Friday, November 14, 2014

Are Disney Princesses Bad Role Models?

A simple question. What do you think? Are Disney Princesses bad role models for young girls? Why or why not?

Your evidence should cite specific elements of Disney films that feature princesses.  Two paragraphs, please! Don't forget to respond to your classmates' viewpoints!


  1. I believe Disney princesses are a terrible influence on children because of the princesses actions. For example, in the movie Tangled, she goes on a great adventure, but goes through many danger. Also in the movie, Sleeping Beauty, it shows one could be saved with a kiss. However, one is not invincible and everything cannot be saved by a kiss, cute by untrue. Within all the Disney princess movies, the princesses are known to be beautiful and flawless. However, one could achieve everything another can with being beautiful or flawless and are equal.

    Not only in these movies the princess is misleading, but so is the prince! One may be charming and have a terrible personality! These movies show all the princesses fall in love with attractive people and do not show their personality! These movies also show women have to be with a man to be happy! In fact, this is not true, one could have friends or a hobby to be happy. Overall, in my opinion, I believe that disney princesses in movies are terrible role models. Disney should at least come with up with one movie that goes into more reality and not fiction.

    1. PS, Ms.Mansour I had shared a document with you for the Rikki-tikki-tavi quote bank. I had forgotten to give it to you after I had redone it. So I typed it instead and please read it. Thanks!

    2. I like the way you considered the princes, too. In older Disney movies, the prince never had any personality at all!

    3. P.S. Got it. Just bring me a paper copy on Monday. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Disney princesses aren't a bad influence on young girls. Princesses taught young girls how to solve problems and not to be afraid. They also taught us that we just ned to take what life gives us. For example, Cinderella's mean step mother didn't let her come to the ball unless she finished her chores. Cinderella did not rebel, but she finished her chores with the help of her fairy godmother and the little mice that came with her. She ended up going to the ball and having a great time because she listened and took what life gave her.

    On the contrary, many princesses showed that they need a male to help or save them from something or someone. An example of this is "Snow White." Snow White eats the apple that the evil lady offers her and falls into a deep sleep. Supposedly, the deep slumber that she had fallen into could only be awoken by a kiss from her true love. Then, there was Elsa. She is the only princess that I can remember that did not need a man to save her. Instead of a man or a frog, all she needed was the love from her sister. In conclusion, Disney princesses are not a bad role model for young girls.

  4. For the record, why would I watch a bunch of princess movies? I think they are mostly a bad influence on little girls and very weird boy addicted to watching princesses dancing with a prince that saved their life or something. I mean some princesses that go on dangerous adventures. Little girls could try dangerous thing to try and be like them. One of kid's only influences is what they watch on TV. After watching a movie like tangled a girl might try to grow long hair that causes problems.

    Plus kids have to remember they aren't as rich and powerful as a princess. They could start yelling at their parents to by them dresses, expensive jewelry, and other things that would just annoy the parents because if they say no the kid will start crying and all that stuff. So basically little girls can grow up being spoiled brats. So parents might want to rethink the amount of Disney movies they own. After watching Little Mermaid a girl might try to go swimming in a mermaid costume because they are that young and naive. While Disney doesn't fail in making heart warming movies, The princesses don't make good role models for little girls.

  5. I wouldn't really know much about those movies since I grew up playing violent video games and not watching Disney movies.

    1. i watched frozen......... im a boy.... Lol jk

    2. Oscar, you should youtube the battle scenes from Mulan and watch her beat The Huns!

  6. To be honest, I disagree with Ian because I don't really think Disney Princesses are bad influences, for example, Rapunzel was kidnapped and she did a right choice to run away to try and go back to her REAL parents. Another one, Mulan, Hua Mulan proves to the men that women like her are strong also and deserve to do the same thing as the men. The directors probably try hard not to make the princesses do bad actions because usually Disney is supposed to influence and teach younger kids to do things the right way, like seriously, it's a kids channel, it's supposed to do right things.
    I agree with Mailee because the princesses did teach young girls to solve problems. Also, you don't a man to help you with everything like take Frozen for example, Elsa unfroze her sister and brought back summer because all she needed was her family's love. Your family are the heroes, not some random person you fell in love with(Except the princesses). Mailee is also correct about accepting the fact that rewards will come to you if achieve your goal and take the consequences like a man or a woman. In all, the Disney princesses aren't bad influences.

  7. Even though this is a light-hearted topic, I love seeing you guys think critically about your world, including pop culture! :)

  8. In my opinion, Disney princesses are great role models for younger girls.The reason that I say this is because Disney Princesses display positive character traits. For instance, many princesses are thoughtful, brave, and intelligent. For example, Rapunzel displays the trait of courageous when she abandons her home and mother to see the floating lights. In addition, Elsa displays thoughtfulness in the end, by giving back to her town and returning to summer.

    Not only are these traits displayed in a couple of Disney princesses, but in all the movies. I agree with Mailee that Disney Princesses teach young girls how to solve problems all on their own. For instance, Anna knew that the only way she could save summer was to go after her sister all by herself, and in the end it all payed off. I also took note to the fact that princesses teach girls not to be afraid. In conclusion, I believe that Disney Princesses are a good influence on young girls. -Jackson T.

  9. Ms. Mansour, I was at my friends house and was unable to post from my computer. So that's why it's anonymous. -Jackson T.

  10. I think Disney movies are a bad influence for young girls because of the small actions they do. For example some Disney princesses run away and do basically anything they want. In Frozen, many people didn't notice that Ana anted to marry a person she just met. There was even a song that explained how she loved him, but noticed only a thin layer of his personality. Additionally in, Cinderella, there was nothing proved in the movie. Cinderella was neglected from her sisters and Cinderella started to sob, but magically she was able to go to the dance and meet Prince Charming. Some may argue that if you believe than anything could happen, however Cinderella never dreamed of going to the dance and just felt bad for herself. It was almost like Disney wanted the audience to feel pity and feel their pain and hoped miracles would happen. This could truly happen in the story but, Cinderella just just did nothing but cried. Additionally when Cinderella lost the glass slipper, it would be like leaving a bag of chips on the ground. She would be sad at first, but eventually go over it. In a real life situation, no one would search the whole area for the owner so it is like a false meaning to teenagers. In conclusion, I don't think that Disney movies are good for teenage girls because of the small actions they do and also because of the misleading storylines.

    I greatly (but kindly) disagree with Jackson. I don't believe that it helps them solve problems on their own. For example, once again, in Cinderella she never searched for her slipper she waited for the Prince to come to her. Additionally, Repunzel didn't decide to cut off her own hair, the prince did. This shows that they didn't save anything themselves, someone else did. I also disagree with Noah because a lot of Disney princesses needed a prince to save them. In Frozen, Ana didn't realize that it was true love to unfreeze her until after the person she liked kissed her. He somewhat helped her in that way.

  11. I think that Disney princesses are a bad influence on young girls. I think this because the princesses portray wrong lifestyles. For example, in sleeping beauty Aurora gets saved by a kiss. That is not how things happen in reality. Due to this girls will think that all they need to stay alive is a "true loves kiss."

    In addition, the princess show that you always have to be flawless. This can lead to self esteem problems and girls may not like the way they look. Also at the end of princess movies the princess and the prince live happily ever after. Girls will expect to have a perfect life and nothing will go wrong when they have their true love. Lastly, in Tangled Rapunzel runs away from home. This might make girls think that running away from home is good. After all Disney princesses aren't good role models for young girls.

  12. I think that princesses are just like regular girls. They are just trying to find out who they are and what they can do to please their family. In the movie Anastasia, Anastasia can't remember who she is so she travels from St. Petersburg, Russia to Paris, France. She got there met her family faced the evil and lived happily ever after (like all princess movies). Similar to that in Tangled, Rapunzel can't remember why all of the suns she sees in the towns, make her have little "flashbacks" so she flees from the evil (which is good most times) and ends up finding her past with the king and queen.

    Then in Mulan, Mulan is trying to be the best daughter to her father and also she's trying to be good for her ancestors. When she was fighting, she was just trying to prove to her family that she is worth it. Then there was Sleeping Beauty. Now you can't blame her for falling asleep. It was Maleficent's fault! She was the one who cast the curse! Then the prince came kissed her and she woke up. In conclusion I think that princesses aren't bad role models they just need some help finding who they are on the inside.

  13. I don't think that princesses are a bad influence, but that they don't show reasonable problems. Like in Princess and the frog, I have never been turned into a frog and had to be kissed by some random person to become a human again. This also relates to what Adrian said, I do not think that anyone goes around telling people they want to get married. PLus they can usually go wherever they want and they are not stuck in a castle with nobody watching over them. I have also never had ice powers, and there wasn't some random maniac trying to kill my sister and I.

    However, I think that disney characters can have a good moral. Like in Lelo and Stitch, the moral is to never give up. No matter how much Stitch messes up, Lelo never gives up on him, even though Nani was against Stitch. This can help in many cases when you feel like you can't get through bad times. There is also morals like the small one in sleeping beauty. A very very small moral in sleeping beauty is, there are some bad people out there, and you have watch out. Like the saying, "stranger danger! stranger danger!"

    -Asha A.

  14. Personally, I think that in order to find out if princesses are good role models or not, we have to take a trip into the past. Way back when Disney movies were still made in Technicolor, like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, were all about miracles. For example in Cinderella, when Cinderella was crying in the garden, POP! A magic fairy came out of no where and gave her a magical dress that only lasts until mid-night. After that, she danced with Prince Charming. But what if the prince was cruel and greedy? I guess Disney hadn't thought about that. Also, in both Sleeping Beauty, and snow white, the females are both helplessly put to sleep (I guess Disney likes sleeping) until some "brave" prince comes along and gives true loves kiss. Later in the Disney timeline, movies like The Little Mermaid, Mulan, and Pocahontas it gets a bit better. For example, Little Mermaid is about a mermaid who wants to be among humans. So she goes to this evil witch-octopus an she can walk with the price of not being able to talk. Once again, a prince has to fall in love with her and somehow get her voice back and keep her a human. I can't really argue with Pocahontas because it was real events that just got Disney-fied. However, Pocahontas is much better because it is about a girl who takes her father's place in war to prove that she can be more than just a daughter and doesn't need a man to do it.

    Nowadays Disney movies have gotten much better with movies like Tangled and Frozen. This is because in Tangled, yes a man (sort of) freed her from a tower, but Rapunzel held him prisoner with a frying pan and forced him to show her the world. As they fall in love, they go on a crazy adventure. In the end it turns out Rapunzel saves the guy from death. Also, in Frozen Ana goes on a quest to find her sister, the queen, and bring her back to the kingdom. Also the man that she loved at the time was secretly plotting to take over the kingdom. This entire time, the whole kingdom is frozen and the comic relief (Olaf) is helping Ana on her quest along with an ice person. In the end, Ana saves her sister from the evil guy, punches the evil person off a boat, and falls in love with the ice person. All in all, I think that Disney princesses get to be a better influence the more modern they are.
    -Isaac E.

  15. I think Disney princesses are a bad influence. If you watch the scene where Mulan fights the Huns, by the way thank you for mentioning that on Oscar post because I actually took the time to look at it, she shoots a giant rocket at a mountain creates a huge avalanche that kills everyone.

    Also if you watch Tangled the evil step mom stabs Flynn in the chest then Rapunzel trips her and she flies out the window and dies. These are both reasons why Disney princess movies are bad influences. - Max Vidal

  16. I think that Disney princesses are not a bad influence on young girls. They actually taught us girls how to solve things the respectful way. Mulan only had to defeat the Huns because they were the bad guys. It may sound really violent however, that was the best she could do. I actually think that the princesses were good teachers to their younger viewers. In movies they were nice to everyone. They had no bad language or anything. Just because other people make those pictures of them doesn't mean that they're bad. People just do it to make fun of the princesses. Everyone has their own opinion on this topic but I personally think that the princesses are not a bad influence.

    On the other hand, others may think just because there are battle scenes like the one in Mulan, the princess is a bad influence. If the movies were bad, they would of put Rated R. Parents want the best for their youngsters so why would they want them to watch a princess that would have a bad influence on them?

  17. I don't feel I have a say in this because I'm a guy, but this is my answer.

    I don't personally think that some Disney princesses are good role models for young girls because they have much different situations than real girls will ever have. For example, Girls will not be cursed to fall asleep on their 16th birthday and can only be woken up by "true love's kiss." I think that is completely impossible and anyone that finds sleeping beauty as a role model should stop living in a fantasy world. Another example is Cinderella. She got treated like a maid by your stepmother and then a fairy godmother appears and gave her a wonderful dress and carriage so she could go to a dance. I think this is truly a bad example of a role model. These princesses did nothing to become princesses. Some Disney princesses are bad role models , but there are some good role models from Disney.

    Some Disney princesses are good role models. The newer princesses are good role models. In Frozen, Ana tries to go after her sister to fix her mistake. Even though the story is fiction the fact that Ana went on a journey to find her sister is what makes her a good role model. Even in Tangled, Rapunzel frees herself from the confinement of her tower to find out what the world was like. This shows that she wanted to go out her own for once and go on an adventure. These princesses still have unreal situations, but do things that make them a good role model.Some princesses are good role models for young girls, but young girls should consider why they call that princess a role model.

  18. I agree with Isaac. Movies from the past have changed drastically, along with culture. It depends on the movie you are talking about. In my opinion, a key factor to Frozen's success was a heroine. Anna and Elsa had a unique problem, and a sisterly relationship. Though Disney couldn't help themselves and added Kristoff, it was overall about Anna and Elsa. Mulan is another example. She is probably the one 'princess' that went above and beyond to express herself and to be strong. It's a beautiful story that has so many cultural elements and is so different from stereotypes.

    Though people say princesses are bad for children, you have to think about what was going on in the past. Back then, the sole role of women was to please men (Ugh, disgusting, I know). The movies that came out in the 50s were during this time. Snow White came when pale beauty was the only thing that mattered. Sleeping Beauty appealed to men wanting women who would succumb to whatever the man said. People thought this would be the case for centuries. We proved them wrong. Even though we might be going a little too far (Ahem, Miley Cyrus and Nikki Minaj, I'm talking to you), it's a lot better than it was. There comes the theme of dreams.

    Every Disney movie, along with a few exceptions, focuses on a dream. It seems to be a mix of fantasy and morals, like Asha said. Princess and the Frog? It's a classic tale remade into a modern tale. Backing on my previous point, it's a classic tale- So it's bound to have these old touches. But it's in New Orleans, focuses on a girl wanting to open a restaurant, and there's a girl who wants to be a princess. Pretty much how I can imagine girls in New Orleans.

    Disney movies always have morals, whether they've changed over the years or not. In conclusion, Disney is an amazing company that has shaped our lives, and continues to affect us in great ways.


    Sriha S. =^.^=

    P.S. TOY STORY 4 IS COMING OUT!??!?!?!

    P.P.S. Have any of you seen After Ever After and After Ever After 2?

    P.P.P.S IMPORTANT: To Ms. Mansour ~ So I went onto the Google Classroom, and decided to check the English one. I noticed that we have an assignment due tomorrow, when I'm pretty sure I saw nothing about that on the homework bulletin or anything like that. Did you say anything Ms. Mansour? I was wondering if we should do it or not?

  19. Personally, I'm not a really big fan of the Disney princesses. However, I don't think that they are particularly bad role models. The Disney princesses mostly influence younger girls, who don't have very developed concepts of the realistic world. Some princesses, like Cinderella and Snow White, encourage hard work. While the endings are not very realistic, they both work hard, and follow their dreams (in Cinderellas' case). I remember that, in Cinderella 3, she works hard to take back what's hers, instead of sitting and doing nothing.

    In addition, Disney recently seems to want to encourage independence. In Frozen, Elsa does not need to fall in love, to live happily ever after. She just needs the love of her sister. Mulan does find love eventually, but her intentions were honorable and unselfish. She just wanted to prove herself to her family, and protect her father. In this case, I would try to recognize the princesses' admirable character traits, instead of the plots of the movies.

    In conclusion, I think that Disney princesses are not particularly bad role models for young girls. They teach girls to work hard, and follow their dreams. Many princesses go against the odds, and do something good.While the plots of the movies are sometimes unrealistic and portray twisted concepts of femininity, the princesses can be kind-hearted, unselfish role models.

  20. I think that Disney princesses are not a bad influence on young girls. For example, in sleeping beauty Aurora gets saved by a kiss. That is not how things happen in reality. Due to this girls will think that all they need to stay alive is a "true loves kiss" even though it's not. For example, in the movie Tangled, she goes on a great adventure, but goes through many danger. I also agree with Kailani and that is the princesses portray wrong lifestyles. I also agree with Kailani in thi statement. In addition, the princess show that you always have to be flawless. Overall i think disney princesses are a bad influence on girls because they can do something funny in the movie but it will be something bad at the same time like if a princess runs away from home, the little kid will be like "hey i should run away from home too". _ Carlvesi L.

  21. I haven't seen Disney Princess movies a lot, but when I do, it's because of my cousin, who is all about them. So, most of these movies have a moral at the end, a lesson to all who are watching, boy or girl. One of the most famous ones are from the "Beauty and the Beast", where at the end, true love prevails, the beast is a handsome prince, every inanimate object turns into a human, and they dance the night away. And they lived happy ever after, the end, but all of this signifies the famous English idiom, "Don't judge a book, by it's cover." Others, such as the 7 dwarfs one (I don;t remember the name), where she cleans the whole... cabin, but she has fun doing it.

    Still. some movies portray them, as very unrealistic, in no way, shape, or form, will you see someone with deadly, ice shooting powers, where you have to lock them up in some kind of prison, or wizards and witches, using their magical powers to make a carriage from a pumpkin. Although, the lessons and morals are there, and it can help teach life's lessons, but they do it in a very fantasy kind of way. It is somewhat like how cartoons show that, you can get a piano dropped on your head, and come out, with only a giant bump sticking out of your head. Still. princesses are a very fun and creative way, to teach little boys and girls, be a hard worker, or always follow your dreams.

    AND that's what I think of these Disney movies. I would still rather watch something like Spongebob, all day every day...
    ~Julian Mendoza

  22. I have loved Disney princesses as a child. I think they truly teach lessons to young girls and aren't the best role models, but they have good intentions. Cinderella, for example, shows hard work brings rewards. Rapunzel implies to get what you want, you will need to work hard and overcome all the obstacles that may come along the way. Pocahontas says that you can own everything but it won't make you absolutely happy forever. All these princesses don't clearly show their true lessons, but they do in an easy way for the little minds of girls to understand the true meaning of their stories.

    Disney princesses are characters who do things that make little kids happy and teaches them a lesson. I'd say that their actions aren't the ways to follow but their intentions are. They don't want children to think that when times are hard, a fairy godmother will appear and then everything will be perfect. But they want you to think that when times get hard, a solution will appear. You have to think and understand the real meaning of the actions of these princesses. I personally think the actions of the princesses aren't the best models to follow. But their intentions and their lesson are the really meanings.

    -Eliza A.

  23. Disney princesses are bad role models because they send of the wrong message. For one, Disney princesses give off a message that you need a man to be happy. Children don't need to believe that you need a man to be happy. They need to know that you can be happy all by yourself. If Disney keeps making these love movies, children are going to be in a rude awaking when they grow older.
    Disney princesses also send of the message that there is always a happy ending. Most children now think that there is always a happy ending. In life there is not a happy ending and they need to realize that. Disney makes great movies, but they send off the wrong messages to young children.

  24. I agree with Asha in saying that Disney Princess movies don't show reasonable problems. Most Disney movies present the protagonist with problems that are unrealistic and young girls can't relate their own problems to them. The only part they can relate to is that they usually succeed resolving these problems. This could make young girls believe they will always win/succeed just like the princesses in the movies. This will not help in later life.

    I also think the way they solve the problems are unrealistic. For example, killing a Hun with a cricket and mini-dragon with fireworks. Also, the way she solved the problem was dangerous. This encourages girls to try to solve problems, even if the solution s dangerous. I'm not saying the movies are bad, I'm just saying the princesses were bad role models.

  25. One of your many classmatesNovember 16, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    Disney princesses are wonderful role models. They teach young girls and actually anybody who watches the movies lessons. Disney princesses aren't bad role models. For example, Ariel didn't want to become human only for a guy she just met. She was infatuated with the human world and collected as many artifacts she could find. Ariel enjoyed exploring the human world. Also, everyone kept telling her that she belonged in the ocean, but she wanted to explore."Lesson: Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Where Your Place In The World Is," (

    In addition, in Mulan, Captain Shang taunts the soliders for not being real men during thier exercises and when Mulan climbs to the top of the pole, she shows them how tough she is. Also, when Mulan saves Shang from falling of a cliff, he becomes friends with her. Everyone starts looking up to Mulan. This makes the reveal that she is a woman even more empowering. "Lesson: Girls Can Do Anything Boys Can (And Sometimes, They Do It Even Do It Better),"( Disney princesses are wonderful role models.
    -Julianne R.

  26. Disclaimer: I am not sure whether these things happen or not because I haven't watched these in a long time. Who doesn't love Disney Princesses? When I was a kid, they were good role models but now that I think about it, I think that they are sometimes a bad role model for young children. Let's go a princess at a time shall we? Snow White: Her step-mother tries to kill her by poisoning her food because she was pretty. Snow White lives, cooks, and cleans for 7 men! She does get poisoned eventually and 'dies'. A prince comes up and kisses her. She magically wakes up. They get married and happily ever after right? Note the sarcasm. Cinderella: Her step-mother and step-sisters force her to do the cleaning in the house. Word of a ball comes out and Cinderella wants to go but they don't let her go. She goes outside and starts to cry but poof! A magical fairy mother goes and fixes everything. By the way I think that I should mention that she has rats for friends and that's not considered hygienic. Aurora: When she was a baby, she gets cursed to prick her finger on a spinning wheel and fall asleep and only to wake up by true love just because the parents didn't invite this person to the party. A guy does kiss her but after a few difficulties in the way. Ariel: How can she talk underwater if there's no oxygen! The thought's of mermaids are unreal! She sacrifices her voice just for a guy she just saw on a boat! Belle: She's one of my only favorites. It's about how you don't judge people by their looks and what not.

    Kisses don't save lives, most step-mothers aren't that bad if your father married her in the first place, women don't depend on men to protect them for everything, there can't always be a happy ending for everything, and most of all, magic can't really happen. Plus, why do people keep singing out of nowhere?
    ~Sofia K.

    1. I forgot in the last paragraph: And don't be too friendly with wild animals even if they made you a dress. I'm talking to you Cinderella.

  27. Disney princesses are horrible influences on little kids for many reasons. For example, in tangled Rapunzel just goes into the forest with a stranger. Who does that. Also, in frozen, Anna believes that you can meet and marry a person in one day. Furthermore, in Snow White, she lets in some strange lady into her house.

    I agree with Sofia because you shouldn't be that nice to wild animals. Especially the ones who can talk. I also agree with CarlVessi because girls (or boys) might think it is okay to run away from home. I believe that Disney is entertaining (said by a Disney freak) but also has a bad message overall. I don't think Walt Disney wanted this to happen, but as life grew older more things come into kids minds,including to be flawless.

  28. I think some Disney Princesses are good role models and others are not. For example in the movie, Enchanted, the prince wants to marry the girl THE VERY NEXT DAY. If a stranger in a white van saved you from a fire and said, " Lets get married" would you marry him or her? No right? The first guy, isn't always the right guy. My evidence, Frozen. Other Disney princesses like Snow white was saved because a prince was walking around in a forest kissing dead girls. First of all, Ew ( Saskia will get my reference). Second of all, Why? Why would you kiss random people you find in the forest? This might encourage children to spend more time in a forest. For example in Princess and the frog over 50 children were hospitalized with Salmonella because they kissed a frog. Mulan fought in a war, she saved china, and Snow White gets taken down by an APPLE. DISHONOR ON YOU SNOW WHITE!

    Others are great role models. Like Mulan, Merida, that one girl from that atlantis movie (Cant remember her name). As stated earlier, Mulan fought in a war! She saved China, and proved girls don't need a man to be brave and courageous and etc.Same thing goes with Merida when she fights for her freedom.

  29. In my opinion, some Disney princesses are good influences, while others are just there, and some princesses show mixed messages, like Ariel. You could say that she shows young girls to never settle, but you could also see it as Ariel being disrespectful of what she has. I would say, however, that Tina is a good influence or young girls. She shows that if you want something, you have to work for it, it won't just come to you. She wants a restaurant, so she works hard to get it. Then, you have the princess that are just there, an example could be Snow White. Someone tell me what she does that is influential. She eat a apple FROM A STRANGER then falls into a deep sleep and has to be saved BY A STRANGERS THAT APPARENTLY IS HER TRUE LOVE. (Sorry, I needed emphasis.) Look, I bet you could see what's wrong with that but, hey, I'll point it out just in case. The lady she took an apple from was a stranger, and why should little girls take food (cough, cough candy) from strangers? Next is my point is about prince charming. Snow White doesn't know this guy, and he has to save her by kissing her. One, he a stranger kissing her that's a little weird, and two, she needs a guy to save her. I can find two reasons why its wrong to have a guy save her. (Why can't it be a girl to save her for one). Sorry Snow White, but you are not a very good influence, in my opinion.

    Some people say that most of the situations are not plausible, which really has to do with nothing I'm going to say, but I do agree with that. What I do want to say, however, is that if you have noticed that the newer princes are good role models, I have a theory. Most of the old princess were in a time where woman were mostly seen as stay at home moms. It is a stereo type that has , throughout time, kind of changed. Then they might have been role models to find true happiness. However now we see it that woman do not need men to make them happy. My thought is that some of the older princes may have been what was a good role model then, because time have changed .

  30. I think the classic Disney Princesses such as Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are irrelevant today. If you were to ask people a long time ago this question, they'd probably think that Disney Princesses are good role models and that women should strive to be like them--perfect, beautiful, sweet. However, these qualities for women have become outdated. Women nowadays want to be known as strong, powerful, independent and resourceful. Today Disney has been able to somewhat meet this demand with such princesses as Anna, Elsa, and Fiona but still have a long way to go to develop full strong female characters.

    In the case of Anna and Elsa, Disney was able to create a relationship that wasn't between a man and a woman, but between sisters. Normally in classic Disney films they focused on men saving women and women falling in love with them. It's refreshing that in Frozen it was more important for the sisters to save each other than Kristoff being the savior. This is what makes Frozen one of my favorite Disney movies because I have a sister and I can relate.

    Fiona, on the other hand, falls in love with the main character but the main character happens to be an ogre. This is why I love Fiona! Yes, Shrek does save her, but more importantly she falls in love with him because of his personality and not his looks, money, or royal title. And after she permanently turns into an ogre she feels comfortable in her new ogre skin--she doesn't need to be "beautiful" to be happy.

    In conclusion, I think that current princesses that are being made are better role models than the classic Disney princesses but can still be improved by making them less about their looks and more about their personalities.
    -Eva S.

  31. I believe the Disney princess are terrible role models. Almost every single princess acts in a selfish way and/or unforgiving way against some other being who they see as better. For example, in Cinderella, she has to prove that she is pretty and better than the house keeper she is, so what does she do? She goes to some fairy and asks to change how she looks. She didn't need any body's approval to go.

    Also, why were most (not all) of the classic Disney movies villains of each princess ugly, saying that if you are ugly, you are evil. This will lower the self confidence of just about any girl, making them think that they always have to look prettier than anybody else. This also gives the "pretty girls" an "excuse" to make fun of anyone they see as ugly. But it doesn't matter to Disney I guess, as long as they are selling merchandise.

  32. in my opinion Disney princess are not role models. they act cruel and sometimes demanding. in Arial, she meets a guy that she falls in love with and gives up her voice just to meet him. she doesn't need to lose anything just to meet him or get to know him. she is pretty and she has her friends to help her.

    I think they are bad for young girls because the princesses act so selfish and rude to others. if the young girls watch that then the can become as cruel, demanding, selfish, and rude to others. if they acted like this in front of people then it shows horrible parenting skills, when there parents didn't even show then to be this mean. also when they are talking to others then they can act all stuck-up and act like she's all that. in conclusion, I believe that Disney princess are not the best role models they can be.

  33. I believe that most of the Disney princesses are good role models, while others are not. For example, Meredia ,from Brave, shows us to be brave or courageous. Another example is Ariel , from The Little Mermaid tells us that the littlest things can bring you joy. Another example is Mulan. Mulan disguises herself as a man to be in the army. She showed power and courage doing this.

    Some princesses are not good role models however. A bad example is Snow White. She let strangers into her house. She also ate an apple from a stranger. She didn't even hesitate when she ate the apple. Another bad role model is Aurora. All aurora did was sleep, sing, and love animals. She didn't really show any courage or any thing that role models show. Although some Disney princesses are good role models, not all are.

  34. I believe Disney princesses are horrible influences for young children. The scenes in the movies will never happen in real life. The protagonist is doing things that children shouldn't do, and they're watching it on the tv. For example, Cinderella, the step mom tortures her with chores and work, but out of nowhere her godmother shows up and Cinderella becomes beautiful. That will NEVER happen. When Cinderella loses her shoe, the prince travels the town to find out where she went by letting girls try on the shoe. Other people could have had the same size, why was Cinderella the only one who fit it?? 
    I agree with Sofia K. because Disney princesses are a bad influence to young children. If kids grow up thinking those type of things could happen, reality will hit them hard when they find out the truth. No one can be woken up from a long sleep by a magical kiss. A shoe cannot change your life. The scenes are fake and not real. It is a horrible influence.
    -Katelyn C.
