Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spread the Love

Hi, everyone!  Congratulations on making it through your first ever official SBAC test!  I was so proud of how hard you guys worked.

I know you have the Math SBAC this week, so I don't want to give you extra work (See?  Your teachers care about you!)

For this blog, I would like you to give your classmates some words of encouragement!


Friday, April 24, 2015

Sleep, Study, Sleep...

I was very proud of how hard you guys tried on the CAT Portion of the SBAC this week.  I know it's a long, grueling test, and you all showed great perseverance!

We'll need that same level of perseverance as we do the Performance Task this coming week.  Don't forget to study the elements of the Three Genres of Writing, get plenty of sleep, then get some more sleep, and do something that destresses you!  For me, it's gardening.

For this week's blog, all I want is ONE sentence!

What do YOU do to destress?

To destress, I like to garden!

Friday, April 17, 2015

From the Drought Desk..

California is in a serious drought.  There is no denying that one!  Before and after images of lakes and rivers are shocking and sad.  As Governor Brown makes the decision to mandate water use restrictions across the state, many are asking: can California's farms survive?

This week's blog is a debate on the topic of California Agricultural water use.

The question: Can farms survive without drying up California?

Do your research!  Click the following link and choose to read some of the editorial pieces from the debaters on the issue.  With whom do you agree?

Remember to cite evidence from the text, respond to classmates' points of view, and write at least two full paragraphs on the issue.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Creative Writing Workshop: A Happy Ending?

For this weekend's blog, you'll be writing a creative narrative.  There is one rule and one rule only: you must end with this line from Guy de Maupassant's A Meeting.

"He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth."