Thursday, December 18, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Explain: How does this quote from John Steinbeck relate to the book The Pearl? How do the characters and events in the book reveal Steinbeck's attitude about poverty, wealth, and class? Where do Steinbeck's sympathies lie? In other words, as evidenced in the book, how does he feel about the poor? How does he feel about the rich?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's...Timmy?!

It's the boys' turn! We discussed our perspectives last time on whether or not Disney princesses are good role models for girls. This time, I pose the following question: Are comic book superheroes good role-models for boys?

In an article for The Telegraph, Richard Alleyne, science correspondent, writes, "Superheroes promote violence and revenge."  You can read the article here: Superheroes Send Out Wrong Messages to Boys

On the other side, the writers at Popular Mechanics express admiration for superheroes. They write, "adversity and moral lessons go with the awesome visual effects." You can read the article here:Are Modern Superheroes Bad Role Models?

What do you think?

Remember, as always, your response should be two full paragraphs. You should use textual evidence from either article to help support your perspective, and you should respond appropriately to your classmates' points of view.