Friday, September 19, 2014

Broadening Our Definition of "Text"

Remember in class when I defined "text" as anything we are examining? In this week's discussion, we are going to examine a "text" that has no words: a painting! I know this may be new for you, but let's try it!

As we analyze this painting for meaning, we should use the same strategies we use for conventional texts. We still pay attention to the artist's intended meaning, we still search for evidence that supports our interpretation, and we still explain how that evidence got us to our interpretation.  In other words, we still use S-E-E!

What kind of evidence does a painting have? Well, visual evidence!!! Pay attention to the following details:
  • colors - are they dark? vibrant? cheery? moody? calming?
  • imagery - what symbols or metaphors might you see? do any of the images strike you as meaningful?
  • brush strokes/texture - does it seem smooth, for instance, or is the paint thick so that you can see the brush strokes? Why? What does this add to the painting?
  • how the artist catches your eye or leads your eye
  • what is the artist trying to represent?

This is a painting you have probably seen before. It is entitled "Scream," painted by Edvard Munch, a Norwegian artist, in 1893.

What do you think Edvard Munch intended this painting to mean? Cite specific details from the painting as "evidence" to support your statement.  Remember, two paragraphs, acknowledge your classmates' viewpoint, and USE EVIDENCE!


  1. I think this painting symbolizes something bad is happening. For example, the huge wave and its color. It is a dark blue color, and it could make it seemingly evil. Also, I think the person symbolizes somthing too. Notice how he/she is curved and dressed in black. I think that makes him purposefully stand out in the eerie sunset. I`m not sure, but he could symbolize bad things as well. I think the style he uses with the thick ang light brush strokes strokes makes the painting smooth but, detailed.

    1. I agree with Quintin. The mood was set really spooky/ eerie. I also agree that the colors have some effect on it because when someone is in a bad mood others refer to them as being blue. That implies that blue is a sad color. Another way you can tell that the colors effect this mood is that when we see yellow we associate it with happiness and red with anger. So that leaves blue, purple, black and grey with gloom. Three are so many ways that this painting can be sad, or even for some people, depressing.

  2. I think this helps generate a eerie mood as well. Finally, notice the people in the backround. They dressed in black as well. Do they and the person in front have something in common? I think the artist is representing a disater like tsunami.

  3. Quintin, I like the way you point toward specific details in the painting to support your interpretation.

    Looking forward to reading what the rest of the class thinks Munch was saying!

  4. I think the painting does look like it's showing a eerie mood to the painting because usually the color black adds more of a negative flow to yourself. Also the title is called scream and the subject in the painting looks frightened or horrified. Even though this painting is very creative, there are so many things that symbolize negative things like dark colors such as black and dark blue. Munch put this in his diary in 1892, "One evening I was walking along a path, the city was on one side and the fjord below. I felt tired and ill. I stopped and looked out over the fjord—the sun was setting, and the clouds turning blood red. I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream. I painted this picture, painted the clouds as actual blood. The color shrieked. This became The Scream." This inspired Munch to call it the scream, which supports the negative or an eerie mood to the painting.
    I think Munch was trying to represent a horrible disaster like the eruption of Krakatoa that was about a decade before he painted "The Scream" and the eruption was represented as the red clouds and the orange sky.

  5. I have to agree with both you, Quintin, and you, Noah. The painting looks very eriee as if something bad is going to happen, or even has already happen. The pictures and strokes seem to be distorted and chaotic, adding a very disturbing effect to the picture that gives you a bone chilling feeling. Also the usually natural features seem to represent the complete opposite of what they mean. Instead of symbolizing life, thriving, and peace, it seems the picture is "screaming out" a more sinister atmosphere.

    On the contrary you can find a more friendly feeling or menacing feeling depending on the person observing the picture. And it all depend if you see a sunset or a sunrise. If you look at it as a sunrise it seems as the beginning of something new, something great. The images really make an impact if you just take a second to see differently. There are people in the background who seems as if they are actually enjoying the day. There are no fire arms, or knights in shinning armor. All in all it just depends on the person viewing the image since there are so many possibilities that appear from this. Personally I believe that the artist meant to make a more eerie feeling, but who knows for certain what emotions that Munch painted on to this canvas.

  6. I have a couple of different theories on the painting. It could easily be terror and fear, as shown by the man's wide, gaping mouth, just like Tyler said. In my opinion, I think there's a little more to the picture. Just like an artist paints layers and layers, the idea itself has it's own layers. The beautiful sunset is portrayed with the swirling oranges and yellows, and the water flows in and out with the waves.

    I took note of Noah's quote from Munch. To me, this proves that Munch was speaking of the incredible power of nature. The colors, the sounds, everything was crashing together in that one moment. Our human brains are special, but they are nothing compared to the wonders of Mother Nature. Perhaps all the sights and everything coming together was just too much to handle. It could have reminded him of something, some sorrow, some memory that shook him. His heart beating, his eyes widening, it would have been like an explosion, a scream that shook the land. The person in the picture could have been autistic, and that would be the prompt for this sort of image. Edvard might have been portraying an autistic person, or even himself falling, succumbing to Mother Nature.

    All the people wearing black is evidence of some sorrow. So it could easily be a memory. Since everyone has chosen to wear black, it might be a sorrow that the whole nation shares. Quintin suggested a tsunami, which would both support the black clothes, the overwhelming nature, and the memories.

    So in conclusion, I think Munch was trying to depict the overwhelming nature of Nature itself. Though sometimes, an artist's aim is to find what the diverse population thinks. As shown in our blog, there are so many different ideas and possibilities, but this is just my opinion.

    I hope you enjoyed! Please leave feedback and all! Now I must continue to my impending projects and homework! (Ehhhhh.....) Goodbye!

    Sriha S.

    1. I like the idea that the "jumble" of colors indicates "everything was crashing together at that moment." Certainly, the figure's facial expression could be a result of such a dramatic collision of ideas, nature, the WORLD. You reminded me of a line from Wordsworth: "The world is too much with us." The collision of everything at once, the swirling of diffracted color, must be "too much," overwhelming to the point of a "scream"

      Good response, Sriha!

  7. I agree with Noah and Sriha. In my opinion, the picture has a spine-chilling feel to it. Like the name says," Scream" it already hints that the painting is meant to have a fearsome affect on people. The orange sways of the painting represents a beautiful sunset. There is also a dock over some water. This gives the painting a calm setting. But soon the screaming person give the painting a feeling of sudden fear.

    To me, the author was trying to show that even in a calm, peaceful life there can still be a horrible, alarming thing in life that can make you scream. I think the artist tried to show a fearful scene. The artist is trying to show in a calm setting something scary could still happen. Munch was probably trying to show feelings he had at a tough and difficult time. He probably tried to express his feelings through this picture.

    -Eliza A.

  8. I agree with you guys because there is definitely something eerie lurking in "The Scream". I think Munch intended it to be eerie, though. I think he wanted to capture pain and suffering in this painting. The colors in the painting seem to get darker and the strokes get more straight, the farther down you go. Munch makes it obvious that something will happen, or is happening. Also if you look closely at the water, near the middle, there is a dark figure standing behind the screamer. Could this be what the screamer is scared of?

    There's something unnerving about "The Scream". It's a creeping feeling that you get whenever you look at it. If you think about it, when you cover up the screamer with your hand, it seems a lot more peaceful; people are strolling on a dock or a pier, the wavy sunset smearing the sky, and even the dark blue water. However if you look at it, with the screamer, there is an ominous force, lurking in the canvas. Not to mention the dark figure in the water, behind the screamer. The screamer itself looks unnaturally pale and otherworldly and doesn't seem completely human, either. The expression of the screamer and the dark colors give a foreshadowing that something bad is about to happen.
    -Isaac E.

  9. I think this painting is about a scream or, like the picture shows, a person screaming. You can start to get a spooky/gloomy vibe from this painting just from all of the darker colors. Also the person in there looks horrified so he decides to scream. In the painting there are many different values or shades that show it is more towards the night time but then you see the more vibrant hues and you can tell that the sun is setting. Also if you look at the brush strokes you will see that most of them are rounded. Just to get everyone thinking, what are the people farther behind him doing? Are they running towards him, screaming, or are they just standing there?

  10. I have to agree with Quintin and Noah. I think that there is an eerie hint to the picture. It is obviously trying to tell a story, however, the story is hidden in the background. I believe that the meaning is hidden in the mix of colors. The colors seem to be linked to a past or future event.

    I think the person is like part of the background, he is almost blending in with everything else (unless my color-blindness is getting to me). The ornage like color seems to say "beware". The people behind him seem spooky to me, are they part of the "AAAHHH EVERYONE RUN FOR THEIR LIVES!" theme? Or are they just the people in background put there for no apparent reason?

    1. You have color blindness? Oh yeah!! Could you possibly tell me how you see things? Like what does an apple look like? A field? Thanks!

      Sriha S. =^.^=

  11. I think that Munch wanted to show us that even to happiest and calmest places have fear. The person in the painting looks like they are at a boardwalk or at the beach. Although the person is at one of the happiest or calmest places, they are screaming. I feel like Munch wanted to create an "eerie" feeling ,as someone stated up there^. This painting has a mixture of dark and light colors to create a confusing statement to make the viewer think if the painting is happy or sad

  12. I think that the painting, 'Scream' goes with a scary feeling. Notice that the man in the front is looking right at us and his hands are covering his ears. His expression is just shock because his mouth is in the shape of an O. Just what is he scared of although? Is he scared of us? Maybe. But probably not. If he was scared of people, then what about the people in the background? Why acknowledge only us? While the man in the front is scared, the people in the back are not. Instead it seems as if the people are relaxing an enjoyable evening.

    Also, the brush storks in the painting are very noticeable. I personally think that it was like the artist, Edvard Munch, was delicate with this painting yet he planned out every brush stroke. He, of course, knew what he was doing. Yet, I am still wondering, Who is the person supposed to represent? Maybe he knows what will happen. What if he is trying to tell us something in particular?
    ~Sofia K.

  13. I think that the painting shows a happy background but scary moment. For example the wave is really big and its facing the boardwalk like it is going to hit them. The person seems frightened or terrified and he is wearing black which signals to me that something bad is going to happen or has already happened. The author used light and dark colors in many layers of thin paint. It might signify a happy background or day but a scary moment in time.

    I agree with Sofia because he looks shocked because his face looks like an O. I also agree with Quintin because the colors sort of cast a dark and eerie setting of the painting. It's almost like he is trying to show a huge disastrous thing that happened.

    1. -Adrian J. LOL forgot my name

    2. Very creative Blogger name, Adrian.

      Sriha S. =^.^=

  14. I agree with Noah and Tyler that it does give and eerie mood. The painting has a dark feeling but also a nice feeling. The orange sunset sky looks beautiful but if you look at the water it is dark which makes it give out and evil chaotic feeling. But both of these objects are apart of nature.

    Also notice the screaming guy/girl. The person is dressed in black and so are the people in the background. This adds on to the dark evil feeling. But if pay close attention you notic that most of these thing are apart of nature(The sky and water). So what I think this painting means is that nature can be beautiful and terrifying.
    -Maximillion Vidal

  15. I think that the picture's colors are moody and dark as well as depressing. The person in the picture seems sad and afraid. The dark colors seem to make the person scared. What catches my eye is how the person has his arms around his head. I think that he is trying to protect himself. The fact that his mouth is open could be because he sees something that he finds scary and depressing and is yelling in fear or shock. The red sky; however contrasts with the rest of the painting. Instead of being sad or scary, it almost makes it seem emotional.

    The heavy deep strokes add on to the sadness factor of the painting. They almost carry sorrow in them. Most of colors also get more depressing with the strokes.The person's structure show that he has been through very bad times and can't handle it. Years of depression have taken its tole on this person. The sky could show a way or form of happiness in the darkest time. We may never know what Edvard Munch meant by "Scream" but in my opinion it is about a person being scared, alone, and depressed finding a way toward happiness.
    -Isaiah A

  16. I believe that this painting represents that something bad is happening. For example, I took note to the man standing in the front with his mouth wide open in terror. In contrast to the man with his mouth wide open, the people behind him look as if they are at peace and calm. I also noticed the dark black object in the center of the dark blue wave in the back of the painting. Death may often be depicted by the color black.
    What I think Munch was trying to describe in this picture was how different people deal with their own mortality. The reason that I say this is because some people are terrified with the thought of their own death, while others are at complete and utter peace with death. It is also important to note that the person who is scared is alone. The couple in the picture are at peace together and look as if they are walking into the sunset. Happiness is often represented in numbers.
    So in conclusion, I agree with Quintin and Sriha. This painting like most of his others cast an eerie, dark, negative feeling. They make you think about life in general.

  17. I think the basis of this picture is a depressing basis as Isaiah commented. I think this picture has a depressing basis because you see the painting is entitled as "Scream" and to me i think that is depressing. One of the reasons why I think this picture has a depressing basis is because you can see him/her with her mouth open and his/her has his/her's hands around their head which could mean something bad which, I think that's what the artist is trying to represent in this "Scream" painting. There is a thing that catches my eye, this picture has a dark feeling but then it has a nice feeling, that is because the sky looks perfectly fine with the orange sunset and all but, when you look at the water as Maxamillion said the sky is dark which throws a dark and evil spirited feeling at me and maybe everyone else or just some people. In my opinion i think this picture represents depressed. -Carlvesi L.

  18. I agree with most students up there^ about the eerie/scary look. I can also see that scream is in the picture. What I think Munch was trying to describe, was that even on the calmest or happiest places there could still be negative vibes. This painting really does looks creepy because of the character and the time of day. It looks like it would be later in the afternoon when the sun is going down so it gives a more scary look with Scream in the picture. It looks like something bad could happen

  19. I agree that the painting is showing that something bad is happening or that something bad is going to happen. The dark colors give some sort spooky feeling. Also, the expression on the person's face seems terrified or scared. The wavy strokes of color make it seem as if the picture is swaying. Additionally, the two figures behind the person screaming come be going after that person. That could be one reason he looks so frightened. This painting shows that a disaster is happening.

  20. I think that both carl and Jackson have excellent points some include: the picture has a dark feeling and that different people deal with different mortality .I think that the pictures describes both dark and warm colors. The picture also has a wavy texture to it.
    Also this painting generates an eerie mood. also there is a sense of sadness in the picture. I also agree with saskia because are the people running towards them or are they just standing there.

  21. When I first looked at this painting I thought that it symbolized something is coming or something bad is happening. We're looking straight at a person's terrified face, and can't exactly see whats going on in front of him/her. I used to think that the people behind him/her was causing that eerie expression, but if you were that person would you look straight at nothing and make a scared facial expression? I concluded that the most likely cause of this is something going on in front of him/her.To add to my statement the colors in the background are dark and curving, giving off the impression that it's like a horrible nightmare or hallucination.

  22. I agree with everyone who said that Munch may have been trying to convey a sense of sadness, but I also feel like he was commenting on a sense of wonder. I strongly agree with Sriha, and her idea of a connection with nature. I also feel like Munch might have wanted to point out the similarities between nature, and the human spirit. The contrast of colors(orange, yellow, red versus black, blue, gray), combined with the text Noah found, suggests that Munch was trying to interpret a sense of balance. The balance of nature, perhaps. The wavy strokes could indicate the “flow” of nature, and how easily it can be disrupted by conflict.

    When people discover that the title of the painting is “Scream”, what kind of ideas or conclusions do their minds automatically form? Munch may have been inspired by the idea of a “silent scream”, which could have represented previously unknown danger, the most common kind of danger found in nature. Prey and predator, for example.

    In conclusion, I think that Munch intended for people to interpret the painting in different ways. I felt a strong vibe, of nature, and the human spirit. Munch could have been trying to say: “The balance between nature, and the human spirit is not so different, after all.”

    1. Wow, Kylee, nice response. (I'm flattered by the reference as well)! :)

      Sriha S. =^.^=

    2. Really excellent analysis, Kylee. I see how balance is in play here -- particularly the way the objects are balanced in the painting, dark with lights, heavy black figure at the foreground balanced with black figures in the background, almost as if the bridge is a see-saw and these figures are keeping it from tipping him into the sea (nature).

  23. I think this painting was trying to capture a sadness. As you can see in the picture, it is mostly dark or warm colors in it. Dark for blue and black and warm colors for orange, red, yellow, and brown. Not one of these lies re straight. They all have some type of curve to them. I think the lines are trying to capture confusion since they are not straight.

    This painting was also trying to capture fright. The person in the photo afraid as his mouth is wide open in shock. His face is like a sickly pale color. The artist must have done this on purpose. He is dressed in dark colors like a sadness or fright. I also agree with Kylee on the "silent scream" idea. The unknown danger in nature. He is most likely to be scared of something that has happened in the past.

  24. I think this painting shows that its someone's soul that has been broken for a long time. Also the painting is called scream so the soul is trying to get out of danger by screaming. The colors represents the person trying to be happy but still gets no were in life. This painting is full of mixed emotions. It brings out a side of someone that you don't want to see or feel your self.
    I think that the colors in this painting are very dark and moody. like I said before I think that the image sends mixed emotions to the seeker. the brushing is very thick, meaning that the painter had very painful moments in there life time. the artist must of had a bad life as a child or even growing up. I think that this painting represents bad life time experience.

  25. So this is kinda an add on to my previous reply!

    I was looking briefly at Period 4's blog, and I was captivated by someone's reply. It said that the man in the picture could be making a funny face. Why not? Could this be the beginning of a selfie? Was Munch saying, #funnyface #selfieinsunset ? Why not? It might be ironic. the black and the colors. The person might be trying to stand out!

    The man could also be just plain captivated by the sheer beauty of nature. He doesn't seem to be that scared. Perhaps the artist thought differently and named it Scream, or just named it that way as a joke. Why can't artists be funny?

    Sriha S. =^.^=

    1. Also:

      Congratulations Ms. Mansour for getting 100 profile views!!

      Sriha S. =^.^=

  26. In this painting that really catches my eye is definitely how the the head is shaped and the expression on it. When I first saw the picture, my eye flowed through the brush strokes of the sunset, then to water and eventually, the face. The brush strokes are very noticeable which catches my eye as well. It seems sort of scary because the man is looking right at us with a scared or maybe even surprised expression. This artwork named "Scream" is really deep and interesting. If you asked the artist, there may be a long story behind it.
    I agree with Sofia K. because she explains the picture so well as if she were the artist. I do as well wonder what the man in front is trying to represent. Is it us? Maybe if this painting happened in real life, maybe when the artist was walking on that bridge the man saw him and was like "Oh my gosh you're Edvard Munch! I can't believe it's you!" That could be it.
    -Katelyn C.

  27. I think the painting by Munch is meant to signify some one screaming (obviously) at something that has frightened him while walking down the street. I feel it shows a creepy image that I believe was meant to show what kind of person the subject is. It shows the subject wearing all black, possibly mentioning that the person is a dark, mysterious person. You can tell the subject is in complete awe of what is in front of it. You can tell by looking at his wide mouth and its hands on its face. Completely in shock.

    As this subject is walking down the street, night is approaching. You can tell the sun is setting with the use of yellow and orange. It seems that the figure in the painting is walking on some kind of a beach or boardwalk of some sort. I think this because you can see the water in the distance and its walking over some kind of bridge made of wood. Maybe it was a bridge to get across the water. It looks like a really nice evening, but maybe not for the subject considering how frightened it looked.

  28. I think that painting represents the flow of life. By this I mean that something in that persons life was wrong or they were dealing with something tragic. There are three people in the picture. However they are all dressed in black. I think that when people are dressed in black something bad has happened and that is how they express emotional problems.

    I agree with Quintin because the state that the person was in seems like something tragic happened. It seems like that because they are in black. They also have their hands on their face with their jaw dropped. Normally when people do this they are surprised or shocked. That could also symbolize that they were shocked because something tragic happened. Who knows what it could mean unless someone knew what mental state that person or painter was in.

  29. I think this picture explains on how life is. It explains how their are bad things in life with its dark colors. Not only this, but the screaming person explains most of the setting. I believe the bright orange color is the light explaining on how new things begin and how things could change. Overall I think this picture explains on how the artist truly fells about his own life.
    I also agree with Quinten and that is seems something terrible and tragic has happened. The persons face on the picture looks shocked with his dropping jaw. It truly explains on how some things are truly tragic. The sun seems to be coming up because of the orange background. This shows on how there may be tragic things, but it's a new day. This artist showed how even though bad things happen, it could be changed.

  30. I believe the painting, 'screams' out an eerie mood, with the wobbly textures, making an image something like a mirage, something you'd experience in a bad situation, but it also seems that this particular person is the only one who feels and sees this crazy effect, almost like nausea. The bulging eyes really note a true experience of horror, maybe a loved one's sudden death or something of the sorts. It can also just be an ordinary thing like seeing someone trip, things like that, small effect to everyone else, but big impact on another.

    This painting seems to be set on a bridge, while it is sunset, will there is an ocean or large body of water, but the wavy fell of paintbrush, makes it look much more moody and scary. Overall I think, like people such as Quintin and Noah believe, that this general image, was set up to have an eerie, moody scene, with a hint of tragic event mixed in to it. It can be so much more, like a horrible disaster, maybe even a tsunami or earthquake, or it can be very simple, such as life where there are some bad experiences, such as a fear of deep water, which could explain why he is so 'afraid or sad', That is all I have to say about this painting! Good Job, Munch!

    ~Julian M.
    BTW I am sick, which explains why I was gone since 4th period.
