Friday, October 10, 2014

The Green Valley Times Book Review

As we begin Quarter 2, I want to make sure we all have an interesting book to read for A.R. so that we can all reach our A.R. Goals.  For this week's blog post, we will each be writing a book review. Choose a book you think others will enjoy, particularly if you think many may not have read it. Nearly everyone has probably read the Harry Potter series, for example, so that would probably not be the right book to review for this assignment, even though I'm sure many people would enjoy it. Hopefully, we will generate a list of exciting reading for our classmates to reference. If there is a particular classmate you think will especially like the book, give them a "shout out"! Tell us a bit of what the book's about and why you think others will enjoy it. No spoilers! :)

I recommend Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. During the 1970s, Douglas Adams was a writer for the British television series Doctor Who, so that may give you an idea of the type of writing he does: science fiction! The book is the first in a series of five comedic science fiction novels set after the destruction of Earth, but this doesn't lead our protagonist, Arthur Dent, into a dystopic vision of the future. Rather, it's a comedic romp through the vast universe. Most of the characters are alien lifeforms, and their ridiculous names make for some of the humor: Zaphod Beeblebrox, Marvin the Paranoid Android, Slartibartfast, Ford Prefect, and so on.

The book's title refers to a fictional travel guidebook for hitchhikers. Ford saves Arthur and takes him on travels through the galaxy, trying to get to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, but bumbling into scrapes and messes along the way. In trying to reach a legendary planet known for selling luxury, they come across a computer named Deep Thought which has spent years trying to calculate the meaning of life -- and it's about to complete its calculations. If you want to find out the meaning of life, read on!

Shout out to Isaac, a fellow Whovian! I think you might like this one! 


  1. I recommend Fablehaven by Brandon Mull. It is apart of a five part book series about two siblings named Seth and Kendra who travel to their Grandma and Grandpa Sorenson's house while their parents are away on a cruise. When they arrive there, they meet Dale, the groundskeeper, and Lena, the housekeeper. There grandma is also missing for some reason. Grandpa doesn't tell Kendra and Seth about Fablehaven being a secret preserver for magical creatures, so he sets up a complex puzzle including six keys and a locked journal for Kendra to solve. When she unlocks the mostly blank journal, she discovers the words "drink the milk".

    She and Seth drink the magical milk Dale sets outside in their yard every morning, which gives them an ability to see the magical beings of Fablehaven. In their adventures they discover fairies, satyrs, naiads, and other creatures. Then they have to face difficult challenges such as defeating an evil witch and a powerful demon, defending the preserver from an evil society,stopping a plague that changes creatures of light into creatures of darkness, and protecting the world from a horde of imprisoned demons.

  2. The book I recommend is "Rifles for Watie" by Harold Keith. Harold wrote on a number of different types of writing, but this book is historical fiction. The setting is the U.S. at the beginning to end of the civil war. The main character is Jefferson. Anyways, this is Harold Keith`s most known book out of the 15 he wrote his lifetime! Now that says something about this book.

    The book`s title refers to a group of confederate soldiers known for many things, and the climax of the book which I won`t spoil. This book is about how Jefferson decides to be a soldier because of recent events and takes a few friends with him. He soon discovers it isn`t exactly fun with a strict captain, and procedes to go on various adventures. I like this book because it doesn`t demonize one side, it sort of makes them equal. If you like historical fiction, this is tje book for you.

  3. The book I recommend is "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. In this book there is a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster. She has cancer in her lungs and has had this cancer ever since she was 13. One night she woke up and there was liquid in her lungs and so her parents rushed her to the ER were they helped her to get her breathing back to normal. Her parents were really scared and they thought this was going to be the end. But it wasn't...

    Later on in the book she meets this boy named Augustus Waters at a support group for people with cancer. Augustus's story is that as a kid he had cancer in his leg. So now he has a prosthetic leg. Anyway, he can't stop starring at Hazel Grace during support group because he thinks she's beautiful. Later on, Hazel Grace starts to fall in love with Augustus Waters. This book as a whole is a very good book... you will need a lot of tissues though. I would recommend this book to people who like sad love stories and also to people who just need a good cry.

  4. I recommend the book "Between the lines" by Jodi Picoult, and Sam Montgomery. In this book there is a girl named Delilah, she is obsessed with reading(mostly fairytales). She reads these books because her father left her mother, so now her mother and her watch old Disney movies,which caused Delilah to get into fairytales.
    Later in the book Delilah gets attached to one of the books at her school library. She starts thinking about if the main character,henry, could be a real person in the real world. Finally a little later in the book the characters start talking to her. she wants to find out a way that henry could come and be in the real world. She does find a way......
    This book is good as a whole. I would recommend this book to people who like fairytales and romance stories.

  5. I recommend the book,"Wonder" by R. J. Palacio. Even though it was a 5th grade novel I read, it was such a great book. It's about a boy named August Pullman who has this facial difference that made everyone at his school, Beecher Prep, treat him differently. All he wants is to let everyone treat like a normal kid in 5th grade. This book is for people who would be those kids who are friends with a boy like August, and they would stand up for him even though he's different to others.
    Another book that's similar to this book is called,"Out Of My Mind" by Sharon M. Draper. It was about a girl, Melody, who has cerebral palsy. If anyone who doesn't know what cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that can involve brain and nervous system functions, such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. Anyways, she is much smarter than an average kid her age and most adults, but it's difficult to show it because of her disorder. Everyone treats her like a baby,but she hates that so much and she wants to change it. Honestly, this was the first book to ever make me cry because of Melody's story. This book is great for my reason before and for people who just love to cry.

    1. That's a great book with an important message, Noah! Everyone should read it!

    2. Is that the one with the math competition? Oh wow, the feels in that book!!!!

      Sriha S. =^.^=

    3. Many, many feels! Little Auggie -- I know our Green Valley kids would show him kindness!

  6. I would recommend “Looking for Alaska” by John Green. Looking for Alaska is a great book. Pudge, one of the characters, was completely changed by his new friends Chip and Alaska. He had a crush on Alaska the moment he laid eyes on her, but they were also best friends. Chip, known as “the Colonel” was his roommate and some would would say partners in crime. The Colonel and Alaska were friends long before Pudge came to the boarding school. They were always getting into trouble and were definitely rebellious. Of course, that was an influence on Pudge.

    The book is an all around great story. Its packed with humor, intensity, and sadness. The characters did have some inappropriate moments and words, but besides that, I think that all readers that like a good story should read it. There were times in the book that were hilarious and then before you know it, it was heart breaking. As you read this book, you realize that some things were unexplained. To me, those were best parts, but that’s my opinion. For some readers that would be confusing. I hope you take this into consideration.

    1. I like books that leave things open for the reader to interpret how they like, too. :)

  7. If I would would have to recommend Shadow wolf. It is the second book in the series called Wolves of the beyond. It is a great series written by Kathryn Lasky. The series is basically about a wolf named Faolan who was cast out of his clan because they believed he was cursed due to a splayed paw shaped like a spiral. He was raised and nurtured by a bear he called Thunderheart. After she died he reunited with his clan as a gnaw wolf then turned out to be a very popular wolf because he became part of the sacred ring of volcano's.

    But now on with the book I first mentioned: Shadow wolf. The chief of the wolf clan where Faolan lives as a gnaw wolf died but before that he announced a "gadergnaw". It is a series of contests between gnaw wolves and the winner will be part of the ring of sacred volcano's. But something else that happened was a wolf pup was murdered and Faolan witnessed it so he was going to honor it by building a statue out of his bones. But there was a wolf who hated Faolan. He saw Faolan with the bones and tells everybody. Faolan is put on an extreme trial. To find out the rest you will have to read the book. I chose the second one because I just found it more exiting and action packed so I loved reading this book.

  8. For anyone who likes time travelling orphans facing imminent danger every chapter, I would recommend "The Emerald Atlas". This book is perfect for people who like magic and time travel. It is the first book in "The Book of Beginnings" series. "The Emerald Atlas" will take you on a journey through unseen worlds of magic on Earth. I deeply encourage you to read it.

    "The Emerald Atlas" starts in "Edgar Allen Poe's orphanage for hopeless and incorrigible orphans". The main characters are siblings Kate, Michal, and Emma. Kate is the responsible, oldest sister, Michal is the middle child who's obsessed with dwarves, and Emma is the bad tempered youngest child who is always getting into fights. When the kids get moved to an empty orphanage run by the mysterious Dr. Pym, they find an old green book that transports them to 15 years into the past in a magical world. They encounter a beautifully evil witch,
    soul-less creatures called Morum Cadi, and yes, dwarves. The last pages were a shocker so I won't spoil it for you, however I really think you should read "The Emerald Atlas".
    -Isaac E.

  9. The book I would recommend is "The Ghost's Grave" by Peg Kehret because it isn't only scary but it is also mysterious. It is about a boy that goes to his step dad's aunt's house and really doesn't want to go because he'll miss out on baseball. He has to stay all Summer. As soon as he gets to her house it starts off as a boring trip but then it gets sketchy.. I don't want top describe more because I will probably spoil it for everyone. This book honestly made me think about what would happen in the future. Even though I would be tired and sleepy I would keep reading It because it's just that good! It is a good amount of pages, so it's not too long and not too short.
    I enjoyed this book because I like scary stuff. It's entertaining to me. This would be a perfect book for someone who likes to get goosebumps. Just looking at the cover makes it sound exciting!! So you should go read the book.

    P.S. you can find it in the school library!

  10. Ever read the Beyonders? Well, if you haven't, you've been missing out! Like Isaiah said, this book is by Brandon Mull. He's an expert, or so it seems, on magical, high intensity, page turner novels. Personally, I just finished the first book, "A World Without Heroes". The Beyonder characters are easy to relate to, but understandably, the Lyrian characters are not. After all, they're from another world.

    If that's not enough to get you to read this book, here's a little background information. The story starts out with a slightly confusing note. No worries, that will make sense later. But then, the story begins. Jason is a geeky teen that just doesn't want to become a dentist, like his father and brother. Rather, he's drawn to animals. One day he gets sucked into a portal, but falling into a hippopotamus' mouth- It's another world! There's more information, but I'll skip to a bigger note. The main adventure is when Jason goes upstairs the library (which he has found shelter in). The upstairs portion is off-limits, and for a good reason. Up there is a book, bound in flesh. Inside are warnings, to not continue, but anyway, Jason continues. The short passage reads a way to destroy Maldor, the evil emperor. Then, an eye "sees" Jason, on the book. Maldor knows that Jason has found the first syllable of the magic word that will destroy him.

    Jason is quickly pulled into an epic adventure, but not without a feminine partner. Rachel is also a Beyonder, a person from another world. She's from Earth as well, and has embarked with Jason to find the Word. Rachel was pulled into Lyrian on a home school trip. Both kids have no idea how to get home, and no idea why they were abducted. Now, their lives are being risked, all in a quest to find the Word.

    I'll spare you the details, but I seriously think it's a great book. All the books in the series are out, so you don't have to wait in suspense. By the way, Minty, I think you'll enjoy this. If you and I liked Gone, you'll probably enjoy the Beyonders. But anyone with a love for intense fiction will not be able to let go! What's the Word? Will Jason and Rachel die? What's Maldor going to do? Read on!


    Sriha S. =^.^=

    1. Since we're on the topic of books...

      I saw the Mazerunner this weekend (AMAZING movie, I suggest you see it). Has anyone read it? Is the book better or worse? Is it more action packed? I know I freaked during the movie ^.^

      Sriha S.

    2. The book(s) are AWESOME! I think you'll really like the series, Sriha.

  11. I recommend "The Book Thief" by Marcus Zusak. It is a very well-written book and it keeps you reading until the end. I like how it shows a point of view from a point in time (The Holocaust). For example, most stories would show the Holocaust from a Jews point of view and all the torture they go through, but this story is being shown from the German's point of view where they watch the Jews suffer instead of experiencing it. This book also shows a lot of character and sends you back to the 1900's. "The Book Thief" is one of the books that kind of spoil the ending, but you don't know how and why it happened.

    The title "The Book Thief" is very important to the book's story. A girl named Liesel lives with new foster parents and she is adapting to this new German way of life. She tells this story from her point of view of her getting used to everything.(She's German). She couldn't read or write so she was put many grades behind. "The Book Thief" comes in when Liesel steals book so her father can teach her how to read and write. This becomes very important in some major parts of the story.

    1. Definitely read the book before you Netflix the movie! Good one, Adrian.

  12. I would recommend the awesome book known as, "Redwall." The author is Bryan Jaques, born in England. He only wrote the redwall series, but the series alone consists of over 13 books. My favorite book in the series is, Redwall. It is an action packed heroic story about a mouse and an abbey. This book almost sends you into the book, to experience it from more than one characters' point of veiw. This book shows the difference between peace and war, the difference between trusworthy and untrustworthy. This is the best book I have ever read.

    When the clumsy old mouse called Mathias finds out about the horrible Cluny the Scourge, he attempts to fight him off. But, he cannot do it without help from his friends. He meets the gourilla shrews and some others along the way. He always dreamed of becoming a warrior like Martin, but the abbey is a place of peace. But, when Cluny comes by, they have no choice but to fight to save Redwall abbey. Many die and many live in memory of that war when Cluny and his horde attacked redwall without mercy. This storyr teaches people a lesson and its a great story!

    -Asha A.

  13. I recommend Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. This book is violent and because of it, some people wouldn't want to read it.The reason why I recommend this book is because of the great story and character development. I was very interested in this book as I read it. There was great suspense and action that kept me reading.

    Ender's Game is about Andrew 'Ender' Wiggin and how he was trained as a soldier to defend against the next alien attack. He gets drafted to the orbiting Battle School and goes through rigorous military training. Ender becomes a leader, but is growing lonely. He has rivalries with other students, pressure from teachers, and a fear of turning in to a cruel person like his brother. It was an amazing read! This was one of the rare books I read in one sitting. I highly recommend this book.

    1. Yes! Great book, and good series! This book is surprisingly old -- I mean, I read it when I was a kid, if that gives you any idea of how ANCIENT it is (after all, I went to school with the dinosaurs). However, it seems really modern and current.

  14. The book that i recommend for people that like reading about sports is "gamechangers" by; Mike Lupica. I would recommend this book for people that like sports or like to read about sports because it is a really interesting and it shows how the main character which is a kid ( I forget his name) gets challenged by his dad and his dad always puts pressure on him to become better and better and better. Another reason why i recommend this book to people who like sports mainly football players is gbecause it is a kind of motivational book. It is a motivativational book because while his dad was pushing him to get better he GOT better and better which means if you are being challenged by your mom or your dad you just have to work 2x 10x 100x harder and you will getter better and better at what your are doing/playing. - Carlvesi L.

    1. Thank goodness for Mike Lupica. More young adult fiction writers need to be writing about sports! So many people love sports (I, personally, consider competitive hopscotch the only possible sport I could potentially play), and it's an area of interest that needs to be explored more in literature. There are tons of meaningful things to say about sports! Good pick, Carl. :)

  15. I personally recommend the book Flipped. Its a cute love story. Actually, its about a girl that has a gigantic crush on a boy who moved in next door to her. At first she couldn't control herself, but then she started not to like him. But as soon as she begins to regret her true love with her crush, the boy began to like her. Then he tried to win her heart back. It was a cute, funny, and sympathetic book. I think it was a great book!

    This book has some funny and cute memorable moments. It really plays with your emotions. For example, there is one part when Juli, the girl, jumps onto Bryce, the new boy, on his first day of school. This was just one of the funny parts in this book. There are many more funny parts in the book. This is a book that makes you laugh and wonder things about the book. So if you are looking for a book that plays with your emotions, like it did to me, then this is the book for you.

    - Eliza A.

    1. I recently read this one, under recommendation from a student (you guys know all the best books), and it was fantastic. A quick read, only because it's hard to put down. Good pick, Eliza!

  16. The book I recommend to read is The Giver by Lois Lowry. It is about a boy named Jonas and he is different than others in his community. In his community people have learned to be the same and not be different. However, there is a person, the keeper of all memory before the society was created, The Receiver Of Memory. The Receiver is similar to Jonas and is different.

    This book was very interesting, however I believe the movie was not as good as the book. The movie had been boring up to the end of it. IMDB rated it 3.5 stars out of 5 and I would have to agree. The book is better than the movie like most people say. Jonas has no idea of how adventurous and exciting his future will be. Lois Lowry has made several more books after this, however the following books are not part of The Giver, but are similar of their morals and ideas. The Giver is an excellent book to read for AR overall and I encourage others to read it.

    -Ian B.

  17. I recommend the book Paper towns by John Green. The setting of this story is a town near Seaworld and a local highschool. This book is fiction. The book focuses on two main characters Quentin and Margo. Quentina and Margo were friends and separated around nine years old. They then came back together and went on adventures and they made many mysteries.
    This book is very action filled, they also do many pranks, and they take a turn for the worst near the middle. This book has many mysteries and puzzles that you will have to put together to find the true meaning of this book.

  18. I recommend the book " Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children". This book is by Ransom Riggs. It is about a boy named Jacob. His grandfather always told him stories about an island full of strange, peculiar children. He said he was sent there to be protected from monsters that were coming after him. As Jacob grew up he stared thinking that those stories were just made up.

    One day, Jacob gets a call from his grandfather saying that the monster are coming after him. Jacob thinks that he is going crazy, but when he gets to his house, Jacob finds that his grandfather was killed by something. He starts believing in those stories that were told to him as a kid again. Jacob goes to the island that he was told about to find Miss Peregrine, the head mistress of the children's home and the one who took care of his grandfather.

    This book is so mysterious and fun to read. I liked it very much. Also, the book has pictures of the peculiar children from the book. I hope you read and enjoy this book.

    -Julianne R.

  19. The book that I would recommend, would be "Up a Road Slowly", by Irene Hunt. Irene Hunt is best known for her historical fiction novels. This book could be considered a "coming of age" novel, which is usually a book that centers around a child's journey to adulthood. In addition, humor and profundity are integrated into the story, in a meaningful way.

    The story takes place around 1970-1988, in a country neighborhood. The main character, seven year-old Juli, is sent to live with her aunt and uncle in the country, after her mother dies. Juli does not adjust easily. Her older sister has gotten married, and now has no time for Juli. Her cold, stern aunt (Cordelia) disapproves of everything Juli does, leaving her to turn to her uncle. After a few years, Juli joins the confusing world of high school. She has her ups and downs, but eventually finds happiness. You have to read the book to find out what form her happiness comes in.

    I really liked the story itself, as well as the characters that enrich it. The plot was pretty unpredictable, which prevented me from being able to put it down. Anyone who is curious about how different people deal with the same situation, should really read this book.

  20. I recommend the book "The Riddle of Pencroft Farm" by Dorothea Jensen. This is a great book. I read it last year as a class and it was amazing. A boy, named Lars Olafson, and his parents move to an old family farm near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Some parts of the story takes place during the Revolutionary war. Lars gets lonely, until he meets Geordie and his family. Geordie tells Lars everything he knows about the town and the Revolutionary war.
    Lars soon discovers that the farm is full of riddles. There are two main riddles. The old "riddle" in the barn and the puzzle of Geordie and his family. When Aunt Cass dies, Lars faces a mystery, or "riddle" you can call it. The only way he can solve it? Geordie's ghostly stories. This book is great for people who like mysteries.

  21. I recomend the book the Hunger games because it is an amazing book that has a greatvmeaning to it. It is all about society and freedom. It is about a girl who lives in a society were they are split up into 12 districts. Every year a girl and a boy from each district must go to the capital arena to fight to death untill there is 1 winner. Katniss sister, Primrose, got chosen on reaping day to be in the hunger games. Katniss volenteers as tribute so Prim wont have to go.
    In the arena they all fight and fake true love.You can get all the details in the book when you read it. Don't forget to read the rest of the series. This book is so hard to put down. You wont want to put down this book because of the cliffhangers left at every paragraph. I love this book and wgoever reads it wont forget it.

  22. I also recommend the book "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio. It shows how people are different but everyone should except each other. It is a very intriguing book. It makes you think about people differently. The to title of the book means a lot and has to do with the boy in the story.

    The boy in this book is different than anyone else. Not very many people except him. His family thinks he is unique but not very many other people think that. This book shows that even when someone is different someone always loves them and supports them.overall this book is very good and teaches a good lesson.

  23. The book that I recommend is The Maze Runner by James Dashner. This is a book full of action that will leave you on the edge of your seat. This book is about a group of teenagers that have been somehow placed in an area of harsh conditions. For example, the "gladers" are surrounded by maze in every direction. In addition, they are constantly being attacked by violent pieces of machinery known as the grievers.

    This book is a roller coaster of emotions. At one moment, there will be tons of action, and in just a moment you will be left wondering. For instance, there is this one part when Thomas and Minho get trapped in the maze over night and have to fight past several grievers to make it to the morning. The author, James Dashner, does an excellent job of describing each and every one of the characters. I personally would like to give a "shout-out" to Adrian because I think he would enjoy all of the action, suspense, and mystery of this book. So, if you are looking for just the right book to kick off the 2nd Quarter, then I suggest you pick the Maze Runner. -Jackson Troutt

  24. I would recommend the Gone series, starting with Gone. It is about how one day, in a place called Perdido (LOST) Beach, and the area surrounding it, everyone over 15 has disappeared. There is also a barrier surrounding the area. All those under 15, have to survive, alone without adults, inside the barrier. There is also a catch, if you reach fifteen, you poof... What do they call this, the FAYZ, Fallout Alley Youth Zone.

    There are 4 main characters, there is Sam, the leader of the FAYZ, Astrid the Genius, Quinn, a normal average guy, and Edililo, a Honduran, who happens to be Sam's sidekick. Other people, including Sam, are called Freaks, among normals. Why? You'll just have to find out... This a great series you should DEFINITELY read, with more than 3 books, with an average of 19 points, a good way for AR point goals.
    ~Julian M
