Friday, April 10, 2015

Creative Writing Workshop: A Happy Ending?

For this weekend's blog, you'll be writing a creative narrative.  There is one rule and one rule only: you must end with this line from Guy de Maupassant's A Meeting.

"He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth."


  1. The night was young and the urban sound of the cars passing by in San Francisco filled Garry's ears. He was just at a nice restaurant to relieve himself from working. The waiter was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had hazel eyes with beautiful ombre hair. Her name was Skylar. Skylar and Garry had a love at first sight relationship and they got along with eachother well. They dated for 5 years.

    Garry and Skylar both enjoyed going on trips. One trip was to London. They both liked exploring, but would sometimes find boredom in the others interests, so they would split up sometimes. They said goodbye and went on their ways. Skylar got into her car and drove off to a winery. She promised she would take a taxi back to the hotel. Garry went to explore some of the sights to see and get a good sandwich. As Garry was about to fall asleep but realized Skylar was not there and there had been recent reports on a drunk driver who crashed. "He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth."

    -Adrian J.

  2. I knew it. I should have warned him, but he just would never listen. It was my friend Miles, the 2nd trumpet player of my jazz band. The minute he laid eyes on her, he could not resist it. It all started back about a year ago when we went to Carnegie Hall. We were playing some good jazz for a while at Basin Street until we got an invitation to perform live at Carnegie Hall. I accepted the invitation and got my band packed and ready to go to New York. We hitch on a several day road trip on our tour bus until we finally made it. We went in and perform some sick riffs and other good things. Then we went off stage to hear more bands. Then, all of a sudden, one band had a very beautiful woman and she was a very amazing jazz singer. It took Miles breath away and he instantly fell in love with her. I knew she was in love with his trumpet solos and not mine because mine were on Harmon while his were open and sounded amazing. I heard somewhere that she was leaving her band and looking for a new one so I hired her for Miles' sake. Her treated her liked how Louis Armstrong treated Lucille Wilson. So kindly and so good that they looked like the perfect couple. However, I knew when she told him, "I love you" bad things were going to happen. And apparently, they did. Miles started to miss practices and when he was around, he did not sound to good. When he missed tonight's concert to go on a date with the Betty (His new love) I knew that was the last straw. The next day, I told him to leave her.
    "Why should I leave the one I love!?" Miles said in surprise. "Betty and I are like two kindred souls, lost in our own world of jazz."
    "That's the point!" I shouted. "You are ignoring your band and going out with Betty. My band teacher told me that you are part of the band and that you need to be there for them and to be responsible. Plus, girls are nothing but trouble. been there, done that and I don't like to talk about it"
    "Aw, don't use that old stuff on me. I still love her, but I will show up more often."

    I warned him. One day, Betty was driving and then she got in a car accident. She died the next day. Miles was so heartbroken during the surgery that he played a blues song in the hospital. He cried and cried at her funeral. I felt sorry for him and brought the whole band there to play a blues song for her. I will regretted what I said and probably will for the rest of my life. He never knew what her words "I love you" to her actually meant. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  3. "It's been such a long time since then", David's friend sighed. "Repeat to me what happened", David said. "Well...fine.",was the response. His friend told him how one night his sister said she was going to visit their parents in Europe, and that she leaving next month. Sure enough, she got on a plane and left.

    He waited years and years and years for her to come back for the usual family reunions on holidays, but she never came. He tried calling her. No response. He told David that he thought it was fine for a while, maybe they were in a place with no phone service. He sent letters to the hotel she was supposedly staying at. No response. He and David were old men now, it had been so long. After a long and depressing silence, both men went their separate ways. Little did David know, the next month his friend flew to Europe in search of his sister. And how should he? We had only met this friend that day, and never properly introduced themselves. However, his friend still looked as the months passed. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.'

    (My username is for all the drama that will play out in these blogs) -Quintin

  4. "It's been a while, since I've ever seen her. It's been a while since I ever seen her face. I never forgot her." said Tom. Memories stayed vivid of Tom's girlfriend Claire, Tom had never forgotten her. Five years ago, they lived a normal, but secretive life. This couple was no ordinary couple, these two people had both worked for the CIA. They had met when the two were paired up on a mission to execute a Russian enemy, then their story continued. A few dates later, the two were engaged and never stopped loving each other, but one day Claire had disappeared out of the blue with no trace until now.The CIA had informed Tom they had received video footage of a woman who looked exactly life Claire.

    "That's her. I know that's her." explained Tom softly. Tom had never moved on with his life without Claire, he never forgotten. For two years Tom had worked alone never forgetting that moment when she disappeared. After Tom had watched the video, he realized she had been working with the Russians, in the same mission in which they met. He had been confused and heard a ringing noise, his cell phone. "I'm sorry Tom. I had no choice. They would have killed me if they did. I'm running out of time so you must listen. Go to the local pier, there is message in the bottle, located in one of the abandoned buildings. You must go and-" Claire's voice had ended. Tom had found the bottle and message. "Please go on Tom, I can't explain this anymore. I'm sorry. If you love me, you must go on." Read the letter. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

    - Ian B. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

  5. Austin Lakes attends Firestone High School. He was walking down the hall one day and a beautiful girl walks by. Her name was Savannah Gates. Her long brown hair, perfectly shaped eyebrows, and stylish clothing really caught Austin's eye. The next day, Austin saw her at lunch and walked up to her and introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Austin. I think you sit in front of me in 3rd period," he said. Savannah looks at him quizzically for a moment. "Oh, that's who you are. You looked familiar. You're cute," she responded. Austin turned red as a tomato, and chuckled out, "Really? Thanks. Y-y-you too." Savannah looked at him and smiled ear to ear. "Thank you, Austin. I'll see you around." And they both walked in opposite directions.

    The next week Austin built up the courage to ask her out. However, he couldn't do it in person. He wrote a letter and slipped it in her locker. She said yes and they dated for a solid 2 years. When they were both 17 and had they had their license, they went on a rode trip on graduation night. Austin drove his car and they were going to Arizona, where her uncle lived. Or so she said. They stayed in the house for about 5 days and on the way home, Savannah needed to use the restroom. So she got out the car and said, "I need to use the restroom. I'll be back. I love you." Then she walked away. After 15 minutes Austin walked in the gas station and didn't even see a bathroom. And most importantly, no Savannah. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  6. I was having a totally normal day. Until I found her at the door panting non stop. I let her inside to have some water then they properly introduced ourselves. "I'm Juan" I explained. "My name is Stacy" She said. I asked where she came from and she told me something about a lab experimenting on a mutated cow. She explained that whoever came in contact with it's milk, would become a man-eating cow. Why did I believe her? Well, because I'm crazy. "So it's like a zombie apocalypse. But...with cows." I inferred.

    So she explained why she specifically came to my house. It was because I am the grandson of the super great, straight up awesome, Oscar the Milkman. "I came for your expertise on milk. I thought you could find a way to make the milk normal so no more people could turn into cows." she added. "Why don't you go as my grandpa? His knowledge is greater than mine." I asked. Then I remembered he's half deaf. "Come on, it's worth a shot." I suggested. After getting to his house I told him about the situation and he was napping the whole time. The second time I explained it he responded:"What was that my boy? I can't here you." The third time he said:"Oh, hey you brought a lovely lady here." The fourth and final time he responded:"My time has come." he said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "I'm dying you dummy what do you think I mean. You must save the cow. Make me proud my boy" he replied "Wait what!?" I panicked. He stopped breathing and I gave myself the hugest face palm. Of all times it had to be now? We leave and head towards the lab.

    Earlier Stacy forgot to mention that her dad became a cow. "This day is just starting to get weird." I imply. Once we got to the lab there were cows in lab coats everywhere. After talking a picture for my Facebook, I got to work on the milk. Then I remembered my grandfathers final words: "Save the cow" Then it hit me if I fix the cows mutation, everyone will change back. But first I needed to catch it to look at its genetic code for the mutation. Once we trapped him Stacy needed to keep an eye on her. Once I found a cure for the mutation I injected the serum into the cow and the scientist turned back to normal. She was back with her father and my grandpa was smiling down on me. But then the cow tipped over a bottle with the mutations milk and it spilled on Stacy. The milk was a failed experiment for the cure. So she was also hideously disfigured. She ran away and told her dad(yes she can talk)she will be safe and be close. He never saw her again, nor did he discover whether she had told him a lie or has spoken the truth.

    1. This story is almost as confusing as Interstellar. That is a very good thing. :)

      Sriha S. =^.^=

  7. this is what I typed: I was sleeping in my bed on a Sunday morning. I woke up and decided to watch youtube. It was 6:49 and I knew I only had like 1 hour until I had to get out my room. I watched gaming videos and unboxings, until BOOM it was 8:00. I got out my room and went downstairs and ate breakfast. Then I drank a smoothie. I knew it was Sunday, which is laundry day, so I went upstairs to get my laundry. I separated it and put it in the washer. I remembered I had to get dressed for a birthday party and I put on a white shirt and grey shorts. But the shirt had paint stains on it, so I paused the washer and opened the door to the inside of it. I was looking through the wet clothes then I found a different white shirt and put it in the dryer since it was wet. But then I remembered I have to do my blog for English class. I got my laptop and typed in the password: "Thisisnotmyrealpassword :D" and got on google chrome. I had to go on the FSUSD website and click on schools, which I did. Then I clicked on Green Valley Middle School and clicked on teachers once I got onto the website. I clicked on Dalal, Mansour then on the blogs, then on period six. We have a special task this time where we have to end the story in a specific way. I almost started typing but remembered how we were suppost to end the story, which was with this sentence: " He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth."...

    - Max Vidal

    1. I hope somebody figures out what I did with this story.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. One day I was eating a burrito when a Bagel robbed Chipotle. After the bagel stole my wallet it left just as quickly as it had come. Right when the bagel left a woman came in and asked me if I had seen anything unusual. She said she was working for the CIA and she was looking for an extraterrestrial bagel that had come from the planet nekcihc. She said that she had to track it down and punch it in the right patella so it would explode.

    I told her about the bagel that came and robbed everything in Chiptole and she started growling at me. So I punched her in the face she exploded into a dozen tiny bagels. I ate all of the bagels and went after the bagel that had my wallet. It was flying away on its chicken when the chicken turned into a cow and fell to Earth. I decided to see what happened to cow after I had taken somebody else's wallet. When i went to the crater I realized that there was nothing left but a calculator. Then the lady that exploded into bagels appeared in front of me again and thanked me for destroying the bagel robber. Then she said that she was another alien from the planet awia and she said she was avenged. Then I punched her again into a bunch of tiny bagels. I never saw her again, nor did I ever discover whether she had told me a lie or was speaking the truth."...

    Asha A.

  9. Love Torn Apart

    Daniel Middleton was a normal British teen. He enjoyed playing Minecraft, hanging out with his friends, and eyeing cute girls. He had wavy dark hair, wore V-necks and hoodies, and always wore regular blue jeans. There was just one thing that made him stand out. He was the most popular student at Ridgewood High. How? He acted like a nitwit. The only scores he did well on were the finals, and even then, he messed up on a few just so that his name wouldn't appear on the top 10 list. When the score papers were handed out, he just pulled out a fake one he'd created online out of his own coding. Then he acted all cool about it and became even more popular. Everyone in Ponning knew who Daniel was. The parents even knew him. But silently, Daniel continued to get straight A's. Then he would wipe his name out of the honor roll list, and tell his friends he got one B+, two B, three B-, and one C+. His friends would congratulate him on the B+ and then laugh about the C+. They'd admire him for keeping his cool while getting bad grades, and then they too would look at life in a more optimistic way.

    One day however, Daniel was called to the office to show a new student around. Dan peeked through the principal's window to see who it was. There sat a beautiful girl, and though she wasn't as pretty as the models on TV, she was a close second. She was a brunette, with long dark brown hair, and sparkling green eyes. She wore a breezy blue top, and a pair of skinny jeans. She had on small gold stud earrings, and a rhinestone headband. Even then, her thick bangs obscured some of her face. Daniel, understandably, fell in love instantly. He began to shake a bit, even though he'd wooed over dozens of girls in the past. Then, the girl walked out and looked at Daniel for a full minute, judging him.By then, the principal walked out and gave the girl her schedule. The principal took a deep breath, and said, "Samantha, this is Daniel Middleton. Daniel, this is Samantha Trundel." Samantha turned to me and walked over: "Hello," she said, in a strong voice. Daniel grinned at her and took her arm, walking out. She looked surprised for a second, but then smiled right back at him and slid her arm down to his hand, and held it. The two walked around, taking their time, and in the process, found out that they had every class together. By lunch, they were what everyone was talking about.

    Daniel, elated at his luck, decided to show her something he'd never shown anyone. He took her to the back of the school, where a few dents in the wall marked a way to get up to the roof. Only problem? If you fell, you'd probably die. Daniel looked at Samantha curiously, wondering if she'd see what he was showing her. She did, and she jumped up like a monkey onto the roof, faster than Daniel ever had. He climbed up slowly, and met her at the top. Samantha gasped, for there was a variety of exotic plants and butterflies. "My secret..." Daniel whispered to her. From the ground, you couldn't see anything, but from up above, it was like a heaven. Just then, a small cat padded up to him: "Hey Moonlight! How are you?" he exclaimed. At Samantha's curious look, he explained, "Moonlight was a stray. I brought her up because she was about to die, and besides, rodents that got up were eating all the plants. Moonlight keeps them in check." Samantha smiled, and took his hand again. The couple ate their lunch up on the roof, in a special area Daniel had made for picnicking. They ate in silence, for there was no need to speak.

    1. Part 2

      When lunch was almost over, Daniel took her on a tour of the greenhouse plants. Out of the blue, when they had come to the roses, Daniel plucked his prize rose and handed it to her. It had been genetically engineered by him to rid the roses of thorns, and Samantha looked at it with joy. Daniel leaned forward and kissed her, and there was no sense of awkwardness. It was truly true love's kiss. Too soon, they climbed down from the greenhouse, Daniel's secret now shared by both of them.

      This perfect couple's reign never seemed to end. Even the kids who were against popularity couldn't help but like both of them, no matter how hard they tried. Even though they were madly in love, they paid close attention to their friends at all times. Daniel, at Samantha's request, stopped making fake grades and showed everyone that he wasn't a nitwit after all. However, his other talents, like gardening and coding, were still a secret. Samantha also became a better person, and her parents always thanked Daniel for making her the happiest person alive.

      Life went on, and day after day the couple's love grew stronger. They almost never fought, and when they did, it was over quickly and they both had a new appreciation for each other. They never did anything too romantic in public, and they still pleased their teachers with good grades and respect. One afternoon, Samantha had been called home early by the office. She said goodbye to her class and Daniel, and skipped away. Nobody was worried, and it was all good. The next day, Samantha wasn't at school. Again, nobody was worried, and Daniel sent a lighthearted text to her, asking her if she was okay. No answer. For the next week, Samantha never showed up, and never answered Daniel's frantic calls and texts. Finally, she texted him: "Meet me at the park near my house tomorrow after school. -Samantha." She didn't reply to Daniel's scared texts afterward, and Daniel was forced to make plans for the park.

      The next day, Daniel ran to the park as quickly as he could, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He found Samantha sitting on a bench, much thinner than before. Her beautiful hair had been cut and was dry, and she wore sweatpants and a dirty hoodie. "Samantha!" Daniel shrieked, "Oh Samantha what happened?!" She looked at him dolefully and replied, D-Daniel..I can't do this anymore. I love you." Daniel looked at her with fright, and asked her, "Samantha, please, what's wrong? I love you too, and I've been missing you ever so much. What do you mean you can't do this anymore?! She shook her head and walked away, not replying to Daniel's pleads. She left her flowers on a bench.

    2. Part 3

      Daniel was mopey the rest of the day. Actually, he was depressed. He cried at his house for hours, not letting anyone in. Later that night, he took the flowers back to Samantha's house, and knocked on her door. There was no answer, and so Daniel dropped the flowers at the doorstep. The next day, he brought a new bouquet and did the same. Every evening he cried, missing Samantha, who failed to come back to school. For a month, the same routine was played out. On the thirty-first day of May, Samantha's mother answered the door. Her eyes were bloodshot and it was apparent she had been crying. "Ms. Trundel?" Daniel whispered, scared, "May I see Samantha?" Ms. Trundel began to cry harder, and she told Daniel, "If you want to see Samantha, you'll have to go to the hospital" and she shut the door quickly, but not before looking at Daniel with a saddened face. Daniel ran and ran, ran to the hospital, where he collapsed on the receptionist's desk: "I need to see Samantha Truatt, please. I'm Daniel Middleton." The receptionist looked at him in surprise, and told him, "I'm sorry, but right now it is family only. You can see her tonight though." So Daniel waited. When the clock struck eight, he was finally admitted. He ran through the halls, racing until he found room 308. There lay Samantha, weak and pale, the opposite of the energetic, happy girl Daniel had met that faithful day."You came," Samantha murmured, "You came, even after what I've done to you." "Oh, of course I came!" Daniel exclaimed, "I love you, I love you so much. Please, please, won't you tell me what happened?"

      Samantha sighed, and began: "That day I was pulled out of class, it was because my diagnosis had come in from the doctor's. I was thrown into a variety of treatments, but I wasn't improving much. Really, I was just getting worse. So one day I collapsed, knocked out cold. Wouldn't wake up. I was taken to the hospital, where they told us I'd have to stay. I have a 2.3% of survival, and that's if the treatments they're pouring into me as we speak work."

      Daniel stared at her with his mouth open, and said, "What diagnosis?"


      Daniel stared at her with his mouth open, never expecting something like this to happen. It was like his whole world was crumbling apart. He refused to leave her side, and he stayed at the hospital for the next two weeks. Samantha never told him if she was getting better or not, but it was obvious she was getting weaker from both the leukemia and the treatments. Their conversations became less talking and more silence, their emotions passing through each other easily. Samantha spent her birthday in the hospital, but puked up the mini cupcake Daniel brought her.

      The day came when Samantha had gotten bad enough that she had to be taken to the big hospital in mainland Europe. Daniel asked Samantha if he could come, and when she said no, he pleaded with her. Samantha told him with tears in her eyes, "This is for your own good. Never forget that I love you. I will love you forever and ever. I promise you, I will survive, and when I do, I will come back and we'll spend the rest of our lives together. I love you, Daniel, and I will survive!"

      She left the next day with her family, and her house was sold the next month.

      He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.


      Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

      Sriha S. =^.^=

  10. It was already dark at 7 o' clock, nevertheless, i wanted to do a late night game run at GameStop. The new Fire Emblem was coming out, and I needed it. It's been a normal day so far, nothing too interesting happened, with the exception of my mom losing her voice. She sounds really weird, for example, "Can... get... Josh..." and even then it's still a whisper.I saw trailers for this game and it looked absolutely phenomenal, except for the fact that they have weird feet. I hoped that the game would be hard, like Radiant Dawn. One of the cool things is that it doubles as a ""waifu simulator," which somewhat cool, somewhat freakish.

    As I enter my local GameStop, I go see all the other games.First thing first, I check the PlayStation part of the star, and I look at all the games, they look very interesting, but I am somewhat broke. I got to demo some games, but nothing too cool. I check out the Xbox stuff, but nothing interesting. Finally comes the Nintendo section, filled with games I wish i had, but don't. I ask the clerk there, which happens to be a girl, if they have any copies of FE: Awakening, and she responds no. I feel dead on the inside. I did eventually find the game, two months later. "I never saw her again, nor did I ever discover whether she had told me a lie or was speaking the truth."...

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  12. It started just a few months ago, when the Cabals invaded Earth. They created total havoc on the planet. No one was safe from there ruthlessness. However, civilizations of humans still thrived on Earth, and they fought back against the Cabal. Among these civilizations was a single leader, commanding each village on what to do. Reason why he was chosen to be the leader is still unknown, but it is rumored he has explored areas never touched on before, and seen things that are to complex for the regular mind to even comprehend. They treated him as a God.

    One day, a strange visitor came to Earth, unknown to both Cabal and Humans alike. She told the Humans that she came as a bounty hunter, and the bounty was placed on the Cabals. The Humans doubted her ability to take on the entirety of the Cabals, and mocked her. The leader believed in her though, and let her roam the Earth in search of destroying the Cabal. The day after, She came back to the leader, with 5000 Cabal all handcuffed together. She told him "Thank you for letting me find my minions," and vanished instantly from Earth. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  13. Niel and Lizzy were a happily married couple. They did everything together and knew everything about each other. Well, almost everything. Niel didn't what job Lizzy had. She never really talked about her work and whenever Niel brought it up she always changed the subject. As long as they were together, her job didn't really matter to him.

    One day, Lizzy told Niel she bad to go on a business trip. Now he got really worried. Lizzy calmed him down and said this business trip should only take a month and that she has to go somewhere far so they won't be able to contact each other. Niel was still a bit worried, but he knew he could trust her. So, he helped her pack and drove her to the airport.

    Half a year already passed and Lizzy still hadn't come back. Niel tried everything to contact Lizzy, but it was useless. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  14. Peter was in love and no one else could replace his one true love, Sarah. Peter thought they'd be together for the rest of their lives, but he knew something was fishy with Sarah. She wouldn't really talk to him, she kind of avoided him, and gave him a lot of attitude. At first Peter thought she was just paranoid about something, so he let it go. But it got very weird, he rarely saw her, when he did, he only saw her for like ten minutes then she was gone. So Peter decided to investigate on what was really going on.

    The next day she left his house really early in the morning. So Peter followed her to a bakery. He was confused because she hated pastries. But she seemed to work there, which Peter did not know. Then around noon she met with her friend Marissa, Peter knew her and was friends with her too. But as they left, Peter hid in the corner listening to their conversation. Then Sarah said," I don't know what to do! I think its gonna end today when I get back later." Worried, Marissa said," But you know you really need it!!!" They gave each other worried looks, then left. Marissa left and Sarah went back to the bakery and then went home.

    When Peter got back, everything she had was gone and there was a note and a laptop left on his bed. It read," Peter, I'm so sorry I haven't been that kind and loving as a usual girlfriend should. But I haven't really had the time and commitment to have a relationship." Then he played the video on the laptop. " I really like you. Maybe one day we can be reunited and start over. But for now I am gonna leave." " Hey maybe we can go to the movies la-, oops sorry I'll leave," said a deep voice in the background of the video. " Sorry, that was just.. no one. Anyways, thanks for understanding." Then the video ended, leaving Peter in a suspicious suspense. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether he had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

    - Eliza A.

  15. It was as if I had known her for years, but for a short amount of time. This was Kennedy Lakes. She was the most beautiful girl in school, and quite frankly i'm shocked she even knew my name. It started one day after baseball practice, and she walked over to the fields to catch me watching her. Everything about her was graceful, and beautiful. We hung out after school that day and from then on out. Each day we would walk down town, and grab something to eat. However, one day changed all of that.

    It seemed as if we were perfect for each other, as if we had met years before. Things began to change between her and I, and it became a little weird. Suddenly, it seemed like I hadn't seen Kennedy in weeks. And even when I did, she seemed different. It seemed like there was something she was trying to hide, or she had something to tell. Everyone at school had noticed that something was wrong, but nobody knew what. One day before school, she told me something that would change my life. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether he had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  16. Everything made him sad. Vince was always sad, but he didn't understand why. A perfectly normal day at school would end in tears. He couldn't explain it, and that made him afraid. Afraid of himself. He didn't tell anyone, because he didn't want any special treatment. He didn't want anyone looking at him like he was a charity case.

    One day, Vince decided to see a therapist. She seemed nice enough, but he thought she didn't understand him. Until she told him that something was wrong with her, too. She understood. "It gets better", she said. "It did for me." Vince nodded and walked out. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

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  18. In Woodstone High School, there was a shy 17 year old senior named Jacob. He had major goals in life and one of his major "goals" was to be able to ask his crush since freshman year to prom. Her name was Lily. One of the most popular girls in school. Long brown hair, beautiful jawline, eyebrows always well done and, her very attractive smile. Jacob always thought he had no chance with her only because he was always a middle class guy whereas Lily was "high class" Weeks passed by, Jacob and Lily began to talk more after being partnered up in 3rd period for a science lab.
    "You know, you're pretty cute" said Lily to Jacob while looking through a microscope to try and find bacteria.
    "Oh, uh, thanks. You are pretty yourself" Jacob replied with a small smirk and turning red as a Skittle.
    That was the last conversation they had that day.

    It was now April. Jacob and Lily became more closer than ever before. Jacob's popularity rate grew more and more after hanging out mostly everyday with Lily.
    Finally, Jacob's day came. The day he planned to ask Lily to prom. April 15, 2015. Jacob thought he would have a more better chance. He did.
    He arrived at school and the first person he saw was Lily. He first noticed her by her beautiful, long brown hair flowing in the wind.
    Surprisingly, Lily walked up to Jacob first.
    "Hey!" She greeted him with a smile.
    "Hey" He replied with a bigger smile
    The two began to converse.
    Jacob noticed that it was now time. The time to ask his all time crush to one of the dream nights every girl wants to live, prom.
    "So uh, listen. Lily, I really like you. I've liked you since freshman year and I've just been to shy to tell you. I was wondering if you could be my date to prom.."
    "Oh my god, of course I'll go to prom with you Jacob" she replied.
    Jacob took a deep breath and exhaled in relief.

    The night came by quick.
    Jacob was ready in his tuxedo, with his hair in a wave style. This night was very important to him. He was going to be able to spend it with the girl of his dreams.

    He drove up to Lily's house, got out the car, walked to her doorstep and rang the doorbell.
    Lily's mom opened the door.
    "Oh hello" she said.
    "Hi, I'm Jacob, I came to pick up Lily"
    "Sorry son, Lily isn't home. Would you like to leave a message?" She replied.

    In that moment, Jacob's thoughts ran around his head. Where could she be? She knew today was prom night. His thoughts continued.
    "Oh my mistake, sorry for the bother" said Jacob.

    The next week Lily did not show up to school, nor the next week.

    He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  19. He loved her, but he also hated her. He didn't know whether to keep her or dump her. They had so memories together. The tree that they wrote their names in still stands to this day, "Jacob + Marisa." Marisa is Jacob's first thought in the morning and his last thought at night. But its not the sweet and lovey thoughts. Its thoughts of what would happen if he let her go, and what would happen if he kept her.

    One day Jacob decided to actually decide on his future with Marisa. So, he went up to her door and asked, "Do you love me?" Marisa looked away for a second and then looked back at Jacob. Jacob was so confused. Was she questioning her thoughts? Then she shut the door on him. Jacob went the very next day to ask the same question. Marisa answered with doubt in her voice, "yes." From there on the relationship drifted apart even more. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  20. They had been together a long time. Julie and Sam where perfect for each other. They were the cutest couple around school. The finished each others sentences, and sat together during lunch. Everyone at school referred to them as cutest couple. And they thought that they were the cutest couple too...

    Although they were usually the cutest couple. One day things were a little different. Julie didn't seem like herself. She wasn't hanging out with Sam, and she didn't act like a couple. So Sam decided to ask her what's wrong. She simply replied "What are you talking about, there isn't anything wrong with me". But Sam knew she lying. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover the truth whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  21. Harry had a normal teenage life. Nice life at home, good grades, good job, and was semi popular at school. All the girls loved him and all the guys envied him. Harry claimed he wouldn't fall in love and had never had a relationship before because he thought they were a waste of time. His opinions changed once he set eyes on the new girl in school, Tessa Young. Automatically, Harry was drawn to her. She was different, and that intrigued him. Harry would always go out of his way to get her to notice him but she would always ignore him. He began to lose hope until Tessa walked up to him after school and asked if he wanted to hang out. He simply smiled and nodded. Tessa grabbed his hand and they walked to her house together. Instantly, the two of them clicked.

    Harry and Tessa walked home together everyday after that for a year straight. They had been growing closer and closer everyday but never passed the friends stage. One day, Harry told Tessa he loved her and she said it back but quickly made an excuse to leave. After that, Tessa became very distant and didn't hang out with Harry anymore. Harry thought it was his fault for scaring her off with his love for her. Finally, Harry confronted her about it and Tessa confessed that she had been having these visions that something bad would happen in the future. Harry was confused but held her until she stopped crying. She whispered "I love you" to Harry and left after that. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  22. It was a gloomy day and It made everyone feel sad except for Sarah. She was one of a kind like the opposite of everyone else. She was only a normal 17 year old girl that was in high school. All of her school mates had high hopes of her in the future. They thought that she would have a great job because she was very smart.

    Sarah was only a normal girl but had many differences than people that went to her school. She had very good grades and it was near the end of the school year. Graduation was creeping up on them and Sarah was the only prepared one. On the day of graduation she graduated at the top of her class with very high honors. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA like no one else. In her speech she congratulated her peers for this big time in their life. "I would like to congratulate all of you for this achievement and we should all thank the teachers and our parents for making this possible...".

  23. The day started off upbeat. Everything seemed normal to Jeff, besides the girl standing in front of him that he had never met. He knew her name, Chelsea, but that was it. "What's happening here?"Jeff thought.
    "Hi,"Chelsea said smiling.
    "What do you need?"Jeff replied.
    "I just came to tell you something,"She said,"One direction will break up next week."
    He started cheering. Never in his life had he been so ecstatic. He started doing his happy dance. Then he noticed Chelsea had ran off somewhere. He didn't mind because he barely knew her.

    All day Jeff was constantly in a good mood. First Zayn and now the rest of them. During lunch he looked for Chelsea, but couldn't find her. He asked her friends, but all they did was try to mock him and say he loved Chelsea. He ignored them though, their comments were pointless to him.He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

    J.K. He found out on Monday. She was right.

  24. Brooklyn Williams was performing his usual saturday afternoon routines; wake up, eat breakfast, and play video games in his poorly decorated “man-cave”. He often went out, but not on Saturday’s. Saturday was his day to just sit back, relax, and take care of himself for once. Around 3:30pm today, though, Brooklyn got a call from his girlfriend. This surprised him because his girlfriend, Charlotte, respected his saturday’s alone rule and never calls him. So for her to call him was very unusual to him. He debated whether or not he should pick it up. One side of him thought,” This is my day to be alone and she shouldn’t bother me”. But another side was saying,”Charlotte never called me on a Saturday before… maybe its something urgent”. Since he really did care about his girlfriend he decided to pick up his cell at the last second.

    When he answered there wasn’t an immediate response. After about ten seconds Charlotte whispered quietly,” Brooklyn… is that you?” she says a little hesitant. Brooklyn was already confused. Why wouldn’t it be him? “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” But before he could let her respond he spoke again,” And why are you calling me today? You know that this is my day to be alone.” Without answering his questions Charlotte responds,” I need you to meet me at the school in 3 hours. If I never show up...then you have to do me a favor. And that favor is to forget about me and don’t tell anybody I called you. Okay?” Then she hung up.

    1. After the call Brooklyn contemplated whether or not to go to school. He was in his third year or high school and is still getting lost in the hallways. Where would they meet in the school anyways? It was a huge school. Some people still mistake it for a college. Since he was worried and concerned for Charlotte he got dressed, ate a good lunch, and drove down to the school. He wanted to get there early so that he could see any sign of someone approaching. He parked in the empty parking lot and waited for Charlotte to come.

      Within an hour Charlotte arrived at the school, but in an unexpected way. While Brooklyn was sitting in his car playing on his phone he saw an object through his rearview. The object was getting closer to the car, really fast. When Brooklyn looked closer, he saw that it was Charlotte sprinting down the middle of the road towards the school. I observe behind her to see if there was any sign of anyone else chasing her, but he didn’t see anything. She eventually closed the distance between her and his car. She pounded on the window frantic and gestured toward the school. She looked over her shoulder again and started running to the school. Reluctantly, Brooklyn stepped out of the car and ran after her. He never realized how fast she was going until he was sprinting down the hallways and still couldn’t catch up to her. Finally she comes across the Chemistry lab and stopped. She looked over at me and yelled,” HURRY!” When I finally got up to her she pulled me inside the lab with her and locked the door. After she locked it she started grabbing a desk and pushing it toward the door. I just stood there confused about what to do. When she was done she took a breath and looked at me.

    2. The first words out of her mouth were,” I’m sorry I dragged you into this. But I can explain.” He just looked at her out of breath from the run they just had. He nodded his head so Charlotte started to explain,”I’m being hunted. I know it sounds crazy but I just got myself into something more serious than I thought. It’s a group of about 5 guys. They’re really angry at me. But you have to listen to me closely…..I have to leave. And I don’t mean leave the city or live with other family, I mean leave the country with a new identity and a new life. I don’t expect you to understand or to help me, but I need you to know that you can’t tell anybody about this. I’m sorry for bringing you into this its just that I didn’t know who else to call.” Brooklyn was speechless leaning on a table and didn’t know how to respond. When looking at her in pure shock multiple loud bangs sounded in the front on the school. And with that sound Charlotte came over to me and gave me one last hug before climbing out the window and running down the street again. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

      Eva S.

  25. On a cold Saturday morning, a 16 year old boy was sitting in his 4rth period class waiting for the lesson to start. Before class started, his heart stopped. She was the most beautiful girl to eve graze the planet earth. Her long blond hair draped down her back. Her green eyes complimented the freckles on her cheeks. Right under those freckles came her shiny white teeth which were perfectly straight. Her smile lighted up the whole room. But her name. As beautiful as the snow flakes falling from the sky. Her name was Rachel.
    He talked to her many days of the week. They soon fell in love as time past. But something happend. The surprised voice of Rachel's mom calling his house saying the tragic news that Rachel had cancer. Her hair fell out her energy was lost. No matter what happens he would still love her. The one day something horrible happend. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth. She was gone...

  26. In the far off world of Elistia, there were humans, elves, demons, witches and wizards, and everything in between. The word of Elistia's citizens were named after what would happen to them in the future, and Havoc was reminded of that everyday. His mother disappeared when he was little, and his father died in the Great War, so Havoc was taken care of by The Grand Witch.

    One day, Havoc heard of the tale of the sleeping wish maker, legend has it that when awoken, the wish maker will indeed grant your wish. Havoc asked The Grand Witch for advice before heading off on his quest, and she said, "Havoc, you cannot go...the wish maker is your m-mother..." Havoc went anyways. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth.

  27. "He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth." He was so so so confused he didn't know whether to believe her or to think that she was lying, he sat there and just thinked about it the whole day, nonstop just thinking and thinking and thinking. All of a sudde. He had a flashback and he remembered the whole thing, then he new she had spoke the truth. - Carlvesi L.
