.M, I heard a loud bang and crash. I froze. My mom ran into my room and sat down on my bed. She told me everything will be alright.
    Everyone started coming into to my room. We all stayed there until morning, wide awake. Once it was morning, we went downstairs to get breakfast. Thinking we had to make it ourselves, we all went into the kitchen. I decided until I see or find Martin, I will stay with mom or dad. I opened the pantry to get bread, and found Martin. He was dead.

  26. "Here are your rooms. If you need anything let me know. My name is Ash. You could call me, but my phone was shut off after the fire."

    "What fire?" I asked.

    "I've said too much, but have a great time. We play board games on Friday." Ash commented.

    "Who we?"I meant to ask Ash, but when I turned around he was gone. I decided to make a emergency pack for when a fire or something happens. It included a flashlight, extra clothes, food, and more useful items. It was very late so I decided to go to bed.

    In the morning an alarm clock woke me up. The sound was not very pleasing. I went down the stairs to see Ash. I searched everywhere for him. I looked outside too. I searched the mansion until I found a note. It read "YOU ARE NEXT!!!"

  27. As we walked farther down the hall, the elderly man pointed to a door on the right. "This will be your room," he said, "If you have any questions I will be downstairs.” I took a close look at the door, but when I looked back, the elderly man was gone. I wrapped my hand around the cold doorknob and pushed open the door. Even at a quick glance, I could tell that nobody had been in this room in over 100 years. Cobwebs spread across the walls and red blood stained the old couches. I began to shiver, and my arms were suddenly covered with Goosebumps.

    The room began to shake, the TV mysteriously turned on, and the old phone began to chirp loudly. I turned for the door, but bumped into the elderly. “What is happening to my room.” I questioned. The elderly man clasped his hands together and began to talk. “I warned you!” he croaked. “The ghosts of Harrow Hall will haunt you for the rest of your life.” I ran for the door as fast as I could go, and never looked back. And that is the story of Harrow Hall. –Jackson T.

  28. We walked slowly behind the man as he lead us upstairs. He was acting very suspicious, he looked behind his shoulder multiple times. As if someone were behind the group of people we had. "Here is your room" he said to me. I took my luggage and walked in. He was still standing at the door looking at something behind me. I then looked behind me. Nothing. The caretaker then snapped out of the stare and kept moving. I went to close my door as I felt the familiar cold chill on my neck. The same I felt when I was on the carriage. I shook it off and unpacked. I decided to check on everyone.

    I walk down the very long hall to check on everyone. I went through all the rooms then I went to the last one. "Hey Timmy" I said. Timmy is my younger brother. "Hey" he replied. I decide to ask him a question "Have you noticed anything weird or creepy about this place?" "Yeah I have actually. I feel like there's something else here. That isn't living I must add." We walked down stairs together to check out the place. The lights shut off and it was dark. Pitch black. Timmy held onto my shirt and I went to find a light switch. Just as the chandelier in front of me fell. Right in front of my feet. We both screamed at the top of our lungs. The lights came back on. The caretaker looked at us and asked us what happened. We explained to him and we went to the dinner table. We checked out the food it's looked very good. The lights then shut off. This time me an Timmy ran out the front door. We ran as fast as we could until we got to a little store. We deciede to never go back or near where we stayed.

  29. As the caretaker leads us down the hallway I notice colorless portraits of various people hung on the walls of the hallway. Underneath each portrait is a caption stating their name and when they were born and when they died. All of the people were former owners of Harrow Hall. Each and every one of them had the same expression- a mixture of scared and shocked. What made it even more scarier was that every one of the death dates was the exact same. October 6th- today's date. As we continue to walk down the hallway I feel the portraits are staring at me. Following my every move. "here we are miss," the caretaker says, pulling me out of my thoughts. He scurries away before I could even say thanks.

    My room Is even more creepier than the hallway. Spiderwebs cover every part of the room and blood stains cover the walls. As I make my way over to the bed my door creaks open. I spin around to see the caretaker standing just outside my room. "It is time to take your pictures to hang up in the hallway," I nod silently and follow him out of my room. He leads me down a dark corrider and down a steep staircase. We finally reach a room and he tells me to take a seat in the center of the room. he pulls out an ancient looking camera and says," Say goodbye!" His face immediately changes into a terrible looking pale skinned creature and before I could scream he snaps the picture and I can't move or speak. He then hangs me up in the hallway along with all the other portraits. Leaving me to stare blankly at nothing for eternity.

  30. I kept my eyes on him, watching his every move. He kept staring down and it seemed as if his attention was somewhere else. We turned a corner and I saw a black cat staring at me intently. It approached slowly and I bent down to pet it but the moment I reached out my hand it went through the cat. I quickly jumped back in fear. The cat immediately ran to end of the hall and into a wall.The caretaker looked at me for the first time seeming assured of something. He smiled and said in an evil tone,"You look like you've seen a ghost." His smile grew larger and more cheerful,"Your room is down the hall, GOOD LUCK...You'll need it." He laughed as a quickly walked away.

    My room was amazing. It looked like a five star hotel, but when I went to look at the bathroom, hanging from the shower was a nuce. My heart started to pound at my chest. "Why is there a nuce? Why wouldn't he look at me when we met? What is he hiding?I need to leave." I thought to myself.

    I opened my room door and the hallway that was originally there had changed to a pathway with no doors and it seemed to continue forever. I closed my door and opened it again this time almost falling back. The caretaker stood there with a smile. "There is no hope for you now you will die and I will feed on your soul"
    "Who are you?!!" I screamed.
    "Me... I am no one, I have never existed, I am no one. You will die and this place will vanish." It said looking delighted.
    He closed the door and locked it. All I could do was try to open it, but I failed. The phone in the room range and I answered, It was the caretaker "If you want to leave, hang yourself in the bathroom or just wait and wither away, It doesn't matter to me, I just prefer to see the life taken out of you as your body struggles for oxygen.Have a nice stay."The line went blank. "I'M NOT GOING TO DIE" I thought to myself,"Not without a fight."

    It was about an hour until the same cat that I saw earlier appeared. It acted as if it was trying to show me something.It crawled under the bed and as I got down on the floor the phone rang again. I let it pass and continued to try and see what the cat was doing. The call went to speaker and with a booming voice yelled,"I'M DONE WITH WAITING, YOU WILL DIE NOW!!" The room shook and started to fall apart. I crawled under the bed where the black cat was. The room continued to shake, I closed my eyes and the shaking stopped. I opened them to see the same hallway that I saw when I had seen the cat. I looked at my rooms door and it was cracked and decayed.

    The black cat was standing next to me. It sprinted away from the door and turned a corner running through another door that had a glow coming from the bottom. I looked back at the evil crumbling door to see the caretaker opening it. The room that was inside it was no longer there, just a dark void. The caretaker looked like he was a broken piece of glass with the pieces glued together but as if it could fall apart at any time. I tried to run but he seemed to be pulling me in.
    I fully sprinted to the door the black cat went to and opened it to reveal a shining light that destroyed the darkness and the caretaker.

    Everything seemed to be a white canvass inside. There the cat stood intently on me just as before. I walked up to it reaching out my hand even though my hand would only pass through it. It rubbed it's head on my fingertips and gave a loud meow. I woke up to find a cat in my bed laying next to me. "It was just a dream," I said to myself forgetting that I didn't own a cat.

    I went to school and as I was going to class the cat nudged my side. Not looking where I was going bumped into elderly man with a grin on his face.

  31. We walked with him down the narrow hallway. The atmosphere grew heavy, and the old man tarted to make a ticking noise. As we made are way down the hall, ominous pictures and statues started to burrow the way into our minds. Finally, we reached a pair of rooms, they had the appearance of a very old fashion and classy house. The old man told us to go to sleep and wait for the morning sun to rise, and that we will begin the tour tomorrow, The last thing we heard before we fell into a slumber was the click of the door.

    We woke up late in the afternoon. We crawled out of bed and got our clothes on. The house seemed very silent, but that would make sense, since it was abandoned.
    We went to reach fr the doorknob, but it wouldn't turn. It had no appearance of being locked, but as if it was part of the door its self. The the sound of the ticking old man came, an inhumane growl, "hello my children, are you ready for our little holloween feast?..."

  32. As we followed the elderly man to our rooms, I had a thought in mind. "Excuse me caretaker, but why were you looking at the ground?" I ask as I grab his arm and turn him around. "Oh nothing, I'm just very tired this evening." I see him move his eyes above my shoulder looking behind me. He flinches and looks back quickly. I try to turn and see what he was staring at, but I couldn't budge at all. It felt like someone was gripping their hands on my shoulder. I feel the hands come off and hear the same whisper of a dress disappearing from the front of the building. The caretaker shakes his head and continues to walk toward our room. It seemed that everyone forgot about what happened just a minute ago except me. I just looked down and wondered why the caretaker looked behind me. We arrive to the room and the elderly man leaves without speaking.
    The next past and I woke up to a scream coming from the bathroom. I get up from the bed quickly and sprint to the bathroom. "Are you alrigh-" I stare at the lifeless body right in front of me. blood smothered all around my friend's body, and a knife next to him. I kneel down to examine the knife, but then a door slams shut, creating a loud thud. I turn around and look around the room. I lay my eyes on bloody letterings on the wall, making the sentence,"Have a great vacation!" I look down on the floor and spot a suit on the floor. I pick it up and look at it. The suit reminded me of the caretaker's suit. "Did he do this? Why would he do this? Did he get possessed?" so many thoughts went throughout my mind as I run out the hotel.
