Friday, December 12, 2014

The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Explain: How does this quote from John Steinbeck relate to the book The Pearl? How do the characters and events in the book reveal Steinbeck's attitude about poverty, wealth, and class? Where do Steinbeck's sympathies lie? In other words, as evidenced in the book, how does he feel about the poor? How does he feel about the rich?


  1. I believe John Steinbeck feels the rich are selfish, but the poor understand how to get through things. The poor understand all of the struggles in life and how to get through them. I also believe he thinks the rich have no struggle what so ever because of their wealth. John is saying if your hurt, go to poor people because they know how it feels. The poor understand what its like to be hurt or in trouble.

    He feels the rich do not understand and if you're in need, going to poor people is the best option. In my opinion I agree with John Steinbeck's quote. Going to poor people for advice in life is most likely the best option. The rich have money and are wealthy, they do not understand how to get through things! The rich would most likely say your best option is money! The poor know how to get through things without such things, they know more than rich do.

    - Ian B.

  2. From this quote coming from John Steinbeck I feel that he relies on the wealthy people less than the poor. I think that this quote means that the poor will help you no matter what situation is because they have nothing to lose. They won't get embarrassed or talked about when they help the less fortunate because they are people of the lower class. They know what its like to have nobody to be there for them in time of need so they try to help people in their similar situation. However, I don't think the wealthy would do the same thing.

    Juana and Kino saw themselves as wealthy after they found the pearl. After they got the pearl some many things went south for them. They let the title as "wealthy" go to their heads and it messed up their lives. Kino and Juana thought that their lives were complete with that pearl because they could buy anything with it. This is why I think that Steinbeck relies on the poor because the wealthy might see it as a waste of time to help the poor. I feel like they would say something like they have more important things to do. This is just my interpretation on what that quote means with evidence from the quote.

  3. I feel that John Steinbeck means that the rich are crazy or eccentric when the poor, as Ian said, "the poor know how to get through things." It is true because, before Kino and Juana found the pearl, they knew how to handle things and could basically live a stable life and they don't have to be the richest to be happy. Once they got the pearl, they couldn't handle things very well and faced many hardships. For example, they were hated, bothered restlessly, and even attacked. These are all #richpeopleproblems because they don't know what to do if they were by themselves. Rich people are used to having their problems solved for them and can ignore the small things, Poor people have to deal with the obstacles in their lives themselves. Take the Phillipines; they are in poverty, the water is polluted, they are faced in many natural disasters, and some live in pieces of metal and old banners put together. However, they can make a living out of it. It is kind of like the rich don't know how to do things since it is always done for them. The rich should go to the poor because the poor have usually gone through these things and know how to handle these things.

    John believes that the poor are the type of person you can go to if you are having problems. Kino and Juana were like the rich. Greedy, mean, and stuck in the moment. They are so focused on doing one thing and make bad choices, but don't realize what will happen in the future. The poor can know these things and know how to fix these things.

    -Adrian Javier (Please Pray for my Dads Mom because she is in the Phillipines with a sickness)

    1. Sorry to hear about that, Adrain. I hope she's okay. :)

    2. I hope she gets better soon! God bless...

      Sriha S.

  4. So sorry to hear that, Adrian. Well wishes for your grandma's recovery.

  5. I think that John Steinbeck feels that the rich plainly don't care. Also, I think that the poor are more accustomed to being needy, so they know what it's like to go through all of those hardships. They know what to do to help the people that are needy. Like Ian said, the rich would think their best option in a problem is money! It is in this way that the poor are wiser because they can do things equal to the rich; without all the money.

    I feel that Steinbeck finds it more likely for a poor person to help you than a rich person. It makes me wonder if when he was younger he had trouble with money, and went to the poor for help. This relates to the story of The Pearl because Kino and Juana thought they had it all when they had the pearl. However, as time went by, they started to lose everything they had. In the end, it didn't matter how much money they had, because there was no way money could have fixed their problem. All in all, I think that Steinbeck thinks that there is no point in going to the rich for help.
    - Isaac E.

  6. I think what it means that most of the time, the rich just don't care what happens to other people, just themselves and their families. The less rich or the poor, know how it feels to go through something, such as the death of a relative. The rich would feel bad for a couple days, then just through money around to fix it! However, the poor think about it forever, wishing he/she were still alive right next to them, then they just cheer yourself up about it, but it will still be in their minds, for a very long time.

    Also, poorer people are most likely to help other people, than rich people, because they have their "own" problems, "rich people problems". The same kind of thing happens in The Pearl, when Coyotito is stung by the scorpion, everyone is worried for Coyotito, mostly poor people, that live by them, and a few in the town, but the rich people, including the the rich doctor, don't care about the dying child, only their money, and for the doctor, if they brought money, so he can "cure" Coyotito. So really, rich people mostly only care about money, but less rich and poor people, know how it feels to go through a hardship.
    - Julian M.
    P.S. Hope your Dad's Mom feel's better soon, Adrian!

  7. I think that John Steinbeck is saying that the poor are happy with what they have. Then that means that the rich are mean, cruel and stubborn. That is why he says that if you are in trouble go to the poor, then they will actually try to help. Whereas if you went to the mean rich people, they would just shoo you away and call you names. (Theoretically.)The thing with rich people is they want two things: power and wealth.

    John Steinbeck shows this when he portrays the rich men to be very greedy and want the pearl for themselves. Now, I do understand that it's a pearl we're talking about but really... He didn't say:"then when Kino woke up, he saw a beggar silently sneaking out of his house", no. He said that a man (not a peasant or beggar) was trying to steal the pearl. But I do agree with John Steinbeck, the poor are just nicer people.

  8. I think John Steinbeck's quote meant that rich people didn't care about anything and they think that they are the superior people and the poor are grateful for what they have like what Saskia said. In the first part in The Pearl, the doctor didn't care if the baby was sick just because they were "poor". The rich act so selfish and stubborn just because they have better stuff than others. The rich act as if they are too "OP or over powered" and they want others to "get on their level".

    I think the poor don't care about being wealthy because no matter what, they'll act the same and they are the nicest people. The poor want to help and they want others to think them as nice people. Like what Julian was saying, the rich people only want the money. But the poor are super happy for what they have. John Steinbeck probably went through a hard life or saw others around him have a hard life like during the Great Depression. The poor helped each other to get through rough things, but the rich won't care and they'll just mind their own business.

  9. I think the quote means the poor will understand because they have or are going through similar troubles, and the rich won`t because they haven't run into much. I also think this relates to The Pearl because Kino went to rich people like the pearl dealers and they didn't help him. Maybe if he went to the poor Kino would've been more fortunate. In the end, the rich were the ones who caused Kino the most problems. Finally, I do agree with some of the people above, when they say the rich just want more, and I think this was demonstrated in the pearl as well.

    I think Steinbeck`s opinion about the rich is that they are selfish and to not care about the less fortunate. Unless, they get something out of it, again, demonstrated in the pearl. I think Steinbeck`s opinion about the poor is that they care and understand about others. I somewhat agree with this. Some poor today are people who have been in jail. I think maybe a specific group of poor people are what Steinbeck described them to be.

  10. I agree with Isaac and Julian; the rich just think for themselves. The upper class usually thinks about themselves and not off others. However, the poor think, "we are all in this together." THey do not think, "oh, if I do this and help someone else, then I can't do this, which will give me more money." There is a saying that says humans always want more than they have, but that entirely true.The poor, are used to having nothing (no offense poor people), so they understand that the only person that can make things change is themselves.

    John Steinbeck also says that people should go to the poor when they are hurt and need help. The poor are people that can see the silver lining. They always se the god in things. The only thing that keeps them going is hope, and hope needs fuel. The fuel is happiness. They can help you see the silver lining in everything if you have trouble seeing it. Steinbeck probably thinks that the rich do not have any sympathy because they only think for themselves. But, then again, that depends on your definition of rich.

    Asha A.

  11. I think Steinbeck is saying that the rich are selfish and keep all there money to themselves. He is basically saying that the rich are greedy and dont really care for you if you are poor or have less money than them. I agree with Julian, they only care for them selves and not that much for anybody else. But the he says the poor arent greedy since they dont really have anything.

    He thinks the poor are helpful and since they arentgreedy they dont worry about money or anything else so they have time to think about giving advice and life problems. So if you need any advice or help you should go ask the poor because according to John Steinbeck the poor have more advice than the rich

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think that Steinbeck is basically saying that the rich are more selfish than the poor. The poor will help you more than some rich people because they won't be embarrassed of helping others. Some rich people will even be embarrassed of helping a poor person because they are high class and people that are poor are low class. What is sad, is that some rich people don't want to be seen helping out others that are lower than them.

    When Kino and Juana had the pearl, they just automatically were so excited and happy because they thought that they were going to be rich. However, that pearl led to bad things. Poor people see things differently than others. They get too carried away because they just wish to live like the rich.

  14. I think that Steinbeck is saying that the rich and wealthy people are selfish while the poor understand all the hardships and problems people have all the time. Steinbeck is trying to say, rich people are only involved in things if there is something in it for them. Poor people are more fortunate of the things they have that they are willing to help others for no cost at all. Rich people must have something in return or else they won't do anything for anyone but themselves. Steinbeck proves his point through his quote. If the rich won't help, ask the poor they will be much helpful for 0$ most of the time. You can always depend on others who have the same struggles as you.

    In Steinbeck's quote you can see he is basically saying the poor are more helpful while the rich are self-centered, ruthless, and unfortunate, they are usually useless in help. Steinbeck says you can get better help from the poor than from the rich and wealthy. I agree with Steinbeck because when the rich try to be helpful, their help is probably worthless. But poor will give you quality help and support. This ties in with The Pearl because when they get the pearl, they are so excited to become rich. But the pearl actually brings them great horrible danger and torture. It shows that something that can make you powerful can be dangerous at times.

    -Eliza A.

  15. I agree with Eliza. I think Steinbeck is saying the rich and wealthgy people are selfish whilethe poor understand all the hardships and problems people have all the time. Steinbeck is basically trying to say all the poor and less fortunate people are a better go-to for bad problems because they are going throught it, they know what it feels like, they're the ones that feel all the pain. Like from starvation and being hungry they know the bad side of things in life they have it the hard way. Then Steinbeck thinks the more rich and wealthy people are selfish. Like they only think of themselves. Basically Steinbeck is trying to say when you're having trouble go to the less fortunate people cause they know what you feel unlike the rich and wealthy people. - Carlvesi L.

  16. I think that Steinbeck wanted to recognize that lower class people are more willing to give, even though they have less.

    Many people who live in poverty understand the hardships of others who live in poverty. Many wealthy people can feel sympathy for financially burdened people, but it is often hard for them to realize the true struggle for them, unless they have actually experienced it. Steinbeck clearly feels like wealthy people cannot understand, and will not help.

    John Steinbeck portrays wealthy people as ruthless, uncaring individuals. He obviously feels that there is no use in poor people asking wealthy people for help. It is as if people who live in poverty are the only ones who can help anyone with anything; everyone must look to the poor people for help.

    While I do not completely agree with John Steinbeck's quote, it might have been more accurate at the time that he wrote "The Pearl".

    (P.S. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, Adrian. I hope she feels better!)

  17. I think Steinbeck is saying that the rich are selfish and that the poor are willing to give more than those who are wealthy. This quote relates to The Pearl because the poor people treated everyone as equals while the rich treated them like animals. For example, the doctor wouldn't help Coyotito unless they had money to pay him. Coyotito was going to die and the doctor didn't even care. He only cares about being paid.

    Some evidence in the book that shows how he feels towards the poor is when Kino's brother helped his family hide from the people who wanted to kill them. The way he feels about the rich are when pearl buyer offered a low price even when he knew the actual value of it. He tried to cheat Kino. Also, when Coyotito needed help, the doctor didn't want to unless he was being paid to.

  18. I think Steinbeck means the poor are willing to listen and help through life because of experience while the rich don't know what it's like to actually have to do something. The rich are able to afford Butlers while the poor actually have to do things by themselves. The poor actually know more things in life then the rich ever will. The poor know common life skills while the rich know how to carry a wallet.

    I agree with Julianne because the rich do seem selfish with their money. Also The poor treat everybody as equals but rich tend to treat the poor like animals. In my opinion being poor isn't bad. It means that you are more capable of things the rich or not.

  19. Poor: I believe that John thinks you should go to poor people for help because they are more selfless. For example, if you were poor, and you still live a good life, you wouldn't think you need money to be happy. All that is needed is what you do with what you have. If they are poor and they have been through many hard times, they wouldn't wish for someone else to be in their predicament.

    Rich: Since these people have a lot of money, they look at almost everyone in a condescending manner, mostly because they feel they have more power of them due to money = power. Also if they are to do something for someone, they would feel as they need a reward. This is because they feel as if money fuels their happiness, since it gets them very spoiled and what they want. This is not true for everybody. However as shown in the book, it is the most likely case because, money corrupts

  20. Steinbeck must not have liked the rich very much. In fact, he hated them.

    Like Kylie and Julianne agreed, Steinbeck added characters such as the priest, the doctor, and the dealers, and all of them were greedy. They all just cared about money. The doctor poisoned Coyotito, and the priest tries getting the pearl. Every action the rich people committed to was for money. Their motive was not love or kindness, but rather material possessions. This brings me to my next point.

    John Steinbeck believed that since the poor did not have any material possessions, they were much more kind hearted. Kino had almost nothing, but still, he loved his life. Whereas, the doctor and other rich people could never have enough.

    Steinbeck grew up as a middle class family, and worked during the Great Depression. So he experienced others with many, many problems, and not enough money. The rich people would not help the poor, triggering Steinbeck's opinion.


    Sriha S. =^.^=


  21. I believe that he is saying that even though the less fortunate are poor, they can still help you get through hard times. The less fortunate are experts in knowing what to do in certain situations. Mainly because they've probably been through it themselves. The poor sometimes are a lot wiser than richer people. This a related to The Pearl in many ways.
    The main reason is that Kino and Juana live very simple lives. They were so wise, that Kino was able to find the pearl. Once the pearl was in their hands, bad things happened to them. I think this is because Kino was thinking of all the things that could happen in the future and not focusing on poor, sick Coyotito. If Kino had been more wiser when he was rich, they might still have the pearl and it might have been sold.
    - Katelyn C.

  22. I think that this quote means thet poor people understand rough times better.Rich people don't understand hard times because they have never been through them. It relates to the book because kino and juana don't have much. When they found the pearl they had bad luck.If they were rich I don't think any of these obstacles would
    have feally ocured.
    He feels that rich people are stubborn and don't care so much for others and just worry about themselves. With less fortunate people they would help with the situation.They have been through tough times and understand.They would probably be more helpful and help the person thought their tough times. In other words less fortunate people have been through tough times while rich people most likely haven't.

    -Kailani F

  23. It seems that John Steinbeck belived the only nice people in this world were the poor. In the quote he is saying that only the poor people will help you, and the rich people will not. In the book and the quote, he is saying rich people are greedy, rude, and just all around horrible people. Whereas the poor will help you out of the goodness and kindness they have in their heart, minds, and souls. This ties in with the book, because the doctor and the priest seemed to be rich and greedy. Unlike the poor who seemed to be kind people who stuck together. Its like the good and bad, or evil and kind, just the poor represents the good, and rich represents bad.

    I do agree with Julianne when she says that the poor are more willing to give then the rich. I think its because the rich have money and power to lose, unlike the poor who dont have much so, dont have anything to lose. I alsohappened to agree with Kylie. She said that the poor know more about life, then the rich. As of the rich may have money, but the poor have knowlage, so in the end, the poor might just be mpre powerful.

    -Ellena S.

  24. John Steinbeck thinks the rich are too selfish to help. He thinks they're too greedy to help others in need.The poor will know how to help because they might have been in that situation before. The rich try to keep all their money and avoid conflict with other people where they have to give money.I agree with John Steinbeck on how he views the world.

    This quote relates with the pearl because when Kino went to sell the pearl the buyers tried to say it wasn't real. They tried to trick him into selling the pearl for less money than it was worth. When Kino's family needed help because his house burned down Juan Tomas gave them food and supplies and helped them get out of the city.Even the doctor didn't want to help when Kino didn't have the money. But when Kino found the pearl the doctor was going out of his way to help Kino. John Steinbeck is right in what he says in the quote.

  25. This quote shows that John Steinbeck thinks the rich are to selfish to help, and that the poor are the only people in this world that will help you. One reason that I say this is because the rich are always looking for more ways for money. For example, instead of helping, The Doctor turned down Coyotito, but took their money. However, Steinbeck displays the poor as very kind and willing to help for nothing in return. Since they have hardly any valuable possessions, that causes them to be lest greedy.

    I agree with Sriha that the reason they are less poor is purely based on the amount of their prized possessions causing them to be more kind-hearted. I also agree with Pierce that the rich are extremely greedy In every way. All of these reasons come together to form the most greedy and the most kind hearted people in the world. Steinbeck does a great job in exposing the rich from the poor throughout the story.
    -Jackson T.

  26. I think that Steinbeck is saying that the rich are selfish. They think that they are better than the poor and/or everyone else because they have more. Steinbeck is saying that they are too selfish to help because they are too stuck up. The poor will help because they have so little that they are (as sriha said) kindhearted.

    The quote relates to the book because when Coyotito needed help from the doctor, the doctor turned them down because they did not have money. the doctor only wanted money and he did not care about the baby because Kino, Juana, and Coyotito are poor.
