Friday, May 15, 2015

A Midsummer Night's Fairyland

When we hear the word "fairy," typically we think of a tiny sprite with wings, a wand, possibly a tiara, some lilting figure that dances innocently over toadstools and sprinkles glitter all about. In other words, Tinkerbell has informed our imaginations -- thank you, Walt Disney. These whimsical, somewhat "fluffy" characters are not the fairies of Shakespeare's world, though.

In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare's fairies serve an important role in the story itself.  They have magical powers that advance the plot or add more complexity to the story that's already happening. They can manipulate human characters into acting in ways they normally wouldn't, creating both relationships and rivalries. These characters do more than sprinkle a bit of fairy dust!

(Midsummer Eve, Edward Robert Hughes ca. 1904)

Write a story about fairies. You may make your fairies the glitter-sprinkling Disney kind, the regal, meddling Shakespearean kind, or any iteration of fairies you choose to represent. 

Remember, your story must be at least two paragraphs in length. You must include good descriptive language and characterization to adequately demonstrate your imagination's version of a fairy.

Mine would build their houses in library books!

Have fun! Be creative!


  1. "Come on Barry, you're flying too slow! We are going to be late for the house picking."exclaimed Fluttershy.
    Barry hurried up as you could hear the tiny horns being blown. Today, they were auctioning a deluxe "Moyu house" which had 6 sides and had varying colors on it. The previous owners had complained about "too much movement and all of the interior of their house would be all scrambled up and it would constantly change even after they fixed it.
    "This house is perfect! I don't care if it gets messy once in a while because it is so roomy and comfy and it even has 3 layers!" said Fluttershy in joy. I will pay one tube of Cragle and the piece of resistance for it.
    "Sold to the pink and yellow fairy in the back!" shouted the auctioneer.

    "Ahhhh! This new house is really the bomb! You get the bottom floor and I get the middle. The top is for the visitors or guests." Barry said with joy.
    All of the sudden, you could hear turning motions, and everything went black. When Barry woke up, the house was in ruins. There was chairs on the floor, food all over the walls and part of each floor was at the bottom.
    "Ummm Fluttershy... I think it's time to look for another house." Barry says sadly.

  2. It has been a few hours now since I have left my home. I don't think anyone has noticed yet, and I don't anyone would care. With the drought that has swept my village, 1 less person is just 1 root the take up water. It was hard to leave where I lived for most of my life, and made so many childhood friends, but I couldn't cope with all the death and violence that lingered over that town. It was about time I left that place.

    2 Years Later

    It has been quite a while since I have seen any other kind of life. Luckily since my species uses photosynthesis, not getting meat to eat is not a problem. I was able to settle down next to river, life is much more peaceful than back at the village. I still have dreams however of my friends, and my family. I just wish I could see there faces again.

  3. "Let's go Pixie, we need to meet Mistress Sumeo-Okami, in the shrine at the forest, so hurry up!" exclaimed Jack Frost. "She said that she might even let us become some of her top servants!" Jack Frost and Pixie were adventuring in Amagi Forest, where they were told that Mistress Sumeo-Okami lived and prospered. She was a beautiful lady, and legend is told that however finds her shrine and sanctuary become part of her little group, consisting of not only fairies, but lesser god's and demons as well. "I thought it was a treasure chest, but it was all a bunch of slime goop..." Pixie explained. "All right then, let's proceed."

    "Hhmm? Do I hear something in the distance? Do I see something in the distance? Could it be... The fabled shrine, we have been wandering for. It just may be." Jack Frost said, while heavily panting. "Shut your face!!!" Pixie whispered angrily. "It's her! Mistress Sumeo-Okami in th flesh!" It really was her. Jack Frost was just so excited to finally meet Sumeo-Okami, and to aactually become part of her group. "Ahhh! It seems someone has found my fabled sanctuary! Very well, you shall become part of the mystic group, and become acquaintances and perhaps... dare I say friends?" Sumeo-Okami said mystically. "OF COURSE, OF COURSE WE WOULD!! WE HAVE ANYWAYS DREAM OF BIG PART OF THIS!!! WE DID IT!" Pixie and Jack Frost both screamed. *insert a jumping high-five, that stops in midair*
    -Julian M

  4. John and Mary were in their room. They were playing video games, and the TV wasn't that loud. Then, they heard a little rustling in the corner and a squeak. John asked, "Do we have mice?", looking worried. Mary responded, "I don't think so. We don't live by a creek or anything." So John walked over to the corner and removed the books and toys in the way. Mary followed behind and they were both very surprised at what they had saw.

    "What are these things?" John asked.
    "They look like... fairies." Mary said.
    Mary bent down to pick one up. It was small and dainty looking with pointy ears and wings. "Hello, we are fairies. We've lived in this stuffed bear for about a year now. We found a hole and we escaped! I hope you don't mind." Of course they didn't mind, but they were surprised. They went to sleep and woke up to talk to the fairies everyday. They eventually became very good friends until the fairies mysteriously disappeared six months later after they got their dog.

  5. I was dashing through the forest, the cold air freezing my every breath. A ray of green light sped past me as I came to a stop.The light seemed to bounce off the trees. The light bounced at me again, but as I dodged it I reached a hand out sa grabbed it. I could feel it moving in my hand as I held tightly. I rushed home immediately, clutching my hand to make sure the light did not escape. I arrived at my house and opened my hand. in front of me was an inch tall, plump, circular bellied man in my hand. He wore a green sportcoat and grey dress pants.

    "What are you?" I said ready for a response.
    "I'm a midget who happens to be fat that can fly, what do you think?" He said in a very sarcastic tone.
    "You must be a fairy!!!" I yelled uncontrollably.
    "Was it really that hard for you to get, people sure are dumb now." He said again

    He wasn't very polite. His name was Jeffrey.The rest of the conversation was not appropriate to say but it led to his friends knocking on my window to be let in. After I let them in, I looked at Jeffrey and noticed he was a full sized person now. He held a hand up to my head with powder in it and blew it into my face.

    The next morning I woke up on the floor with my window open. I still remembered what happened the previous night. Ever since, I've carried a net and a jar into the woods.

  6. Lisa and Joe were two averages siblings who lived in a wonderful home by a creek. This creek allowed the two to go on a plentyful amount of adventures! "Cmon Lisa! You're taking forever!" exclaimed Joe. "It's not my fault I'm as slow as a turtle!" yelled Lisa. The two adventured further down their creek and saw weird sprites. Joe luckily had a magnify glass and was astonished by what he saw!

    Joe had seen fairies, real, tiny, glowing, faries! He yelled at Lisa to go and take a look at what he had seen. All of a suden, more faries grouped into a small wooden hole of a tree. The faries had never been seen again, they suddenly disappeared. Joe and Lisa left that creek with a story to remember.

    - Ian B.

  7. It was a lovely day in Hausach, Germany. The sky was clear and there was a nice breeze. Hannah and her family had just moved there 2 weeks ago. Her dad got a job there so they were temporarily going to live in Hausach. Hannah was a kind and gentle 11 year-old girl. She also believed in fairies. However, whenever she starts talking about them, her parents try to convince her that fairies are just make-believe.

    One day, Hannah wanted to explore the woods. Her house was surrounded by many trees and there was a trail leading from the backyard into the forest. As she was walking, Hannah heard a small cry for help. "HELP! HELP!", cried the small voice. Hannah looked down and saw butterfly wings, but when the wings closed together, it revealed a tiny human body. it was a fairy. Hannah picked the fairy off of the ground. She saw that it had a broken wing, so she tore off a bit of her handkerchief and gently wrapped the broken wing. "Thank you", said the fairy. She had monarch butterfly wings, a long, white dress, and curly, blonde hair that sparkled in the light. The fairy flapped her wings, lifting herself off of Hannah's palm. That is when the fairy took off, leaving a glittery trail behind it. Hannah never forgot that day and therefore, kept on believing.

  8. Gliding over the fields of flowers was not how May Glitters liked spending her time. She preferred sitting in the trees, reminiscing and lost in thought. May was a quite the fairy, everyone thought she was diffrent whether it be good or bad. May had short wavy black hair, unlike everyone's long colored curly or stright hair. May Glitters was three fourths a blade of grass not half. However, all the others had brown eye's, May's were a stunning and electrifying blue. She was diffrent.

    May was okay with not being like all the other faries. In fact she knew it was what was on the inside that made her great, not the size of he paper thin wings. She knew she was absurd and rare... but she knew why she was diffrent, they didn't. She was the new queen. Thats all that really mattered, because she knew she would soon rule them all. Then everyone would except her difference, weather ther wanted to or not.

  9. Gliding over the fields of flowers was not how May Glitters liked spending her time. She preferred sitting in the trees, reminiscing and lost in thought. May was a quite the fairy, everyone thought she was diffrent whether it be good or bad. May had short wavy black hair, unlike everyone's long colored curly or stright hair. May Glitters was three fourths a blade of grass not half. However, all the others had brown eye's, May's were a stunning and electrifying blue. She was diffrent.

    May was okay with not being like all the other faries. In fact she knew it was what was on the inside that made her great, not the size of he paper thin wings. She knew she was absurd and rare... but she knew why she was diffrent, they didn't. She was the new queen. Thats all that really mattered, because she knew she would soon rule them all. Then everyone would except her difference, weather ther wanted to or not.

  10. I felt my legs materialize, as I looked around for the very first time. My hair was long and flowing, while a dandelion skirt fluttered at my knees. A bright being glided towards me, draped in the glimmering gold dress. "My name is Queen Clarion, and welcome, to Pixie Hollow. Born of cheer, cloaked in nature, you are a fairy. Come, and see what your talent shall be." I gazed up at her in wonder, and various stones of different shapes, sizes, and colors immediately appeared in a circle. Lots of other fairies came in and surrounded me. I took a step forward, and realized I could fly. Giggling, I fluttered up and twirled in the air, grinning at the other fairies. I fluttered towards a pebble, one with a hammer on it. It grew dim and disappeared. I heard a sigh from one part of the hollow. I looked at Queen Clarion in confusion, thinking I'd failed some sort of test, but she pointed to the next stone, one with a paintbrush on it. I fluttered over to that stone, but then that too disappeared. One by one, each disappeared, until only two remained. The first was blue, and was obviously water related. The other had a small kitten and raccoon. The blue stone glowed brightly when I approached it, and I heard a collective gasp of surprise. It became brighter and brighter, until it almost outshone Queen Clarion. I was forced to close my eyes, but then, the water stone melted into liquid water, and surrounded me in a spiral. I rose up into the sky, and the water swirled faster and faster. I raised my arms up, and the water spread into thousands of little droplets. The droplets fell over the animal stone, and the stone disappeared. Finally, I landed on the ground, and lots of tiny eyes looked at me at the same time. After what seemed like eternity, Queen Clarion smiled and beckoned me forward and called out, "Water fairies, welcome your new member!" The water fairies cheered loudly and surrounded me. I cheered happily too, until Queen Clarion motioned for us to calm down. "Fairy, what is your name?" she asked. I thought for a moment, and the answer came to me: "Cascade!" The water fairies began cheering again: "Cascade! Cascade! Cascade!" They took me by my hand, and flew me as fast as the wind.


    I know it's only one paragraph, but the other one was too big to fit. One second!

    Sriha S. =^.^=

    1. We arrived in a cove, where even more water fairies welcomed me in. One came out of the crowd and smiled. She said, "Hello Cascade! My name is Mistyskies, and I'll be helping you out. C'mon, let's head over to your new home!" and with that, she fluttered away. I zoomed off after her, and we kept flying until we reached a cottage, made out of plants in a teardrop shape, and a bluebell top. It was hoisted off the floor, because a beautiful pond with fish and reeds surrounded it. "It's beautiful! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. Mistyskies blushed and opened my door. "I decided to decorate it a little before you moved in. I hope you like it," she mumbled. I looked around, and my house welcomed me. There were seashell decorations, and turquoise curtains. A deep royal blue rug covered up the bare floor. The floor that did show was a deep chestnut color, and lovely water paintings covered the walls. Orbs of light lay in conch shell lights. Down the hallway was a spacious bedroom, with a canopy surrounding a light blue bed. The bathroom had a tub and vanity, and there were other parts of the home still to be explored. Mistyskies opened up a closet, and there were multiple clothing combinations. I pulled out a soft knee-length dress, in a blue ombre design. Mistyskies beckoned to a spot where I could change. I changed, and walked out, feeling a lot more confident. Mistyskies gasped in surprise and delight. "I love it!" we both said at the same time. I twirled again happily. "I'm surprised you still have pixie dust left over from Queen Clarion," she said. "Pixie dust? What's that?" I asked. "Pixie dust is the substance that allows us to fly and do magic. The dust keeper fairies take care of that though. You'll get a full cup tomorrow. But for now, it's time for bed. You settle down, and I'll see you tomorrow. I'm right next door if you need me!" And with that, Mistyskies and I exchanged goodbyes, and she fluttered off. It was time for the end of an amazing day.


      Sorry it's only two paragraphs, I wanted to do more, but it seemed like a great place to stop! ^^

      Sriha S. =^.^=

    2. Jake an his family had just moved to California about 2 weeks ago, in search of a better home and place for jake to grow up in. Jake's dad had recently been hired by a contractor, and convinced the family to move with him for the remainder of the year. Centerville, had seemed to be a normal place, until the arrival of jake and his family.

      It had all started the day that Jakes family moved in. Everything seemed normal, and then things went crazy. While Jake was walking home from school one day, a thunderstorm appeared. Jake ran for his house but it was already to late. Jake realized that the raindrops were filled with incredibly skillful fighting fairies. Jake knew he was outnumbered, and there was no where else to go. -Jackson T

  11. I woke up in the woods, and remembered with a sigh what happened the night before. I decided to explore the woods behind my house, just to poke around my family's new house. I found a little steam, but since it was night I couldn't see it, only hear the soft gurgle of water splashing about. A noise behind me startled me, and I fell in the stream. By the time I got out, I'd been thrown in so many directions by the water I forgot which direction I came from. And so here I am.

    I decided there was no point in sitting around, so I just started walking in a random direction. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, "Hey look! Someone got lost in the woods!". Then I heard another, "Let's go mess with him!". Then I turned around and said, "How about you just show me the way home?'". They obviously thought I didn't hear them. The fairies froze and stared at me as I took out a water bottle I carried with me. Five minutes later I had the perfect description of fairies. They matched the description of fairies that are in movies and books, (clothes that are sparkly and shiny and golden wings that flapped like those of a hummingbird) except they had the attitude of naughty leprechauns, that would give you five-hundred pennies if you asked you for 5 dollars. How do I know this? They sure had a lot to say once a trapped them in the water bottle.
    (no, this isn't what I think of fairies, it's just a thought that came to mind!)

  12. "Are you finished here? You have an area to search." The commander said sternly towards me.
    "Yes, Sir. I'm almost done," I replied back, saluting him once more as I closed my laptop. "I've e-mailed, the 7th Brigade that we've placed the bombs, in their position, Sir."
    "Good job, Sergeant Ewig. Now, carry on with the duties," he said before walking off into the distance.
    I sighed and went to my Squadron. As I was about to tell them to get in formation for further instructions, I heard a loud noise coming from the west. That's when I quickly told my soldiers to get in position. They all shouted 'yes, sir!' and did what I asked.
    The humans are here.
    And, they are coming for the treasure.
    Loud noises on which I presumed as footsteps, came closer and closer. Suddenly, a bomb came off and one of them cried out. I commanded them to fire. The sound of machine guns and rifles filled the air. Magic spells was cast to make them die. Choking, bleeding, or just plain drop down dead. At no matter what costs, they have to die. For the sake of my people and guarding the treasure, I will do whatever it takes.
    That's when I finally saw it. A human that was heavily hurt but still alive, came crashing in, damaging the base.
    "These pesky fairies, trying to keep us away. No, they won't. They will never take me alive!!!" He said, with a crazed laugh.
    I glared at him even though he couldn't see me. I opened my mouth to give another command, but it was too late. It suddenly got dark and I looked up. A towering foot was right above me. A scream erupted from my lips, yet it died quickly. I was gone.
    "Here we are today, to celebrate his life, and to bid farewell to a beloved comrade. Verlo Ewig was a friend to all and a great leader as a Staff Sergeant. He served his people well and is remembered by all. He is loved by all and will always be a great honor to have served our country side by side with him. He will never be eternally lost and will be in our hearts," said the priest and a loud sob came from the back of the room.

    "May he rest in peace."
    ~Sofia K.

    A/N: So, I noticed that most of the blogs are all happy-like and I wanted to make mine sad... And I know more about the Air Force instead of the Army so sorry if I got anything wrong! Finally, the protagonist's name, Verlo Ewig is a shortened version of Verloren Ewig which is translated from German to Lost Eternally. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

  13. Once Opon a time, on a lovely blue skied afternoon, 3 fairies where flying along a rock pathway. They all flew in a straight line as they talked amongst themselves. The fairy to the right of her three friends was named Flitterfly. Flitterfly had long blond hair that swayed across the back of her pink fluffy dress bedazzled with sprinkles. The fairy on the left was named Cherryblossom. Cherryblossom had brown hair that almost touched the beads on the chest of her blue dress. The fairy in the middles of them all, name was Khalessi. Khalessi was the wisest and prettiest of all the fairies. She had long red hair that almost touched the souls of her feet. She wore a long white dress that had a gold lining across the waist of it.

    "Wait up Khalessi!" Cherryblossom shouted. "My legs are getting tired can we please have a break?" Flitterfly whispered in a yelping voice. "I guess we can manage to take a small break. But we have to make it to the castle by sundown," Khalessi said flipping her long red hair out of her greenish-blue eyes. *crack*. "What was that!" Cherryblossom said frantically. *crack*. "I don't know..." Khalessi said standing up. "Show yourselves," she said. *grrrrr*. A black lion appeared in front of their eyes. Khalessi stepped back. *grrrrr*. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" They all screamed besides Khalessi. Instead she flicked her finger at the lion and in an instant, the lion was gone.

  14. I ran through the forest as fast as I could trying to find the perfect hiding place. I could hear my sister's voice counting to 30 grow faint as I run farther away from our campsite. Everything looks the same and I began to worry about getting lost. I'm walking by now, checking out every possible hiding spot. I reach a wall of a cliff and a small curtain of vines catches my eye."This would be a great hiding place," I think to myself. I crouch down and spread apart the vines, slowly going through the natural doorway. My eyes go wide and my breath catches as I take in the breathtaking scene in front of me.

    I straighten myself and look around, slowly taking this beautiful haven in. Bright flowers and lush green grass cover the forest floor. Giant multicolored mushrooms are scattered across the ground, some as tall as my knee. All of a sudden a glowing...thing flings right in front of my face. Startled, I stumble backwards and fall onto my but. "Please don't be frightened, we are not harmful," a small, squeaky voice says. My eyes land on what looks like a small person about the size if my finger. "What are you?" I ask. "I am a fairy of course. My name is Lily. What brings you to Fairytown?" Lily questions. "I accidentally found this place." I'm still in shock and continue to study every detail about Lily. A bright, warm glow radiates off of her and surrounds her small body. Transparent, glittery butterfly wings on her back flutter quickly as she fly's around. She has a rounded face with a pointy nose and pointy ears. Her cheeks are rosy against her snow white skin and her jet black curly hair, piercing blue eyes, and cherry red lips contrast with the paleness of her complextion. Lily wears a shimmery strapless top with a deep blue tulip skirt and white little shoes with a point cover her feet. I notice many other fairies begin to come out of the mushrooms and gather being Lily. Lily introduces me to each of the fairies but is cut short when my sisters voice calls out from somewhere outside the haven. "I should go. I'll try and come visit again," I bid the fairies goodbye and crawl back out through the vine curtain. Just as I'm getting up my sister jumps on me and screams, "I found you!" I laugh and we race back to the campsite.

  15. 'Twas a warm spring afternoon. The flowers were blooming and animals were curiously coming out of hibernation. The fairies were all lined up waiting for the one and only Rosie, Queen of the fairies. She was bringing the new queen to be. Everyone was excited, but no one knew that the unexpected was coming.

    The announcer was announcing the queen in when a loud bang was heard from the other side of the castle. It was the Woodland tribe. They were declaring war. Everyone scurried back to their safe homes as warriors were preparing for attack. But this wasn't a one day thing, this war lasted for several hundred years and through many generations. In the end the Woodland tribe won, and all that was left of the fairies was the queen.... conquered.

  16. Always a pleasure to read your creative work! My favorite type of work to grade! :)

  17. Come on Joey we are letting the bad fairies get away! Ok I'm sorry. Joey and Sarah were way behind all of the bad fairies that stole all of their pixydust and without their pixydust they wouldn't be able to fly or do anything. Joey got close to one of the bad fairies and wallah! He took one of hem down with the osteoporosis spell while Sarah took down another fairy with the frozen spell. They gathered the fallen pixydust and moved on to the last 2 of the bad fairies. These 2 fairies were the king and the queen of Evil Fairy Land. Joey went for the bad king fairy and Sarah went for the bad Queen fairy. While Joey was fighting off the bad king fairy, Sarah was putting all the spells she could possibly think of on the queen fairy. Then! Something popped up in her mind, the queen fairy and the king fairy hated pollen so Sarah made Joey drive the king fairy right next to the queen fairy so she could put the pollen spell on them, when Joey got the king close to the queen bam! Sarah put the spell on both the bad fairies and both Joey and Sarah went home happy with all of their pixydust. -Carlvesi L.
